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P cnc SCIENTIFIC Model 5170/5180 GAUSS / TESLA METER Instruction Manual Manual UN-01-260, Pcie Scientiic-OECO AA Rights Reserved ce Table of Contents Section -1 Introduction UNDERSTANDING FLUX DENSITY. MEASUREMENT OF FLUX DENSITY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION [APPLICATIONS Section -2 Specifications SPECIFICATIONS. MODEL 61707-5180 SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD TRANSVERSE PROBE STANDARD AXIAL PROBE LOW FIELD AXIAL PROBE ZERO FLUX CHAMBER Section -3 Operating Instructions OPERATOR SAFETY OPERATING FEATURES INSTRUMENT PREPARATION POWERUP Power-U SETTINGS LOW BATTERY CONDITION OVERRANGE CONDITION. ‘AC OR DC MEASUREMENT SELECTION UNITS OF MEASUREMENT SELECTION RANGE SELECTION HOLD MODE SELECTION MIN / WAX HOLD USASE PEAK HOLD USAGE ZERO FUNCTION. ‘AUTOMATIC ZERO FUNCTION MANUAL ZERO FUNCTION. RELATIVE MODE. AUTOMATIC RELATIVE MODE MANUAL RELATIVE MODE ‘ANALOG OUTPUT FUNCTION ‘ANALOG OUTPUT USAGE. SOURCES OF NEASUREMENT ERRORS MORE DETAILS ON AC MODE OPERATION MORE DETAILS ON O¢ MODE OPERATION. 24 22 24 28 32 3 38 38 38 3a 37 38 30 an oe a8 aie is ur ao 320 at Section - 4 Remote Operation USB INTERFACE CONNECTION REMOTE COMMAND STANDARDS ‘COMMAND FORMAT ERROR BUFFER STATUS REGISTERS INFORMATION FOR REMOTE OPERATION (OTHER GENERAL 5180 FILE INFORMATION. ‘STATUS BYTE AND REQUEST FOR SERVICE (RS) STANDARD EVENT REGISTER. MEASUREMENT EVENT REGISTER (OPERATION EVENT REGISTER QUESTIONAALE EVENT REGISTER COMMON" COMMAND SYNTAX “COMMON COMMANDS SCP COMMAND SYNTAX 'SCPI COMMANDS. ERROR MESSAGES AND COVMANOS STATUS COMMANDS MODE COMMANDS, HOLD COMMANDS ZERO COMMAND, MEASURENENT COMMAND DRNALOG OUTPUT COMMAND (OPERATION COMPLETE STATUS MODEL 5100 ERROR CODES WARRANTY NOTICE See Pages 3-1 and 3-2 for SAFETY instructions prior to first use ! List of Illustrations Figure 1-1 Figure 1-2 Figure 13 Figure 2-1 Figure 22 Figure 2:3 Figure 2-4 Figure 3-1 Figure 3:2 Figure 33 Figure 3-4 Figure 35 Figure 36 Figure 37 Figure 38 Figure 39 Figure 3-10, Figure 811 Figure 3-12, Figure 3-13, Figure 3-14, Figure 3-15, Figure 3-17, Figure 3-18, Figure 3-19, Figure 3-20, Figure 321 Figure 3-22 Figure 3.23, Figure 3.24 Figure 43 Figure 44 Figure 45 Figure 48 Figure 47 Figure 48 Flux Lines ofa Permanent Magnet Hall Generator. Hall Probe Configurations Standard Transverse Probe Standard Axial Probe. low Fila Axil Probe Zero Flux Chamber. ‘uniiay Power Connector Warnings Probe Electrical Warning, Operating Features. Battery Instalation Probe Connection. Power-Up Display Missing Probe Indication Low Battery indication. Overrange Indication MODE (AC-DC) Function UNITS Function. RANGE Function, HOLD Function, ‘Automate ZERO Function Manual ZERO Function, Automatic RELATIVE Function, Manual RELATIVE Function, OUTPUT Function Analog Output Disp, Adjusting the DC Offset ofthe Analog Output Probe Output versus Flux Angle Probe Output versus Distance. Flux Density Variations in a Magnet Conaition, Event and Enable registers Status Byte and Enable registers. Standard Event register. Measurement Event gisor Operation Event register. Qiestionabie Event egiser “4 12 13. 23 24 25 26 a a 32 33 33 34 a 36 36 36 36 a7 33 a 32 Ba 343 a6 317 Be 319 Bo 320 45 45 ar 43 43 43 List of Tables Table 4-1 Table 4-2 ‘Common Command Summary. ‘SOPI Command Summary 410 a3 Statement regarding improvements to 5100 Series Gaussmeters The 5100 Series Gauss / Testa Meters now have improved AC performance and several operational improvements as a result of new DSP and microcontroller firmware. Customers with meters manufactured prior to June 2007 and firmware versions below r2.00 and 42.00 should review this manual for changes in specifications. Certain operational sequences have been made more intuitive and require fewer keystrokes. Refer to the appropriate section of the Operator's Manual for details, ‘Summary of changes: + Auto Relative now toggles On/Off with just 2 keystrokes. + Settings for "HOLD" and "Probe Zero” are no longer retained when powered on/off. This often lead to the false appearance that the meter was malfunctioning in previous firmware versions + Analog Output now automatically applies optimum filtering to the signal, therefore the options of "LO" and "HI" have been removed and itis simply an On/Off selection, + Peak Hold has been greatly improved with a shorter acquisition time. USB Hub Compatibility Like many USB devices on the market such as printers and digital cameras, operation of the 5180 with a USB hub may be problematic. It is recommended that customers wishing to make use of the remote operation capabilities of the 5180 make a direct connection to their computer USB port and not use a hub. Operation with a hub is not recommended. Section 4 Introduction UNDERSTANDING FLUX DENSITY ‘Magnetic fels surrounding permanent magnets or elacrcal conductors can be visualizad as a collection of magnetic fux lines? Lines of focoe existing in the material that Is being subjected toa magnetizing influence. Unke light, which travels away fom is source infinitely, magnetic fux ines must eventually retum to the source. Thus all magne sources are said to have two poles. Fux nes are Said to emanate from the “north” pole and return to the “south” pole, as depicted in Figure 1-1 Figure 11 Flux Lines of @ Permanent Magnet One ine of fux in the CGS measurement system is called @ maxwell (M), but the weber (W), whichis 108 nes, is more commonly used. Flux density, also called magnotc induction, i the numberof fx ines passing through a gwen area. itis commonly assigned the symbol "Brin scientife documents. Inthe CGS system a gauss (G) is one line of ux passing through a tem area. The more commonly used texmis the tesia (7), which fs 10.000 lines per cm. Thus. 4 tesla = 10,000 gauss 1 gauss = 0.0001 tesia Magnetic fed strength i a measure of force produced by an electric curent ora permanent magnet. Is the ably to induce a magnetic field". tis commonly assigned the symbol "Hin scientific documents. The unt of Hin the CGS system i an oersed (Co), but the ampere/metor (Am) is moro commonly used. The relationship i 4 oersted = 79.6 amperelmeter 1 amperelmeter “0.01288 oorsted tis important to know that magnetic fed strength and magnaticfux density are nol the same. Magnetic fl strngth deals withthe pyslcal characteristic of magnetic materials whereas fux density daes not. The only me the two are considered equals free space (ai) Ont in free spaces the flowing relationship rus: 162108 (0001 968m 1 Section 1 Introduction MEASUREMENT OF FLUX DENSITY ‘A device commonly used to measure flux density isthe Hall generator. A Hall generator isa thin slice of a semiconductor material to which ‘our leads are attached atthe midpoint of each edge, as shown in Figure 9-2 Ti Genre Figure 1-2 Hall Generator ‘A constant curent (Ic) is forced through the material. In a zero magnetic field there is no voltage alforence between the other wo edges. ‘when flux ines pass tough the material the path ofthe current bends closer to one edge, ceating a voltage diference known as the Hall voltage (Vi). In an ideal Hall generator theres a linear relationship between the number of fux lines passing through the material (Tux ake {1 adational 28 counts tolerance for signals ‘<4 of lowest ranoa and >2kH2 ACCURACY, Analog Output of Modo 5160 (2% of Reading = mV) ‘0¢ MODE. ‘Low Range: 075+6 Ned & High Ranges: 05075 [AC MODE : (fr sinewave >6G or 0 6mT) (2) "10-2042 | 300+8 20-sooaHz | 25075 ‘Analog output 368 points approximately 22KH2 Delay Time: 30s ‘Sample Rate: 8us with variable moving average fiteing Riselime: DC Mode = 250ys OC peak hold = 6oys [AC Mode and AC Peak Hola rom 30us to 2ms depencing on freq Peak Hold Acquistion Time: DC oF AC mode: 