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A What can you remember? What is each person doing tonight?

1. Alex
2. Liz
3. Gio
4. Yoko

B Complete the conversations with the questions in the box.

Then practice with a partner.

How much does it cost?

What time does the concert start?
Are you free tonight?
A .Hi, Leo. (1)

B Yes, 1 amo Why?

A 1 have tickets to a concert.

Iilly Cain is singing at

the Coffee Stop.

B Oh, 1love Iilly Cain! (2)

A 8:00.
B OK. (3)
A Nothing.

1have free tickets. Jilly is a friendo

B Really? That's great! Let's meet at 7:30.

A OK, see you then .

.e Ask two classmates

these questions and write their answers. How are they

the same? How are they different?


1. How often do you go lo plays?

2. How otten do you go fa movies?
3. Whaf kind of movies do you like?
4. How otten do you go lo concerfs?
5. What kind of music do you like?
6. Who is your favorife singer?


Episode 3 Out and About Act 3

Touchstone Leve/1 Video worksheets

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