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No Child Left Behind Act Paper Reflection

Researching for this paper really opened my eyes to the flaws in policy in education. I
was a junior when I wrote and still getting my feet wet in my new world of education.
Educational policies have been hotly debated both in the media and also in many of our Neag
classes and the current issues and concerns stem from NCLB. The end of my paper fails to make
any definitive argument of what we should do about these issues and the reason for that is
because Im not sure if anybody actually knows. There has been ongoing educational reform for
decades and there have been issues with just about all of them. The answer to these issues is not
so simple and I certainly dont have one. The best I can do is stay up to date with the reforms
and understand how they will impact my students and me as a teacher. I have come a long way
in my understanding of these developments since my junior year, but I still remain absent of a
definitive answer of how we as a society can fix these issues. This is one area of education that
is constantly changing and my job is to adjust accordingly.

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