128s minimum DG mode 25 Vee AG mode: 3 Vrms (fir Range) 1Smv ems (ic: Range) 4.SmV ems (Cow: Range) 15.5mV ems ‘Analog Output Scaling: “nalog Ouipat Noise: ‘Analog Oulput Load: 10 kOhm min, 100 pF max probe) 0-20°C and 26-50°C (ypical) Low Range: 20.25% +3.0 counts /2kHz Battery Type: 1 5V AA (xt) Battery Life: 20 hours typical, alkaline batteries Auxiliary Power: #5 Vae, 300 mA (Regulated) ‘Auxiliary Power Connector: Standard 2 Srvm 1.0. / 5.5mm (©.D. connector. Center post is (+) pola. ‘Analog Output Connector: BNC Operating Temperature: Oto +50°C (+32 10 +122°F) ‘Storage Temperature: 25 to +70" (-13 to +158°F) Motor Dimensions: Length: 17.5 em (69 in) ‘With: 9.8 em (3.9 in) Height: 36 om (1.4m) Motor wibattees: 400 9 (14 02) Shipping: 1.58 kg (3b. 8 oz) Weight: Regulatory Information ‘Compliance was demonstrated tothe following specications as listed in the official Journal of the European Communit: EN 61926-1:1997+A1:1998 Electical equipment for measurement, control ‘and laboratory use EMC requirements Immunity: TEC 6100-42 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) IEC 61000-4.3 Electromagnetic Feld (RF) Emissions: EN $5022 Class B Rasiled and conducted emissions ‘Communications Por: Format: Universal Serial Bus (USB) Lines supported: Transmit receive, common, Connector ype: Mini US® Type B Gable length: 3 m (8.8 ft) maximum ‘Standards supported: IEEE-1987 2, SCPI-1981 22 STANDARD TRANSVERSE PROBE Mode! Number: (180): sTo18-0408 (170): STHI7-0408 Frequency Bandwidth: (5180): 01020 kHz (6170): 010 10k Offset change with Temperature: Accuracy change with Temperature: Operating Temperature Range: Storage Temperature Range: +2300 mG /°C (typical) “0.05% (typical (40 +75°C (492 ta +167F) 25 to 78°C (1310 +167F) ef Ce: <> Utra-Thin Transverse Probe STBIX-0201 a eo A Corrected Operating [Femp. stability (YP] Frequency Model | soon] © | © | P | Materal |'Cinearty [Senstivty] Active Ares Temp. Rangel zero_| Calla Response Beal = sso to 20h sore | «| orse'|oos Pesyro 008 | e008 | | .,,| Pens soon | 008 srat7-402 cosas] ~fo0nee [jomaoxe 1 to txt cial 73 corr | 0 — |cnurarc| are smiroue | © onrinom| — to |‘@ypia) | cpa) wrntrocee | + [oreo | 0080 ‘ALUMINUM [1020K6 2 Gt oer a es) 3003 wrbieosoe | 04 xen [OSRBOS ct 2H ra oO ae BROT amr oe srenisaty £005 | Max | twoM| _KaPTON | VOWTOKS iA om leauss ro 01%] OC ony Note: Duel coninvous process improvement, speccalons are suet io change wihou notes ror ate 2005 Transverse Probe Some wore ieee wpe. 160% O40 a2, re fq ° a ne {ein ages ESC! aes Fi moun) Figure 2-1 Standard Transverse Probe 23 [STANDARD AXIAL PROBE Model Number: (6180) SADI8-1904 15180 gaussmeter probes {6170} SARI7-1904 SADI8-1904 4" Atal Probe SADIE-1902 2" Axial Probe Flux Density Range: (5180): 0102906 (01037), {6170} 010220 KG (01027), 15170 gaussmotor probes SAHIT 10044" fal Probe Corrected Linearity: (S180): 405% 1o 30k SAHIT-1902 2" Axial Probe {5170} 81.0% to 320K6 Frequency Bandwidth: (5180): 01025 KHz (6170): 00 10H Offset change with Temperature: £300 mG 1° (pica) ‘Accuracy change with Tomperature:-0.05% °C (pial) Operating Temperature Range: 0 to +75%C (+32 to +167F) ‘Storage Temporature Range: 25 10 +75°C (13 10 167F) st 018.0319 0m >| Pe | thoes : | See I. esp Acne anes ener =3.008) eee ‘one aan FT rr ncam oe ss 7 Standard Axel Probe LOW FIELD AXIAL PROBE Mode! Number: MOSS1-3204 Flux Density Range: #16 (10017) DC or peak AC Corrected Linearity: 20.75% of Reading Frequency Bandwidth: 0 10 700 He (348) Oftset change with Temperature: 40.02mG /°C (typical) Accuracy change with Temperature: 0.001 % /°C (ical) Operating Temperature Range: 0 10 +75°C (+32 to +167F) Storage Temperature Range: -25 to +758 (130 187F) 38.87m 264mm > wisreea (|) t ‘CABLE LENGTH 152m (5) 48.t1mm 0.3mm (0.713": 0.010") DIAMETER puwerer 20.3 mm —> fh — aro (aTo*o10") NOMINAL | $492" (NOMINAL) Figure 23 Low Field Axial Probe ay | e RIGID CARBON FIBER STEM + +8 FIELD DIRECTION >| Janice x ‘SENSOR (0.866") LOCATION t 25 ZERO FLUX CHAMBER ‘MODEL NUMBE! mitt CAVITY DIMENSIONS: Length: 60.8 mm (2") Diameter: 8:7 mm (0.343") ATTENUATION: 80 d8 to 30 mT (300 6) PURPOSE: To shield the probe from external magnetic fel during the ZERO or RELATIVE operations. 8.7 mm DIAMETER X 50.8 mm (:343" DIAMETER X 2.000") Figure 2-4 Zero Flux Chamber 26 Section 3 Operating Instructions A Do not connect the auxiliary power connector to an AG power source. 00 not exceed 5 Vdo regulated. Do not reverse polarity. Use only a regulated AC to DC power supply certified for country of use. Figure 3-1 ‘Ausliry Power Connector Warnings A This symbol appears on the instrument and probe. It refers the operator 10 additional information Contained In this instruction manual, also identified by the same symbol OPERATOR SAFETY A Do not allow the probe to come in contact with any voltage source greater than 30 Vrms or 60 Vdc Figure 32 Probe Electncal Waring A Battories contain ferrous materials that are attracted to magnetic felds. Be careful when ‘operating the instrument near large magnetic Molds, as it may move without warning a4 OPERATING FEATURES Display. Usui esta display (LCD). ‘Auto Zero. To select AUTO ZERO operation, press the ZERO pushbutton. Unit automaticly retuns to normal ‘operation Manual Zoro. To select MANUAL ZERO oparation, press the SHIFT pushbuton flowed by the ZERO pushbutton, Use the LEFT (3) and RIGHT (2 arrow pushbutions fo select digit Use the UP (8) and DOWN (6) ‘row pushbutters to make ine adjustments as nooded, Press the RESET pushbutton to coat offset alu, race he SHIFT pushbutton flowed bythe ZERO pushbuton to return to normal operation, [Auto Relative To select AUTO RELATIVE oporaon, pross the RELATIVE pushbutton. Unit automatealy ‘tus to normal operation, AUTO RELATIVE automaticaly tums the relate effet ON. Puch again fo turn OFF Manual Relative." To select MANUAL RELATIVE operaton, press the SHIFT pushbutonfolowed by the RELATIVE pushouton, Pres the LEFT (3) arow pushbuton to tum fst ON. Press the RIGHT (4) arow ‘ushbutlon foun offeet OFF. Use te LEFT (3) and RIGHT (4) arcu pushbutions wo select gt Use the UP (8) 1d DOWN (6) stow pushbutons to make fhe adjustments as needed, Press the RESET pushbuton fo coat the offeet vase. Preso the SHIFT pushbuton flowed by te RELATIVE pushbutton 1 lum 1 normal ‘Auto Range. To select AUTO RANGE operation, poss the SHIFT pushbuton flowed by the RANGE pushbutton Poss the SHIFT pushouton flowed by two RANGE pushbuton to oxt Auto Range mod. Manual Range. To select WANUAL RANGE operation, press the RANGE pushbutton. Press the UP (6) and [DOWN (6) vow pushbutlons to select ranges, Pres the RANGE pushbutlon to return 6 normal operation, Units. To select UNITS, ress the SHIFT pushbutton followed bythe LEFT (3) stow pushbuton. Pegs the UP (5) and DOWN (6) row puhiitons 19 Select Mux deny readings In gauss, tesla or ampmotors. Prose the SHIFT pusnbuton felowed bythe LEFT (3) pushbuton to return normal operation, old. To select the HOLD operation pres the SHIFT puso olowed by the RESET pushbulton. Press the LEFT (3) ang RIGHT (4) artow pushbutons to solect betveen MIN HOLD. MAX HOLD, PEAK HOLD", and Houb (OFF any mode press the RESET pushbutton to cles he held racing, Press the SHIFT pushbutton followed bythe RESET pushouton to rtum te nermal poration [ACIOG. To soe ithe AC or DC moe, press the SHIFT pushbuton flowed RIGHT (4 row pushbutlon “Analog OutputTo enabe and disable ANALOG OUTPUT operation, prass the SHIFT pushbutton fotowel by {he UP 6) aro pushnaton CONOFF. Press the ONIOFF pushbutton to power the unt ON. To tum the unt OFF, press the ON/OFF pushbuton for 3 seconds. SLEEP MODE. The feaite tune unt the OFF ater ane hour of inactivity (8. user Input, rte commands ee) Proos the SHIFT pushbutton folowod bythe ONIOFF pushbuton io enable and cabo this feature. The batry ‘symbol and ett ON or OFF wi ash To ndeate the stale that has been selected. FIRMWARE VERSION. The fervor vrsons forthe mirocanaler and DSP may be depayed by pressing RESET for more han 1 sacond when any normal operating mado. For example 12.00 d2 00 ‘5180 Model ony Figuee 33 Operating Features 32 INSTRUMENT PREPARATION 1) With the power switch tumed off aply pressure tothe battery compartment cover atthe point shown in Figure 3-4 Side the cover open and remove! 