2015-04-15 State of Israel v David Levy (42814-10-14) - Dr Zernik's Repeat Request for Due Process, in re: February 28, 2014 Request to Inspect // מדינת ישראל נ דוד לוי (42814-10-14) – בקשתו החוזרת של דר' יוסף צרניק להליך הוגן בנידון בקשה לעיון מיום 28 לפברואר, 2015

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Human Rights Alert (NGO)

Joseph Zernik, PhD

PO Box 33407, Tel-Aviv, Israel
",33407 "
Fax: 077-3179186
Email: joseph.zernik@hra-ngo.org

April 15, 2015

Chief Clerk Sarah Yanay
Central District Court Lydia
By fax: 08-6683476
RE: State of Israel v David Levy (42814-10-14)

Dear Chief Clerk Yanay:

Attached is my Repeat Request for Due Process in the court file in
In case there is a need for a request paper, bearing the original signature,
please notice me by fax, mail, or email (contact information is provided
above), and I would send it by certified mail to your office.
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
2015 , 15

08-6683476 :
(42814-10-14) :
, , ,
. ,(" )

Human Rights Alert - NGO

Center-Lydia District Court
State of Israel v David Levy


Joseph Zernik, PhD

Human Rights Alert - NGO

PO Box 33407, Tel-Aviv
Email: joseph.zernik@hra-ngo.org
Fax: 077-3179186

Repeat Request for Due Process, in re: My February 28,

2014 Request to Inspect
The Court is requested to respond on instant Request within 14 days.
I, the undersigned, Joseph Zernik, PhD, knowing that I must say the truth,
and that I may be subject to penalties provided by law if I do no do so, state
as follows:

1. My name is Joseph Zernik; ID number as provided in the original February

28, 2015 Request to Inspect.

2. On February 28, 2015, I sent by fax to the Office of the Clerk Request to
Inspect in instant court file. [1]

3. On March 22, 2015, I sent by fax to the Office of the Clerk Request for Due
Process in instant court file. [2]

4. On March 23, 2015, I received by fax Judge Lorch's Decision of the same
date, ordering the parties to respond and serve their response on the
Requester. [3]

5. To this date, I have received no response by the parties and no decision

on my Request to Inspect.

6. Instant court file is listed in Net-HaMishpat under General Details as

Open to the Public. Regardless, it is obvious that most decisions in this
case are not duly registered in the public access system.
a) Request for service of responses by the parties' on the Requester

7. Therefore, in case responses by the parties in this case on my original

February 28, 2014 Request to Inspect were filed or will be filed in Court, I
herein request that the Court order the parties to duly serve such
responses on me - the Requester.
b) Request for due rendering/registration/service of decisions

8. Therefore, if no decision was rendered on my Request to Inspect I herein

request that the Court duly render its decision in this matter. In case
decision/s have been rendered I herein request that the Court duly

register such decisions in the public access system and duly serve its
decision/s on me.
The Court should abide with provisions of the law and the fundamentals of
Due Process in this matter.
Today, April 15, 2015

Joseph Zernik, PhD - Requester






28.2015 ,





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