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Brittany Slayton

Multi-Genre Project
Trivia Game

Smithsonian Trivial Pursuit Study Guide

1. __________________________ the dog was the most decorated combatant of WWI.
2. Psychologist B.F. Skinner created the worlds first ______________________________
missile system.
3. Only _____% of 137 million artifacts on display.
4. A 20 pound badger on wheels was used to do what?
5. The Smithsonian houses some of the worlds weirdest artifacts, one of which is a beard
from Hans Lang. How long in feet was Lang's beard? __________________________
6. A special kitchen is housed by the Smithsonian, can you name it?
7. Name three types of artifacts the Smithsonian keeps according to Wayne Clough.
8. Claude Hensinger used a parachute to escape a plane crash during which war?
a. WWI
b. Vietnam
c. Iraq
d. WW2
9. Claude Hensinger was on a B-29 pilot plane running from bombs. Why did he deploy his
10. What happened to the combatants who jumped out of the plane with Hensinger and
landed on operated Chinese land?
11. The Smithsonian is considered a Government ran institution.

Brittany Slayton
Multi-Genre Project
Trivia Game

12. What is the Smithsonians slogan?

13. What is a widely expressed opinion of the Smithsonian in Congress?
14. What was President Hardings suggestion to congress about the Smithsonian?
15. What is the size of the Chauvet cave?
a. The size of one football field
b. The size of one Rugby field
c. 200 yards
d. 200 feet
16. Who helped recreate the drawings in the Caverne du Pont dArc?
17. How long ago is it estimated the animals in the cave drawings went extinct?
18. Who discovered the original cavern?
19. How was the cave preserved?
20. How did the cave men use limestone to help create their artwork?
Smithsonian Trivial Pursuit Rules
1. You may not use study guide during game

Brittany Slayton
Multi-Genre Project
Trivia Game


You must write your final answer down

You must raise your final answer when time is called
The first place will win 5 bonus points
Good luck!

Smithsonian Trivial Pursuit Game






Brittany Slayton
Multi-Genre Project
Trivia Game
During WWI, a man used a parachute to escape a burning plane. Name the
A. Claude Stark
B. Claude Wayne
C. Claude Kent
D. Claude Hensinger
The Chauvet Cave is about the size of _________________.
A. A rugby field
B. Tates Creek High School
C. A football field
D. A baseball field
What was President Hardings suggestion to Congress about the Smithsonian?
A. It should be in a new department of education and welfare
B. To be a government institution
C. To be publically ran
D. To go public on the stock market
In the Chauvet Cave, how old are the animals estimated to be in the cave
A. 1,000,000 years old
B. 10,000 years old
C. 1,000 years old
D. 50,000 years old
The Smithsonian is considered a government ran institution.


6. Claude Hensinger escaped a burning B-29 Pilot plane in what war?

A. Iraq
B. Vietnam
7. Who helped recreate the drawings in the Caverne du Pont dArc?
A. Jacques Louis David
B. Alain Dalis
C. Amadeus Bach
D. Francisco Goya
8. Who discovered the original Chauvet cave? (Pick all that apply)
A. Jean-Marie Chauvet
B. Eliette Burnel
C. Jacques Louis David
D. Christian Hillaire
9. How did Claude Hensinger propose to his wife?


Brittany Slayton
Multi-Genre Project
Trivia Game
10.What happened to the combatants who landed in occupied Chinese land?
A. They carry on with the war
B. They were best friends with the enemy
C. They got free Chinese food
D. They became war prisoners
11.What is the Smithsonians slogan?


12.What is Congress opinion on the Smithsonian?

13.Why did Claude Hensinger deploy his parachute from the B-29 Pilot plane?
A. To make people laugh
B. Because it was routine
C. To impress the pilot
D. To escape aa fiery plane
14.How was the Chauvet cave preserved?
A. Superman closed it off with a rock
B. Batman covered it up with his wings
C. Spiderman wove a web across the opening
D. A 29,000 year old rock slide
15.How did cavemen use limestone to create depth in their paintings?

16.Why did B.F. Skinners pigeon guided missile system fail?
A. Missiles couldnt keep up with the pigeons
B. Pigeons were not smart enough to guide missile systems
C. There were too many obstacles
D. All of the above
17.How long is Hans Langs beard?
A. 17 Feet
B. 18 Feet
C. 1 Yard
D. 1 Mile
18.Why was a 20 pound badger on wheels used to train ferrets?
A. To get them out of captivity
B. To goof off
C. To impress their boss
D. All of the above
19.Why did James Smithson ask for the Smithsonian to be in Washington D.C.?


Brittany Slayton
Multi-Genre Project
Trivia Game
20.What was created at the Smithsonian to bring peace?
A. A huge mandala
B. A huge peace sign
C. A huge heart
D. All of the above

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