2) Install four AA 1.5V alkaline batteries. The ballery compartment is designed to indicate the ballary polarity. Reinstall the battry ‘compartment cover. 43) Fusing an AC to DC power supply, review Figure 3+ or safely notes and the SPECIFICATIONS section for voltage and curent ratings 4) Install the probe by matching the Keyway inthe connect to that in the mating socket inthe meter. The connector wil lock in place when fully installs, To disconnect, pull onthe body ofthe connector, net the cable! USB ANALOG POWER PROBE oureur 4A 18V Batteries Figure 35 robe Connection Figure 94 Batery Installation 33 POWERUP Press the POWER switch, There willbe a momentary audible beep and all dlplay segments will appear onthe spay. ‘The instrument wil conduct a softest before measurements begin I @ problem is detected the phrase “Er will appear on the display olowed by a 3 digit code. The ciculty that failed willbe retested and the error code will appoa’ after ich allure, This procest ‘wil continue indefintaly or untl the circuitry pases the test condition in which a eeu fais ‘and then passes should nat be ignored because indicates an intermittent problem that should be corected Ifthe self testis successful the meter wil perform a self calibration. During this phase the meter wil display a calibration ‘sequence "CALX" message. Calraton wil half there is no probe connected. Until the probe is connected the phrase “Er” ill appear accompanied by a lashing "PROBE" annunciator as shown in Figure 3-7 Per the SPECIFICATIONS section, allow 15 minutes warmup tim for rated accuracy. ‘The most common errors displayed are a result of damage to the sensing element located in the tp ofthe probe. A damaged sensing clement can rest nthe following error codes: EOS4 and EOGT. = AUTO RANGE, LOH RELATIVE Ga navizbuxislPx ZERO PROBE ANALOG ONOFF Figure 3-6 Figues-7 Missing Probe Indication Poweitp Display POWER-UP SETTINGS ‘The meter permanently saves certain aspects ofthe instrument's setup and restores them the next time the meter is turned on. The conditions that are saved are: RANGE setting (including AUTO range) MODE (AC or DC) UNITS of measure (gauss, tesia or amperemeter) OUTPUT function Other aspects are not saved and default to these conditions: RELATIVE mode (tuned OFF) RELATIVE value (set to 0) ZERO mode (inactive) HOLD mode (tured OFF) 35 LOW BATTERY CONDITION “The meter is dosigned to use four standard AA 1.5V alkaline batteries . When the battery voltage becomes too low the battery symbol on the display wil fash, as shown in Figure 38, Replace the batters or use an external AC to DC power supply. A Instrument specifications are not guaranteed when a low battery condition exists! ‘OVERRANGE CONDITION It he magnitude ofthe magnetic ux density exceeds the limit ofthe selected range the meter wil dsplay a flashing value of "2999" (gauss or tesia mode) or "2387" (ampere meter mode) ‘The next highest range should be selecie. If already on the highest range then tho Mc density is too great lo be measured wih his instrument. [AC OR DC MEASUREMENT SELECTION ‘The meter is capable of measuring either static (DC) oF aterating (AC) magnetic fields. To ‘choose the dested mode Press the SHIFT pushbuiton followed bythe right (4) arrow to select [AC oF DC on the display. The DC and AC mode is dscussed in more deta ater in ths section. This setting is saved and wil be restored the nex! ime the meters turned on UNITS OF MEASUREMENT SELECTION “The meter is capable of providing fx density measurements in terms of gauss (G), tesla (T) ‘or amperaimeters (A/m). To choose the desied unts, Press the SHIFT pushbutton followed by the let (3) arrow pushbutton. Press the up (6) and down (6) arrow pushbutton to select, ‘Tor Am on the dsp. This seling fs saved and will be restored the next timo the moter i tured on Figure sa Low Battery Indication 29.99. Figure 38 Overrange indication Figure 3-10, MODE (AC/DC) Function . Figure 311 UNITS Function RANGE SELECTION The meter is capable of providing flux density measurements on one of three fixed ranges, or it can be programmed to automatically select the best range for the present flux density. The available ranges are listed in the SPECIFICATIONS section of this manual. The ranges advance in decade steps. The lowest range offers the best resolution while the highest range allows higher flux levels to be measured. In the autorange mode, the range is advanced if the reading reaches 95% of the present range. The range is lowered when the reading falls below 9% of full scale for the present range. The speed at which the readings are Updated decreases slightly when AUTO ranging is used. NOTE: The AUTO range selection will be canceled if he RELATIVE mode is turned on. To choose the desired range, press the RANGE pushbutton. The "RANGE" legend will lash, Press the UP (8) and DOWN (6) pushbuttons to select the desired range. To choose AUTO RANGE on the display, press the SHIFT pushbutton followed by the RANGE pushbutton This setting is saved and will be restored the next time the meter is turned on. Figure 3-12 RANGE Function 37 HOLD MODE SELECTION In some applications it may be desirable to hold a reading that is either greater than or less than all previous readings, oF \which has the greatest peak value whether positive or negative ‘The MAX HOLD function holds the reading that i arhmetically greater than all previous readings. For instance a reading of +1260 s greater than +880 or 160.0, ‘The MIN HOLD function holds the reading that i arthmeticaly less than all previous readings. For instance a reading of -125.0's less than 99.0 or +150.0. ‘The PEAK HOLD function captures and holds the peak value of the flux density waveform within the response time ccapabiltis of the meter. See the SPECIFICATIONS section ofthis manual for more information. The peak can be either positive or negative, whichever has the greatest magnitude. For instance a peak value of -100.0 is greater than @ peak value of +90.0 To choose the desired hold mode press the SHIFT pushbutton followed by the RESET pushbutton. Press the LEFT (3) and RIGHT (4) arrows to select the desired mode on the display. MAX HOLD is indicated by “MX’. MIN HOLD is indicated by MN’. PEAK HOLD is indicated by "PI. The “OFF” legend wil appear when al HOLD modes are turned of. Difference between PEAK and MAX for AC: Max is the maximum rms value, PEAK gives the value of the point on the Hold MNGIMXEIPK Figure 3-13 HOLD Funetion 38 MIN / MAX HOLD USAGE ‘See the SPECIFICATIONS section for response time information, The MAX HOLD function holds the reading that is arthmetically greater than all previous readings. The MIN HOLD function holds the reading that is arithmeticaly less than all previous readings. These modes are useful in determining the maximum of minimum value of magnetic events that occur over a perio of ime. Iv the reading exceeds the range limit the $180 meter will hold a flashing value of °2998" (gauss or tesla mode), °2387" (ampere meter mode) or the maximum value allowed in the RELATIVE mode. The 5170 meter will hold a flashing value of "1999" (gauss or tesla mode), "1592" (ampere meter mode) or the maximum value allowed in the RELATIVE mode. ‘The held value can be reset by pressing the