3rd Observation

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6th Grade!
Objectives !
Cognitive: Students will 1) understand triplet equals three sounds in one beat 2)
understand and be able to describe solfege, octave, interval in their own words. !
Behavioral: Students will be able to sing with dynamic contrasts!

Wrokin on the Railroad (12 mins)!

1. Warm-up (abdominal breath, tone, theory)!
Throw a disk: hoo !
C maj. scale (introduce do & sol hand sign). OCTAVE.!
INTERVAL. Ss: Unison do on oo + T: sol (P4)!

TRIPLET. fid-dle-ee. Three sounds in one beat. !

2. REVIEW: mm. 21 - 34 (dynamics) / mm. 35 - 42 (triplets)!
WALK IN A LINE: T leads the line. Show dynamic by changing height (p - mp mf)!
Go back to your seats!

Sing with the accompaniment!

4. RE-INTRODUCE: mm. 43 - 50!
Echo-sing / Score-reading!
Part I / Part II / together!

Conduct & feedbacks!

5. INTRODUCE: mm. 51 - 58!
Echo-sing !

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