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Mrs Hrycenkos Discipline Plan

In order to provide each student in our classroom with the best learning
environment possible, I will be using the following discipline plan.
I believe every student has the right to:
1. Choose how to behave and to know the consequences.
2. Have a teacher who will provide him/her with positive support for
appropriate behaviour.
3. Have a teacher who will help him/her limit inappropriate self- disruptive

1. Listen carefully.
2. Follow directions.
3. Work quietly.
4. Respect others. (Be kind with words and actions.)
5. Respect school and personal property.
6. Complete work and stay on task.


1. Praise and rewards
2. Special privileges
3. Improved grades
4. Greater self-esteem through achievement
5. French Friday Fun


1. Warning
2. Mark X on discipline log and miss 10 minutes of recess
3. Mark second X on log, miss 20 minutes of recess and note sent to parents
4. Mark third X on discipline log, call parents and after school detention
Severe behaviour will result in removal to office or school wide time out.

We have read and understand the discipline plan for our classroom.
Parents Signatures_______________________ _______________________
Student Signature______________________

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