RESET pushbutton, The next value displayed after a reset will be the present value of flux density. For instance ifthe held reading is 200.0 G and the present fx density is 100.0 G, the meter will display 100.0 G after the reset, Ifthe analog output is being used the output signal wll continue to represent the real time flux density as seen by the probe. It isnot affected by the HOLD function, PEAK HOLD USAGE, See the SPECIFICATIONS section for response time and accuracy information Inthe PEAK HOLD mode the input signal is sampled many times each second. Each sample is compared to all previous samples and that which has the greatest amplitude (cegardless of polaiy) is held on the display. This mode can be used to capture the peak value of a fast, onetime magnetic event such as a magnetizing pulse. “These are the diferences between the PEAK HOLD mode and the MIN / MAX HOLD modes: ‘The PEAK HOLD mode considers the magnitude ofthe reading regardless ofthe polarity “The response time of the PEAK HOLD mode is much faster but final accuracy is loss. Ifthe analog outputs being used the output signal will continue to represent the real time flux densiy as seen by the probe. It is not affected by the HOLD function 39 ZERO FUNCTION “Zeroing” the probe and meter is one ofthe most important steps to oblaining accurate de flux density measurements, The ideal Hall generator produces zero output in the absence of a magnetic field, but actual devices are subject to variations in materials, Construction and temperature. Therefore most Hall generators produce some output even in a zero field. This wil be interpreted by the meter as a fx density signal Also, the crcuts within the meter can produce a signal even when there is no signal present atthe input. This wil be interpreted as a flux density signal. Lastly magnetic sources close tothe actual field being measured, such as those from elecric motors, permanent ‘magnets and the earth (oughly 0.5 gauss or 50mT), ean induce exrors in the final reading, Itis vital to remove these sources of error prior to making actual measurements. The process of "zeroing" removes allof these errors in one operation. The meter cancels the combined DC error signal by introducing another signal of equal magnitude with opposite Polarity. After zeroing, the only dc signal that remains i that produced by the probe whien exposed to magnetic x, NOTE: Zeroing the meter and probe affects only the static (OC) component of the flux density signal NOTE: The process of zeroing also affects the analog signal There may be situations when the user prefers to shield the probe from all extemal magnetic felds prior to zeroing. Provided with the meter is a ZERO FLUX CHAMBER which is capable of shielding against fields as high as 30 mT (800 G or 23.88 KAI). The probe Is simply inserted into the chamber before the zeroing process begins. A Handle the Hall probe with care. Do not bend the ‘stem or apply pressure to the probe tip as damage may result. Use the protective cover when the probe Is not in use. In other situations the user may want the probe to be expased to a specific magnetic field during the zeroing process so that all future readings do not include that reading (such as the earth's fel). This is possible withthe following restrictions: 1) The external field must not exceed 30 mT (300 G oF 23.88 kAIm), 2) The field must be stable during the zeroing process. I should not contain alternating (AC) components, AUTOMATIC ZERO FUNCTION ‘The meter provides two methods to zero the probe. The first is completely automatic. Prepare the probe for zeroing, than press the ZERO pushbutton. The “ZERO” icon wil flash and actual de fx density readings wil appear on the display. Ifthe reading before zeroing the probe exceeds #30 mT (300 G or 23.88 kA/m) when the probe isin a zero ‘chamber or very low field, then the probe may be defective. The meter will witch over to the DC mode of operation ‘during zeroing. Recall that the zeroing operation affects DC offsets only. If you wish to suppress an AC field reading ‘consider using the RELATIVE mode. Figure 3-14 ‘Automatic ZERO Function ‘Once automatic zeroing begins it must be alowed to complete, During ths time all controls are disabled except for the POWER switch. The process normally takes from 5 to 18 seconds. ‘The moter selects the lowest range and adjusts the nulling signal untl the net result reaches zero. At this point the automatic process is terminated and the flashing "AUTO" and the "ZERO" icons wil disappear If the nuling process is successful the next highest range is selected. No further electronic adjustments are made, but at this stage a reading Is acquired which will be mathematically subtracted from all future readings on this range. This process is then repeated for the highest range. When finished, the meter will sound an audible beep and the flashing "AUTO" and "ZERO" icons wil disappear. At this point the automatic process can be repeated or a manual adjustment can be performed (see "Manual Zeroing”) ‘The final zero values wil remain in effect until the meter and probe are zeroed again NOTE: Zeroing the probe cancels the RELATIVE mode if it was turned on. MANUAL ZERO FUNCTION The second zeroing method is @ manual adjustment. This feature also allows the user to set the "zero" point to something other than zero, if desired. Position the probe for zeroing then press the “SHIFT” pushbutton followed by the "ZERO" pushbutton. The "ZERO" icon will flash and actual DC flux density readings will appear on the display. The meter vill select the lowest range regardless of which range was in use prior to selecting the ZERO function I the reading before zeroing the probe exceeds 230mT (300 G or 23.88 Alm) when the probe is in a zero chamber or very low filo, then the probe may be defective, The meter will switch over to the DC. ‘mode of operation during zeroing. Recall thatthe zeroing operation affects DC offsets ony. Ifyou wish to suppress an AC field reading consider using the RELATIVE mode, By pressing the UP (8) or DOWN (6) arrows the reading wil be altered. Pressing the UP (5) arrow adds to the reading, pressing the DOWN (6) arrow subtracts from the reading, Figure 345 MANUAL ZERO Function NOTE: Making a manual ZERO adjustment not only affects the lowest range, but also the higher ranges to a lesser extent. For example, ‘assume an aulomatic ZERO has already been performed, after which all three ranges should read zero. Now a manual adjustment is made that causes the reading on the lowest range to be nonzero. The reading on the other ranges may also be nonzero depending upon ‘the magnitude of the change. The adjustment has 10 times less effect on the middle range and 100 times less effect on the highest range. NOTE: Zeroing the probe cancels the RELATIVE mode it was turned on RELATIVE MODE “The RELATIVE mode allows a specific fux density value to be subtracted from all incoming readings. When the RELATIVE mode is. ‘active, all incoming readings are “relative” to an offset selected by the user. For example, if the displayed value is +100 gauss when RELATIVE mode is activated, and the flux density atthe probe changes to +180 gauss the displayed value will be +50.0 gauss. If the flux density then drops to +50 gauss, the value displayed by the meter will be -50 gauss. The RELATIVE mode allows fr the direct readout of variations around a given feld level, whether static (DC) or alternating (AC) ‘There are two ways to generate a relative value, When AUTO RELATIVE is selected, the meter uses the present fx density reading as the relaive value. When MANUAL RELATIVE is selected, the user can specify a desited relative value using the up, down left, and Tight keypad arrows. Each mode will be discussed In