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What technological innovations made the global domination of the West possible?

• deep-draft, round-hulled sailing ships – could carry heavy armament

• compass
• cannons – metalwork & gunpowder
• leads to military advantage over rest of world
Describe the early exploration of the world by the West.
• Portuguese start – down coast of Africa
• Spain – Americas, Philippines
• Vasco da Gama to India
• Portuguese to Brazil, set up forts in Africa, Indonesia, Japan
• Magellan around world
• France, England, Dutch (counter Catholic gains)
• French – North America
• British - North America, West Indies
• Dutch – Southeast Asia, South Africa
What was the Columbian exchange?
• A biological exchange- means that things like diseases and slaves were traded.
Define the terms “core area” & “dependent zone”.
• Core area – dominant countries, good economies, mercantilism, tariffs, used raw materials from dependent zones to
manufacture goods and sell back to dependent zones
• Dependent Zone – produce low cost goods, raw materials, human labor, sell to core areas, rely on core areas for
manufactured goods
What areas remained outside the new global economy prior to 1600? What areas were added in the 17th century?
• East Asia
• Japan
• Mughal Empire in India
• Russia
• India
• Eastern Europe
• Latin America
How did the British & French North America differ from other European colonies?
• religious refugees
• government land grants, recruit settlers
• kept Western civilization, didn’t mix with Indians (no new cultural groups)
• less treasure seeking – more “settled”
• strongly influenced by European politics, culture
What were the results of the creation of a world economy?
• internal changes within areas
• Africa – loss of young people
• India – manufacturing decline
• Interactions with Europeans
Discuss the ways that the creation of a global economy in the 16th & 17th centuries differed from the previous trade networks
that had existed between civilizations.
• dominated by West – not East or Islam
• new areas added – Africa, Americas
• increase in international trade leads to core regions & dependent zones
• dependent zones exploited by core regions
• raw materials exported (coercive labor systems)
Discuss the reasons allowing the West to establish its dominance in the global trade network of the 17th century.
• withdrawal of possible rivals (China, Islamic world)
• Ottomans not dedicated to commerce & not fully in control of regions critical to Islamic trade network
• China self-sufficient, withdraws from world trade network
• Japan isolates

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