Jamie Turner Discussion Questionainair

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Jamie Turner at MLI, Inc.

Discussion Questions
1. How are the personalities of Jamie Turner and Pat Cardullo similar and different (in terms of the
Big Five traits)?
2. How much of Jamie Turners predicament would you attribute to mistakes he made?
3. What were key choice points where either Turner or Cardullo could have done things
4. How should Turner approach Cardullo at the end of the case?
5. At what point in a job does Jamie seem to second-guess his career choice in all the positions he
has held? What seems to be his values?
6. Were both Cardullos and Turners early expectations unrealistic? Why or why not?
7. What, if anything, should Jamie have done differently in his initial evaluation process of MLI to
be certain he was making the best decision based on his personality, values, and goals?
8. What, if anything, could Cardullo have done differently to introduce Jamie Turner to MLI?
9. What do you think of Jamies early moves/management decisions at MLI? What biases and
errors can you identify in his thinking?
10. How do moods and emotions play a role in Jamies problems with Cardullo?
11. Why did the relationship between Jamie and Chin deteriorate? How might it be restored to a
good working relationship?
12. What can Jamie do to stay at MLI? What do you think of his future in the company?

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