more deta “There are two restictions when using the RELATIVE mode, 1) The RELATIVE mode can only be used in a fixed range. Ifthe AUTO RANGE feature isin use and the RELATIVE mode is turned (on, the AUTO RANGE feature is disabled. Conversely, ifthe RELATIVE mode is turned on and the AUTO RANGE feature is acivated, the RELATIVE mode is disabled, 2) I the meter isin the RELATIVE mode and a ZERO function is selected, (either MANUAL ZERO or AUTO ZERO), the RELATIVE made is disables, ‘There may be situations when the user may prefer to shield the probe from all extemal magnetic felds prio to performing a RELATIVE ‘operation. Provided with the meter is a ZERO FLUX CHAMBER which is capable of shielding against feds as high as 30mT (3006 or 23.88kAm). The probe is simply inserted into the chamiber before the RELATIVE operation begins. NOTE: The RELATIVE mode is disabled when the probe and meter are zeroed orf the meters power is cycle. NOTE: Ifthe analog output is being used, the output signal will continue to represent the flux density as seen by the probe. The analog ‘output isnot affected by the RELATIVE operation. Handle the Hall probe with care. Do not bend the ‘stem or apply pressure to the probe tip as. damage may result. Use the protective cover when the probe is not in use. 343 AUTOMATIC RELATIVE MODE In the automatic relative mode, the present ux density as seen by the probe is used as the relative offset value. Prepare the probe and select an appropriate range and made (AC or DC) as needed (AUTO RANGE is, deactivated when RELATIVE MODE is used). To automaticaly assign the current reading as the relative offset value, press the REL key. ‘The AUTO and RELATIVE icons will lash momentarly indicating the operation. When complete, the unit will relum to the measurement mode and the RELATIVE icon will be on indicating that a relative value ig being ‘subtracted from all subsequent readings. To deactivate the relative mode, press the SHIFT key folowed by the REL key. Difference between ZERO and RELATIVE: ZERO intioduces an electrical offset signal into the circuitry. RELATIVE is strictly a mathematical process. Figure 3-17. AUTOMATIC RELATIVE Function MANUAL RELATIVE MODE ‘The second method by which to set a relative value is a manual adjustment. In some cases the user will wish to set an absolute relative value. To do this, insert the probe inthe “zero flux chamber" provided with this meter. ‘To manually assign a relative offset value, press the SHIFT key followed by the REL key. At this point the *RELATIVE" icon wil be flashing and actual fx density readings wil be displayed. Use the LEFT, RIGHT, UP, and DOWN arrow keys to select a desired offset. When complete press the SHIFT key folowed by the REL key to exit and retum to the measurement mode. The RELATIVE icon will be on indicating that a relative offset is being subtracted from all incoming readings. In ether cases, the probe may be positioned in a stable DC or AC magnetic field that does not exceed the present range limit In ‘mast cases the reading will be adjusted to zero so thatthe value ofthe reference is subtracted from all incoming readings. To deactivate the manual relative mode, press the SHIFT key followed by the REL key. The meter will enter the MANUAL RELATIVE mado. Press the LEFT arrow key unti the OFF icon turns on, then press the SHIFT key followed by the REL key to exit and return to the measurement mode. Alternatively, from within the MANUAL RELATIVE made, Press the RESET key to clear the relative offset value. Press the SHIFT key followed by the REL key to exit and return to the measurement mode. A Handle the Hall probe with care. Do not bend the stem or ‘apply pressure to the probe tip as damage may result. “ual lee C/I oN Figure 3-18, MANUAL RELATIVE Function 315 ANALOG OUTPUT FUNCTION “The 5180 meter is capable of providing an analog voltage signal proportional to the present flux density level. Calibration is set to 3.0V full scale DC or 3,0VRMS AC, ‘depending upon the mode of operation. This signal, avalable atthe BNC connector. ‘can be connected to a voltmeter, oscilloscope, recorder, dala logger, or external analog to digital converter. Power consumption increases when using the analog output. If use of the analog ‘output port is unnecessary, maximize battery life by disabling the analog output feature. To toggle the analog output on or off, simply press the SHIFT key followed by the UP arrow key. The ANALOG ON icon will turn on when the analog output feature is acive, 12 10. ‘ANALOG ON Figure 3-19 Output Function ANALOG OUTPUT USAGE ‘See the SPECIFICATIONS section for frequency range and accuracy ofthe analog output ‘The analog output signal is calibrated to 3VDC or SVRMS depending on the selected mode. The analog output voltage is proportional to the flux density being measured depending on the meters current range. For instance, when in the 30miT DC range a reading of 12.3mT relates to an analog output voltage of 1.23VDC. When in the 3 T range, a reading of 1.237 produces the same output, 1.23VDC. ‘The analog output can reach a maximum output of about 4.25VDC in order to accommodate the peak value of a 3VRMS AC signal. This means that the analog output can be used to measure flux density levels that exceed the normal range ofthe displayed readings. For instance, a level of 31.5mT in the 3OmT range would normally result na flashing 29.99mT overrange condition. However, the output wil stil be +3.15VDC. “The meter wil apply an optimum amount of low pass fitering tothe analog output signal based on the frequency of the detected magnetic field and mode of operation (AC or DC mode) 12 iD. ANALOG ON Figure 3-20 Analog Output Display 347 ‘When both the ANALOG OUTPUT and AUTO RANGE features are active the following condition can occur. Suppose the present range is 3kG and the present reading is #2.8kG. The analog output wil be +2.8VDC. The signal then increases to +3.2KG, which would force an automatic change to the 30kG range setting. The analog ‘output will now be +0.32VDC because of the range change. This can lead to problems ifthe analog signal s being used to make decisions since there is no indication that a range change has occurred. In these situations itis best to select a fixed range that covers the expected flux density span, “The analog output signal contains both the DC and AC components ofthe fux density signal. This means that it wil ‘also contain any intial DC offsets in the probe and the meters crcuity. These offsets can be removed by the ZERO function, ‘The ZERO function can also be used to introduce @ DC offset if desired. This is useful when observing AC \waveforms in which one portion of the waveform is being clipped because it exceeds the 4,25VDC limit of the meter, Using the ZERO function, the center of the waveform can be moved to reduce or eliminate the “clipping” as depicted in the figure below. ‘BEFORE ZERO ADNUSTMENT AFTER 2680 ADIUSTUENT Figure 3.21 ‘Adjusting the DC Offset ofthe Analog Output ‘SOURCES OF MEASUREMENT ERRORS. ‘When making flux density measurements there are several conditions that can introduce error: 41) Operating the meter while the LOW BATTERY symbol appears. Instrument specifications are not guaranteed when ¢ low battery condition exists! 2) Failure to_zer0 the error signals from the meter, probe, and nearby sources of magnetic interference. '3) Subjectng the probe to physical abuse. 4) One of the most common sources of error isthe angular position ofthe probe with respect tothe field being measured ‘As mentioned in Section, a Hall generator is not only sensitive to the number of flux ines passing through it but also to the angle which the pass through it. The Hall generator produces the greatest signal when the flux ines are perpendicular to the sensor as shown in Figure 3-22, The probe is calibrated and specified with flux lines passing perpendicularly through the Hall generator. 