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Roots Station Expert Guide

A. Look at the examples of roots on the table. Choose one and draw a
detailed diagram of the root.

B. Read the information card. Complete the sentences below

1. Roots take
2. Roots


from the soil to the plant.

the plant in place.

3. Plants store

in their roots.

4. What would happen to a plant if it didnt have roots?

If a plant didnt have roots

C. Make up a song and a movement that will show the others in your
group how a root takes water from the ground into the plant.
You will teach this to your Jigsaw Group.

Leaf Station Expert Guide

A. Examine the leaves on the table with the magnifying glass. What do you
notice? Draw a detailed diagram of one leaf. Write about what you see.

B. Read the information card. Answer the questions below.

What is a leafs most important role for a plant?

What does it need to do its job?

How do plants help people?

Will a brown leaf produce food? Why or why not?

C. Make a song and a movement that will teach your groups about the
important job a leaf does.
You will teach this to your Jigsaw Group.

Stem Station Expert

A. Place the celery in the jar with colored water. Observe what happens.
Draw and label a diagram that shows what happened after 10 minutes.
Write several sentences about what you saw.


Read the information card.

Answer the questions below.
What are the main jobs of the

How is the plants stem like a straw?

What part of the body is it like? Why?

How are the stem of a tree and a flower the same? How are they different?

C. Create a song and a movement that demonstrates how water moves

through a stem.
You will teach this to your Jigsaw Group.

Flower Station Expert

A. Look at the pictures of flowers. How are they the same and how are they


B. Draw your favorite flower. What do you know about flowers?

Write it below.

C. Read the information sheet. Complete the sentences.

Flowers make

grow into new plants.

If a plant didnt make seeds

D. Make a song and a movement that tells how a seed turns into a flower
and a flower into a seed. You will teach this to your Jigsaw Group.

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