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e Who says these

thngst Check (1') the correct names.

ovo [ill
VHS 11:24




1. You're up early!
2. /t's busy, but llike it.
3. So, what do you do?
4. Well, Ilike sports. ; . '.
5. lt's an energy drink.
6. That's impressive.
1 I don't really have time right now.
8. 1probably watch toa much soccer!

o Listen for these

questions. Complete them. Notice how Alex and Gio ask

questions in two ways.

VHS 11:41


Gio But 1 want to speak perfect English.

Alex OK.Are your

1mean, do you have a lot of homework? '

2. Gio You're a personal trainer, right?
Alex Uh-huh,

do you go to the


Do you go every day?


ovo [ill
VHS 12:41

Listen for these sentences. Circle the correct responses.

1. Is that your breakfast?

a. No, it's not. b. No, it's a snack.
2. Do you play any sports?
a. Ves, 1do.
b. Yeah.
3. Do you ever watch soccer on TV?
a. Sure.
b. Well, sometimes.
4. What time does it start?
a. At 8:30.
b. Um, 8:30, 1think.
5. Thanks for breakfast, Yoko.
a. You're we1come.
b. No problem.
6. You ready?
a. Yeah.
b. Ves, 1amo

Touchstone Leve/1 Video worksheets

Episode 2 City Lile Act 1


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