Task 5 2015

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Task 5 Teacher Talk

Focus: teacher talk instruction-giving & positive

To realise how the teacher uses language in the classroom to give clear instructions
and to offer praise and motivation. Student teachers have looked at how the teacher
manages the classroom, the class and the learners. This week, they will develop their
understanding of how teachers use their talk to give clear instructions and to offer positive
reinforcement (praise) to their students.

At the beginning of the day:

- Meet your MST, and learn about his/her daily plan.

Tell your MST that your focus for today is to notice teacher talk that (s)he uses in the
classroom during the day.

Tell your MST that you also need to observe ONE or TWO activities. You need to pay
very special attention to the beginning of Tell him/her that during these moments, you
will not participate. You will sit out and just very quietly look, listen, complete your task

Ask your MST which lesson, in particular, would be good for you to observe

About the lesson: Try to find out what materials will be used; what the teacher wants
the children to do

During the day:

- Make notes in the 3 tables provided.

The first table focuses on giving instructions:

The second table focuses on praise

The third one is about negative statements that you might hear.

Get involved in all of the other activities that are happening

Assist your MST in every way requested. Notice things that you can do without being

EPC 1401

Teaching Practicum Task 5 Observation Task 5 Teacher Talk

AY 2014/15

Table1. Giving instructions: Complete the table below about teacher

talk during one whole activity or lesson:
Teacher talk at the beginning of the activity
Starting the activity:
How does the teacher get the
childrens attention?
Giving instructions for
the activity :

step by step: (write the exact words the teacher used)

t3d from 5to1 , hello everyone

step by step: (write the exact words the teacher used)

(PE class) each student have to get one ball and

put it inside the red circle and go back to the 8m3

teacher talk during the activity

What does the teacher say?

step by step:

How do the children respond?

step by step:

go , get the ball , good job , run around the circle,

nice , move and stand up.
nice big throw ok!

excited , run and do what the teacher ask them to do

How does the teacher stop
the children during what they
are doing? What does the
teacher say?

step by step:

now sit and drink water

What was the learner doing?

talking while the teacher try to talk and give instructions

What did the teacher say?

step by step:

she didnt say anything she just look at the kid

How did the child respond?:

stop talking
teacher talk at the end of the activity
How does the teacher stop
the children during what they
are doing? What does the
teacher say?

yasmena please listen, yasmena please sit .

How do they respond?

step by step:

step by step:

she sit for few seconds then do what shes doing before.

EPC 1401

Teaching Practicum Task 5 Observation Task 5 Teacher Talk

AY 2014/15

Table 2 Teacher talk PRAISING the student(s):

Complete the table below with at least 5 examples of praise you hear
during the day (maybe from your teacher, the classroom assistant, a
specials teacher, etc.):
Example When the child(ren).

The teacher said.

Type of praise

Look at the

put his things away tidily and

Well done, Ali, you put


your things away very


quickly and nicely.


oh youre the firs one

comes today , good
privet/ specific /unconditional
well done , fantastic. public / non- specific /
the class sing the
months of the year
well done , nice job we are unconditinal
the whole class did what the going to do the same thing public/nun-specific/
teacher asked them to do . next week.
yes good boy , you can have a
privet / specific/ unconditional
unswer the questions
sticker , you have good ideas

joshua the first one

who arrived to calss


FS1 B yall ben good today

public /non specific/ unconditional

Negative Praise: Write any negative instructions (words with NO, NOT and
DONT) you heard, and then write a more POSITIVE way to state it.


Postive way to say it:

Dont run!

Please walk!

dont tk7 o Spensers face

youre being so rude

please dont tk7 on someones face ull tn8l germ .

please be polite

sophie youre relay grumpy today

EPC 1401

Teaching Practicum Task 5 Observation Task 5 Teacher Talk

AY 2014/15

This week, you have been focusing on the ways teachers talk to the children in
the classroom. .
Write your reflection about teacher talk.
Write in paragraph form. Write a minimum of 150 words. Use good spelling and
grammar. Make sure your writing shows that you are thinking deeply about your

Discuss the importance of teacher talk (giving

clear instructions and using positive praise)
Discuss what will be easy for you and what will
be difficult for you about using positive praise nd
giving clear instructions .
Discuss what happens when a teacher does not
give clear, specific, step by step instructions.

Discuss a time when you received negative praise

from someone. How did it make you feel? Did
your behaviour improve?

EPC 1401

Teaching Practicum Task 5 Observation Task 5 Teacher Talk

AY 2014/15

Discuss a time you got praised for something you

did well. How did it make you feel?

EPC 1401

Teaching Practicum Task 5 Observation Task 5 Teacher Talk

AY 2014/15


EPC 1401

Teaching Practicum Task 5 Observation Task 5 Teacher Talk

AY 2014/15

EPC 1401

Teaching Practicum Task 5 Observation Task 5 Teacher Talk

AY 2014/15

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