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LiteraryKey device that supports the claim

The paragraph must include:

ClaimUse claim template. Write a claim that identifies a choice the writer makes in his/her
writing (e.g., use of motifs, symbols, repetition, metaphors, similes, characters, flashbacks, etc.)
that supports the claim.
Contextdescribe the context of the events.
Quotesuse exact words from the text that are examples of this choice.
Warrantprovide your thinking. An explanation of how the literary device supports the claim.
Concluding sentencerepeat key words from the topic sentence to connect and explain the
writers choice.

*You should have at least TWO-THREE examples of your literary device throughout the text.
ModelOf Mice and Men
In Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck uses rabbits as a symbol of George and Lennies attempt to achieve
the American dream. Lennie directly relates caring for rabbits to their plan of owning their own farm one day.
Lennie describes this when he demands George to describe their plan, An live off the fatta the lan, Lennie
shouted. An have rabbits (10). Rabbits are continuously referenced when George and Lennies plan is
discussed. Other characters also use rabbits as a symbol of the American dream. Candy illustrates this
symbolism when he finds Lennie in Crooks room and says, Tell ya what, Lennie. I been figuring out about
them rabbits (40). Candy decides he wants to partake in George and Lennies plan to own their farm and then
refers to the rabbits whenever he wants to discuss the farm. Finally, after Lennie has accidently kills Curleys
wife and runs to the brush he sees an imaginary rabbit that speaks to him. It is in this dialogue that their plan of
owning their own farm will not happen thus proving the dream is unachievable. Steinbeck describes this when
the rabbit says, If you think George gonna let you tend rabbits, youre even craziern usual. He aint (67).
Steinbeck chooses the hallucination of a rabbit to talk to Lennie because it is a symbol of their dream. Lennie
understands that their dream will not come true. Steinbeck uses the symbol to emphasize the fact that the
American dream is just how it is described, a dream.

You have also developed a CLAIM, which will serve as your TOPIC SENTENCE (the first sentence of your
o Make sure your claim is debatable and can be supported with evidence from the text. It should
NOT be just a fact from the text.
o Formula:
In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses ____________________________________ to show
(symbol / motif / character / etc.)
(thematic concept and/or authors intent)

The body of this paragraph should SHOW how your claim is true. This means it must be supported by
EVIDENCE from the novel.

Provide at least two quotes to support your claim.

Cite them in MLA style: Blah, blah, blah (15).


Your paragraph must be typed in MLA format12 point, Times New Roman, one inch margin, double
Third person voice (no I or you)
All verbs in the present tense (no ed verbs, for example)

GRADING: 25 points (Product Grade)

I will be looking at how well you incorporate the following:

Strong topic sentence (claim)

Quotesrelevant and supportive of claim
Context for quote/explanation
Warrantyour thinking, supportive of claim
GUMS and MLAMinimal to no errors and in MLA format

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