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Quiz 10.


AP Statistics


National Fuelsaver Corporation manufactures the Platinum Gasaver, a device they claim may increase
gas mileage by 22%. Here are the percent changes in gas mileage for 15 identical vehicles, as
presented in one of the companys advertisements:
48.3 46.9 46.8 44.6 40.2 38.5 34.6 33.7 28.7 28.7 24.8 10.8 10.4 6.9 12.4
1. Construct and interpret a 90% confidence interval to estimate the mean fuel savings in the
population of all such vehicles. Follow the Inference Toolbox.

2. Explain what 90% confidence means in this setting.

3. Comment on the manufacturers claim based on your work in Question 1.



Quiz 10.3B

AP Statistics


A news article on a Gallup Poll noted that 28 percent of the 1548 adults questioned felt that those who
were able to work should be taken off welfare. The article also said, The margin of error for a
sample size of 1548 is plus or minus three percentage points.
1. Opinion polls usually announce margins of error for 95% confidence. Using this fact, explain to
someone who knows no statistics what margin of error plus or minus three percentage points

2. Do you agree with the margin of error stated in the poll results? If so, explain why. If not, tell why

3. What is the 99% confidence interval from this poll? Interpret the interval in context.

4. What conditions must be met in order for the confidence interval in Question 3 to be valid? Check
whether each of those conditions is satisfied in this case.

5. This poll was conducted by telephone. Explain how undercoverage could lead to a biased estimate
in this case.



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