Touchstone 01 12

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A Look at the pictures. Write what you remember about each persono

2. Yoko's parents

3. Yoko's grandparents

B Number the lines of the conversations in the correct order. Then practice
with a partner.
1. __

I'm fram New York originally, but 1 live in Los Angeles now.
I'm fram Seattle.


LA's an interesting city.... How about you?

Really? What's it like?
Really? My sister's in Seattle right now.
_1 _ Where are you fram?

Alaska! Really? That's interesting.

_1_ Are these your parents?
__ They're in Alaska.
__ Where are they now?
__ Yes, that's my mom and dad.

2. __

e Write down three relatives'

names. Show them to a partner. Ask each

other questions about your relatives using the conversation below.
A Hey, who's this?
B This is my
A Really? Where's he / she fram?
A Really? How old is he / she?
B He's / She's


A What is he / she like?


Episode 1Giovanni Arrives Act 3

Touchstone Leve/1 Video worksheets

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