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Name: ________________


Sometimes a large number of atoms, in an object,
lose electrons. When this happens, the object
becomes electrically charged. When an object gains
electrons, the object becomes negatively charged.
an object loses electrons, the object becomes
positively charged. When objects carry an
electrical charge, static electricity is present. When
certain objects against one another, we create
which produces the static electricity. Static
electricity is electricity at rest.

gain or


we rub

What is friction? Friction is

what happens when any two
things rub against each other.
These can be solid things, like
your two hands rubbing together,
or your skis rubbing on the snow,
or a hammer hitting a nail, or they
can be gases, like friction with the
air slowing down your car, or

When objects rub against each other, friction is

created. When this happens, the atoms in the
objects are also rubbing against each other.
electrons jump out of objects and move into other
objects. This movement of electrons creates

Have you ever seen little sparks as you walked

across the carpet? The friction between your feet and the carpet transfers
electrons from your body to the carpet. Your body is then positively charged. If you
touch a metal object, electrons jump from the metal to your body. You will probably
feel a little shock and may even see sparks. This is static electricity. These sparks
are caused by electric charges leaping through the air.
The same thing happens when you see lightning during thunderstorms. The tiny
particles of ice, water and air inside the cloud rub against each other and form
friction which causes the atoms to gain or lose electrons.
When you rub a balloon with a piece of fur or woollen cloth, the friction between
the fur and the balloon causes electrons from the fur to transfer to the balloon. The
fur now has more protons than electrons and so it is positively charged. The
balloon has more electrons than protons and so it is negatively charged. The
balloon will now stick to other objects.
When objects have the same electrical charge, they repel each other. Objects
which have different electrical charges attract one another, just as the balloon was
attracted to other objects once it had become negative charged. This is known as
the Law of Electrostatics.

The Law of Electrostatics

Like charges repel and unlike charges attract.

static electricity friction(4) positively(3)

atoms electrons lightning attract(2)

the Law of

Name: ________________

gain or


we rub

Sometimes a large number of atoms, in an object,
lose electrons. When this happens, the object
becomes electrically charged. When an object gains
electrons, the object becomes ________________
When an object loses electrons, the object becomes
________________ charged. When objects carry an
electrical charge, static electricity is present. When
certain objects against one another, we create
___________ which produces the static electricity.
_________________________ is electricity at rest.

What is friction? Friction is

what happens when any two
things rub against each other.
These can be solid things, like
your two hands rubbing together,
or your skis rubbing on the snow,
or a hammer hitting a nail, or they
can be gases, like friction with the
air slowing down your car, or

When objects rub against each other, friction is

created. When this happens, the ___________ in the
objects are also rubbing against each other.
________________ jump out of objects and move into
other objects. This movement of electrons creates

Have you ever seen little sparks as you walked

across the carpet? The ___________ between your feet and the carpet transfers
electrons from your body to the carpet. Your body is then ________________ charged.
If you touch a metal object, electrons jump from the metal to your body. You will
probably feel a little shock and may even see sparks. This is static electricity. These
sparks are caused by electric charges leaping through the air.
The same thing happens when you see ________________ during thunderstorms. The
tiny particles of ice, water and air inside the cloud rub against each other and form
________________ which causes the atoms to gain or lose electrons.
When you rub a balloon with a piece of fur or woollen cloth, the ___________ between
the fur and the balloon causes electrons from the fur to transfer to the balloon. The
fur now has more protons than electrons and so it is ________________ charged. The
balloon has more electrons than protons and so it is ________________ charged. The
balloon will now stick to other objects.
When objects have the same electrical charge, they ___________ each other. Objects
which have different electrical charges ___________ one another, just as the balloon
was attracted to other objects once it had become negative charged. This is known
as _____________________________.

The Law of Electrostatics:

Like charges _________ and unlike charges


static electricity friction(4) positively(3)

atoms electrons lightning attract(2)

the Law of

Name: ________________

Static Electricity
Experiment #1: Balloon & Hair
OBSERVATION: What happens when you rub a balloon on your head? Include a picture.

What happens?

Why does this happen?

Experiment #2: Balloon & Woollen Cloth
PREDICTION: What do you think will happen when you rub a balloon with a piece of woollen
cloth and hold the cloth next to the balloon?
OBSERVATION: What happens when you hold the cloth next to the rubbed balloon?

Why does this happen?

Experiment #3(a): Balloon & Balloon

Name: ________________
PREDICTION: Rub a balloon with a piece of woollen cloth. What will happen when you bring
the rubbed balloon beside another balloon?
OBSERVATION: What happens when you bring the rubbed balloon beside another balloon?

Why does this happen?

Experiment #3(b): PREDICTION: If you also rub the other balloon with the cloth, what
do you think will happen when you hold the two rubbed balloons next to each other?
OBSERVATION:What happens when you hold the two rubbed balloons next to each other?

Why do does this happen?

*** HINT: It has something to do with positive and negative charges!!!

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