Five Top Coverlines For Magazine

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Which five of these are your

favourite cover lines for the Sixth

form school magazine?
How to gain more UCAS points
Win tickets to the school talent show
Puzzles inside
School fixtures
New school art gallery open
A students own story
Why not to leave revision to the last
School football team reaches the final
School trip to New York coming soon
The big debate, how do you feel
about the sixth form dress code?

Tick appropriate five

lllll lllll lllll = 15

lllll ll =7
lllll = 5
ll = 2
lllll lllll lllll llll = 19
llll = 4
lllll lllll lllll ll = 17
lll = 3
lllll lllll lllll l = 16
lllll lllll ll = 12

I asked 20 people within my target audience which 5 cover lines they most liked
from the 10 I gave. To make it fair I asked 10 males and 10 females. I told them
that the 5 they chose would be most likely to appear on my front cover of the
sixth form school magazine.
From the results I got, I have found out that the top 5 most popular cover lines

New school art gallery open

Why not to leave revision to the last minute`
School trip to New York coming soon
How to gain more UCAS points
The big debate, how do you feel about the sixth form dress code?

This means that I will consider using these on my magazine front cover when
putting it all together as they were most liked by my target audience.

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