5) As shown in Figure 3-23 the greater the distance between the magnetic source and the Hall probe, the fewer fux lines will passthrough the probe. This would cause the probe's output to decrease. Handle the Hall probe with care. Do not bend the stem or apply pressure to the probe tip as damage may result. Use the protective cover when the probe is not in use. VA ower Lowen Bexcrry Sentry WIT MAXIMUM Less ZERO ‘OUTPUT ourPur oureut Figure 3-22 Figure 3.23, Probe Output versus Flux Angle Probe Output versus Distance 6) Flux density can vary considerably across the pole face of @ permanent magnet. This can be caused by internal physical flaws such 2 hairine cracks or bubbles, or an inconsistent mix of materials. Generally the sensitive area of a Hall generator is much smaller than the surface area of the magnet, so the ux density variations are very apparent. Figure 3-24 ilustrates this situation, 7) The accuracies of the meter and probe are affected by temperature variations. Refer to the SPECIFICATIONS section for the ‘speci information MORE DETAILS ON AC MODE OPERATION Itis possible forthe flux density signal to contain both @ DC component and an AC component. In the AC mode, the value displayed is the true RMS value of the waveform with its DC component removed. However, ithe DC component is too high it may force the peak value of the waveform to exceed the electrical limits of the meter. This could cause the waveform to clip and introduce errors in the final reading. This can also lead to an overrange condition on the display and can lead to erratic behavior i the AUTO RANGE feature is active. The presence ofa cipped AC signal can be verified by observing the analog output signal [As stated in the SPECIFICATION section, the accuracy of the true RMS reading is only guaranteed for readings greater than about 44% ofthe full scale range. For example, this would be mT in the 300mT range, Select a lower range if possible to maintain accuracy, Refer to page 3-18 and igure 3-21 for more detailed information about reducing this type of error. Clipped signals can also occur when ‘observing higher frequency signals (typically >10 kHz) in the upper 30% of the solected range, (especially with a transverse probe). In this case the next higher range should be used. Het cables can result in measurement errors and increase susceptibility to radio frequency interference (RFI). The use of some lower quality or unshielded Figure 3.24 Flux Density Variations in a Magnet 3-20 ‘An AC reading, being a true RMS value, has no polarity. However, when using the RELATIVE function in AC made, a negative value may be displayed. A negative AC reading means thatthe present reading is less than the RELATIVE value, An unsigned value means the present reading 's greater than or equal tothe RELATIVE value For example, i the orginal RELATIVE value was 100mT and the present field is BOmT, the result will be -20mT. MORE DETAILS ON DC MODE OPERATION Itis possible forthe flux density signal to contain both a DC component and an AC component. nthe DC mode this can lead to unstable readings. Ifthe peak value of the AC component reaches the electrical limits of the meter, even though the average DC level is within the limits, an overrange condition may appear on the display. ‘This situation can also lead to erratic behavior the AUTO RANGE feature is active. “The presence of an AC signal can be verified by observing the analog output signal or by using the AC mode to dotermine the magnitude ofthe AC component. 321 Section 4 Remote Operation USE INTERFACE CONNECTION NOTE: Ensure that sleep mode is disabled pir to remote operation. Prior to using the remote operation capabiliy of the meter, the USB criver sofware must be Installed on a computer, This Software was supplied on the Users Manual CD for the meter however newer software may be avaiable. Please visit the FW. Bel web st, to download the latest sofware forthe 5100 series meters, and follow the Instructions on the web site for installation REMOTE COMMAND STANDARDS Prior to. 1987 most instruments that featured RS232 communications Interfaces had thei own unique commands for ‘exchanging information. Eventually some manufacturers began offering models that recognized other manufacturer's ‘commands so that customers could easly switch over without making extensive changes to thelr programs. “The IEEE-488-1987.2 standard (also called "IEEE-488.2") was one step toward creating a universal way to communicate with any instrument, rogardless of tha manufacturer othe ype of instrument used. This was later enhancod by the SCPIT91 ‘Standard (Sofware Commands for Programmable Instruments), which defined specific commands and responses that ‘covered a broad range of applications. Though these standards were targeted lor use withthe IEEE4BS instrumentation bus ‘hey are commonly used with serial (RS222) interfaces a8 wal, ‘The Model 5180 supports many of the IEEE-488-1987.2 ‘common’ commands as woll as @ subset of the SCPI-1991 commands, ‘COMMAND FORMAT ‘Al commands consist of ASCII character strings. Some commands contain numeric parameters that are used fo st or reset individual bis within binary registers. For instance a value of 45 decimal fs tho same as binary 101701, thus setting bis 5,3, 2 ‘and in the register and reseting al hers. Sending the value "00101101" would be interpreted as the number 101,101 NOTE: No more than 500 characters can be sentin ane command sting ERROR BUFFER Errors are generated by a variety of sources, such as hardware errors or errors in the command syntax. If an error occurs a message is sored in an ERROR BUFFER. The message can be retrieved by a specific command discussed later inthis section, STATUS REGISTERS ‘There are four register sets that indicate the status ofthe instrument, such as errors or the present state ofthe meter. These are {bit registers, bu in many cases not al ofthe bits are used, The four register sels are called MEASUREMENT EVENT OPERATION EVENT STANDARD EVENT (QUESTIONABLE EVENT ‘There is also an 8-bit register that provides a 1-bit summary for each ofthe our register sets. This is called the STATUS BYTE. Each register set consists of three individual registers, as depicted in Figure 4-3 (next page) 41) The CONDITION register isa real time, read only register that is constantly updated to reflect current operating condition. 2) The EVENT register is fed by the CONDITION register, but operates as a latch. Whenever any bitin the CONDITION register {9028 to “1", a corresponding “ts latched into the EVENT register and remains that way until cleared by a specific command 3) The ENABLE registers a mask register that is used to generate the single status bit for he STATUS BYTE. Seiting any bitin the ENABLE regis t9°1" will allow a corresponding "t” in the EVENT register to set the summary bitin the STATUS BYTE. 42 Information for Remote Operation of 5180 Gaussmeter ‘There ae 2 DLL les which should be installed when you run the setup program {tom the 5180 User manual CD. They ae ibusbO land ysb5100 ‘They should have installed to your systom when you ran the instalation from the CD. Note: These les allow communication with the $180 by higher level programing languages ‘such as various lypae of C. C++ or CH, VieualBasie of development programs lke LabView, ‘Agilent VEE or TestPoint which can make cals to a DLL il. The function defintons ae given ‘nea the bottom o hs page. The earier versions of tho software may nol work with an Intel ual cre processor. ‘There are 3 functions inthe usb$100 al you wil ned to call to communicate withthe $180 4."Tho frst is “opeoUSBS 100" and retuns a4 bytointogr (unsigned long in C) which is tho USB handle for the device being communicated wth. You may communicate with more than ‘one 5180, butyou will need to Keep rack ofthe hanale for each unit because the handle must ‘be passed to tho her 2 functions wen caling thom, Example: callopenUSBS100" and i should return a value, for example 10203046 or some cather number. 