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Conditionalul zero

Conditionalul zero descrie actiuni care au loc de obicei / mereu sau da

anumite instructiuni.

Lucruri care se intampla mereu / de obicei

In acest tip de propozitie se foloseste present simple in ambele
If + present simple, present simple.
If I have a cold, (usually, always) stay at home.
In acest tip de propozitie se foloseste present simple dupa if si
imperativul (imperativul = infinitivul scurt) in principala.
If + present simple, imperativ.
If you feel tired, have a rest.

Conditionalul I: situatii reale

Propozitiile conditionale descriu situatii posibile si rezultatele lor. In situatiile
reale stim sigur ca ceva se va intampla daca cineva face o anumita actiune.
Se foloseste present simple dupa if si will in principala: if + present
simple, will + verb.
If you miss the bus, your teacher will be angry. (propozitiile sunt separate
prin virgula daca se incepe cu propozitia conditionala).
Your teacher will be angry if you miss the bus (fara virgula).
Conditionalul II: conditii imaginare
In situatiile imaginare ne imaginam o situatie diferita si un rezultat diferit.

In acest tip de conditionala, folosim past simple dupa if si would /

wouldnt in principala:

If + past simple, would + verb.

If I knew the answer, I would tell you. in the real situation, I dont know
the answer.
In acest caz, past simple nu exprima un timp trecut, ci un prezent diferit.
If I had a helicopter, I would fly to school.
If I were... or If I was... (daca as fi)

If I were ... se foloseste in engleza scrisa / formala.

If I were a rock star, Id live in New York.
If I were the head teacher, Id give the class a holiday!
If I was... se foloseste in stilul informal.
If I was a rock star, Id live in New York.
If I was rich, Id buy you a drink!
Putem folosi If I were you... (daca as fi in locul tau) pentru a da
Ive got a terrible headache!
If I were you, Id take an aspirin!
I feel really tired.
If I were you, I wouldnt go to bed late!

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