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=Enisode 4 Dinnells


Act 1


A Match the simple present verbs with the simple past verbs in the box.
a. fell
b. had

d. was I were

1. have ~
2. be
3. work

e. sent
f. did

4. do
5. study __
6. fall

g. went
h. wrote
7. write
8. send
9. walk

i. walked
j. worked

k. sang
1. studied

10. finish
11. go __
12. sing __

B What did Iosh do yesterday? Write sentences under the pictures.

Use the verbs and verb phrases in the box.

fell asleep
./ studied

finished work
walked in the park

had dinner
went home

met friends

]osh had a busy day yesterday ....



e Match the questions





and answers. Then practice with a partner.

1. Are you OK? Youlook tired. ~

2. What did you do last night? __
3. How did your exams go? __
4. How are you? __
5. How was the restaurant?

Touchslone Leve/1 Video worksheels


a. It was great. The food was delicious, and

the service was excellent.
b. Fine. 1had a fun week.
c. OK.1think 1did well.
d. 1amoI'm exhausted. 1studied all night.
e. 1went out with friends.

Episode 4 Oinner Is Served Acl 1 37

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