2. The second function s the one you will use to do al ather communication, except for closing the session withthe 8180, itis "sepCommand” and requires 4 arguments to be passed when caling {2 The USB ID number assigned when the device was opened initaly (Be handle. ‘pentJS85100), '. The SCPI command sting (the text sting for the desked command as glen inthe user ‘manual Remote Operation and SCPI command sections) Pointer tothe object where you want the response returned to {tis shouldbe a pointer toa sting variable) 4. Maximum response string length. Defaults 60 and this should be good for most applications Example: sepiCommand( 102030405, ION?, pointer to ResponseString variable, 80) 43, The the uneban mil elose the USB cession wth the 5160. iti closeUSBS100" and does not return anything. Example: eloseUSB5100(102030405) Below are the function defnions fr these: Fwestaon The follong det biock isthe standard way of ceating macros which make exporting ‘irom a DLL simpler. Al les within thie DLL are comple’ withthe USBS100_ EXPORTS I symbol defined onthe command Ine. this symbal should not be defined on any project ‘mat uses this DLL, Ths way any other project whase source fles include this le see 1 USB9100_API functions a being imported fom a DLL, whereas ths DLL ses symbols 1 defined wih this macro 2s being exported, ‘Hidet USBS100_EXPORTS ‘define USB5100_API_— declepec(lexport) else ‘4sofine USB5100_API__declspecilimpert) end extern “C* USB5100_API unsigned intopenUSB5100(voi) ‘extern "C" USB5100_API void closeUSBS100( unsigned int vbS00010); ‘extern "C" USB5100_AP! int sep:Command(unsigned in usbID, 43 ‘char md, char result, inten} ned by Other General 5180 File Information The basic calling sequence of executable and DLL files in the 5180 installation is as follows’ + PC5180.EXE is an executable application that provides the graphical meter interface on the computer's monitor. This may be useful for some simple remote monitoring applications etc., but is not very useful for integrating a 5180 into any sort of automated system or testing environment via any generic programming language. PC5180.EXE calls functions that are exported by lib§ 100. DLL. + LibS100.DLL exports a collection of NET classes that handle the high level connection and. display functions. It calls functions that are exported by usb5100.DLL. + Usb5100.DLL exports many functions that actually do the USB connection and communication ‘with the 5180 meter. This is the DLL that provides the functions used by the Sypris manufacturing test & calibration system. It calls functions that are exported by libusb0.dll, The functions in this DLL should be able to be called by most higher level programming languages using the methods described earlier in this document. + Libusb0.DLL is part of the device driver package and exports very low-level generic USB access. functions. These are not specific to the 5180 and would not likely do our customers much good in their development of software to communicate with the 5180. This is an open source project and info is available on the web at http:/Mibusbwin32.sourceforge.nel/ and probably several other related sites if the customer has @ ‘need for this information, 44 [STATUS BYTE AND REQUEST FOR SERVICE (ROS) Abit in the STATUS BYTE called ROS (request for service) sets whenever an event occurs that requires the attention of the ‘computer. The ROS bit can set if any of the summary bits from the MEASUREMENT EVENT. OPERATION EVENT, STANDARD EVENT or QUESTIONABLE EVENT registers are sel, or if an error message exists. The STATUS ENABLE register is a mask register that is used to allow any of these conditions to set the RQS bit, Setting any bitin the STATUS ENABLE register to “1 wil allow a corresponding “1 in the STATUS BYTE register to set the ROS bit, These registers are depicted in Figure 4-4 | ‘OSB — Operation Summary Bit Ifany of he bits in the OPERATION EVENT register set, and ther respective enable bits are set, the Operation Summary Bit (OSB) wil set ESB — Event Summary Bit. It any ofthe bits in the STANDARD EVENT register set, and ther respective enable bits are set, the Event Summary Bit (ESB) wil st QSB - Questionable Summary Bit: I any of the bits inthe QUESTIONABLE EVENT register set, and their respective enable bts are set, the ‘Questionable Summary Bit (SB) wil set MSB — Measurement Summary Bit: any of the bits in the MEASUREMENT EVENT register set, and their respective enable bits are set, the Measurement Summary Bit (MSB) wil set EAV — Error Available: ‘This bt sets any time there is an error message available inthe error buffer. RSQ - Request For Service: It any ofthe other bits in the STATUS BYTE are set, and their respective enable bits are set in the STATUS. ENABLE register, the Request For Service (ROS) wil set. 46 [STANDARD EVENT REGISTER I any ofthese bits set, and their respective enable bits ar set, the Event Summary Bt (ESB) wil set in the STATUS BYTE. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PON CMe [ Exe | DOE ORG Figure 4-5 ‘Standard Event register PON-Power On: Iniates thatthe meter was tured off and on since the last communication (CME - Command Error: Indicates thal there was a syntax or speling error in the command, or the command received is not supported, EXE - Execution Error Indicates thatthe meter detected an error while attempting to execute a command, DDE - Device Dependent Error: Indicates thatthe meter didnot operate property due to some internal error. OPC - Operation Complete: Indicates that all requested operations have been completed, 47 MEASUREMENT EVENT REGISTER If any of these bits set, and their respective enable bits are set, the Measurement Summary Bit (MSB) will set in the ‘STATUS BYTE. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 =a see ve] eee | ora] Faure 48 Measurement Event register ROF - Reading Overflow: Indicates that the present reading excoeds the present measurement range. RAV Reading Av Indicates a reacing was acquired and processed OPERATION EVENT REGISTER any of these bits set, and their respective enable bits are set, 3 pron Seay Bt (0S) sth STATUS BYTE = es = TT T= Figure 47 Operation Event register MEAS - Measure mode: Inieates the meter isn the process of acquiring and processing a reading ‘QUESTIONABLE EVENT REGISTER If any ofthese bis set, and their respective enable bits are set, the Questionable Summary Bit (QSB) wil set in the STATUS BYTE. 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 a[-[-[-[-[-[-]|- Figure 4-8 vestionatie Event register ‘CAL — Calibration summary Indicates that an invalid calibration constant was detected during power up or when the probe was installed. The instrument wil instead use a default parameter, This bt will clear once the meter and probe have been successfully calorate. NOTE: Meter specications are not quaranteed when the CAL bitis set! 48 “COMMON” COMMAND SYNTAX ‘The "common" commands are recognized and acted upon in a similar manner by all instruments that follow the IEEE488.2 standard, whether a DVM, scope, frequency meter, gaussmeter, etc. These are the syntax rules 1).A common command always begins with an asterisk character (*) followed by a three or four character acronym and possibly one ether parameter. For instance the command to clear the event registers Is "CLS. 2) The commands are not case sensitive. For instance the ‘CLS, “cls and “cLS commands are identical 3) If there isa fourth character in the acronym it will aways be a question mark (?) and indicates that information is being requested from the instrument. For instance a command to read the model number and manufacturer of the instrument is *IDN?. 4) If @ parameter folows a command it must be separated from the acronym by one space. The parameter is the ASCII representation of an integer. For instance f the parameter to be sent is binary 1100, the actual parameter sent would be the two ‘ASCII characters 12, since binary 1100 = decimal 12. If you were to send the four ASCII characters 1100 it would be interpreted ‘as dacimal 1100 (eleven hundred). 5),A number returned from the instrument is an ASCII representation of a number. For instance i the instrument returns the sci sting 345 the number is decimal 345 (three hundred forty five), which translates to 159 hex. 6) Mutiple commands can be sent in one sting. The commands must be separated by semicolons (;). For instance, “CLS;"IDN? frst clears the event registers and then requests model and manufacturer Information. If more than one of the ‘commands in the string requesis information from the instrument, the instrument's response will alsa have semicolons ‘separating the responses, such as 945;0;10. 49 “COMMON” COMMANDS ACRONYM NAME BRIEF DESCRIPTION “Ls: Clear status Clear all event registers ‘and error buffer. “ESE — PROGRAM STANDARD EVENT ENABLE REGISTER ‘Asst bitin the STANDARD EVENT ENABLE register allows its corresponding event to set the ESB (event summary bt) in the STATUS BYTE register. is an ASCII string representing an integer mask. For instance a value of 45 decimal isthe same as binary 00101 101, thus setting bits 5, 3, 2 and 0 in the enable register. *ESE? — STANDARD EVENT ENABLE REGISTER QUERY Returns the contents of the STANDARD EVENT ENABLE register “ESR? - STANDARD EVENT REGISTER QUERY Retums the contents of the STANDARD EVENT register NOTE: The STANDARD EVENT registers cleared after an “ESR? command, “IDN? ~ IDENTIFICATION QUERY Returns the folowing sting: F.W.BELL, MODEL 5180,Rx.x. The Rx.x string isthe fmware revision level, where xx is a decimal number, such a8 1.1 "OPC - SET OPERATION COMPLETE ‘Causes the OPC (operation complete) bit to set in the STANDARD EVENT register when all commands have been executed. “OPC? OPERATION COMPLETE QUERY ‘Causes the OPC (operation complete) bit to set in the STANDARD EVENT register and returns an ASCII "1" when all ‘commands have been executed. “OPT? ~ OPTION IDENTIFICATION QUERY Returns a string that identifies the model number and serial number of the Hall probe. The model number will aways be 12 characters in length including trailing spaces, such as STOS80404. Following the model number will be a comma () Next will be the serial number, which wil always be ten characters in length including traling spaces, such as 0523004. If no probe is attached or can't be identified the string wil default to "UNDEFINED 0 “SRE ~ PROGRAM STATUS ENABLE REGISTER {A set bit in the STATUS ENABLE register allows its corresponding event to set the ROS (request for service) in the STATUS BYTE register. is an ASCII sting representing an integer mask. For instance a value of 45 decimal isthe ‘same as binary 00101101, thus setting bits 5, 3, 2 and O in the enable register. "SRE? STATUS ENABLE REGISTER QUERY Returns the contents of the STATUS ENABLE register. "STB? — STATUS BYTE QUERY Returns the contents of the STATUS BYTE register. NOTE: The STATUS BYTE rogistor is not cloarod after an “STB? command. ‘Other registers and butters must be cleared for the bits in the STATUS BYTE register to be cleared. 'SCPI COMMAND SYNTAX ‘The SCPI commands go one step farther than |EEE488.2 and provide a language protocol and defines a standard set of ‘commands to program most aspects ofthe instrument. These are the syntax rues 41) The fist character of any command string isa colon (:) 2) The commands are not case sensitive. For instance the ‘MEASURE, :measure and :MEASure commands are identical 3) A question mark (?) in a command means that the command is requesting information from the instrument. This is called a ‘query command 4) For any command there is a short and long speling ofthe command. Use the following rules fo the short version: 2) Ifthe length of the command is four letters oF less, there is no short version. ») If the command has more than four letters and the fourth letters a vowel, drop it and al letters that fllow it. For instance the command "RESET can be shortened to ‘RES. 6) the command has more than four letters and the fourth letter is a consonant, drop all letters that follow i. For instance the ‘command ‘MEASURE can be shortened to : MEAS, 4) I the command contains a question mark (2) or a non-optional parameter it must be included after the short form version. For instance a query command of ;CONDITION? can be shortened to ;COND?. €) The use of anything other than the shor or long version of a command is not permitted. For instance both the :MEASURE {and : MEAS commands are acceptable, but :MEASU isnot. 5) If parameter follows a command it must be separated from the command by one space. 6) Mutiple commands can be sent in one string. The commands must be separated by semicolons ('). A colon (:) must stil precede each command. If more than one of the commands in the string requests information from the instrument, the instrument's response wil also have semicolons separating the responses, such as 345;0;10. ‘SCPI COMMANDS In the folowing discussion the commands are writen such that the short form of the command is wien in UPPER ‘CASE letters and the remainder of the command is writen in lower case laters Ether form can be used IW parameters are required they will appear within <> brackets in this document. Brackets are not part of the ‘actual command sting ‘An parameter isa single ASCII digit. is usually a muttiple digit number. The meter supports a subset of the avaiable SCPI commands. However, there are some functions that are not supported with standard SCPI ‘commands. In these cases these special commands are patterned after other SCPI commands that are similar in function. SPC! Commands continued on next page "ERROR HESSAGE COMMANDS. ‘DESCRIPTION ‘SYSTemERRO? Ratiove next eror message ‘SYSTem:CLEar ‘Ciear all oror messages "STATUS REGISTER COMMANDS ‘DESCRIPTION "STATus MEAS urement EVEN? ‘Query Measurement Even 9. ‘STATUSOPERAIGN EVENT ‘Query Operation Event seg. "STATUSIQUESTOn@DIGEVENT ‘Query Questionable Even eg "STATUSMEAS urement ENABIe NR | Program Measurement Event Enabe reg “STATusOPERalonENABIe = NR] Program Operation Event Enabie 69 "STATUSQUESTONaDISENABIG “NR | Program Questionable Event Enable 109 "STATUS MEAS urement ENABIG? ‘Query Measurement Event Enabie 09 ‘Query Operation Event Enable 9 "STATUsOPERaton ENABIO? "STATuSOUEStonabIOENABIO? ‘Query Questionable Event Enaba 09 "STATus MEAS urement CONDHon? ‘Query Measurement Condon req "STATusOPERaton:CONDIon? ‘Query Operation Condon req ‘STATUSOUEStonable:CONDIon? ‘Query Questonable ‘Const req. ‘STATusPRESet ‘Gear all event regsters. Table 4-2 SCPI Commands ‘MODE COMMANDS: DESCRIPTION "ZERO RELATIVE COMMANDS. DESCRIPTION TUNTTFLUXAC: GAUSS Program ac aauss ‘SYSTeAZERO Trias an aviomatc mode 2zer0 operation UNITFLUKAGTESLa rogram a6 Teale rhode || SYSTanARELatve STAT <> Program relative mde ‘UNITFLUKACAM, Program ac amp-motar | |"SYSTemARELatve STATe? ‘Query relative mode mode sting TUNITFLOKDC-GAUS= Program de gauss PC ee mode MEAS teFLUX? UNITFLUXOGTESLa Program desta node UNIEFLUXOGAM Program de AM mode. ‘Bian hx density read. "ANALOG OUTPUT COMMANDS. ‘DESCRIPTION LUNITFLUX? ‘Query mode seting ‘S¥STemOUT <> ‘Enabe/csabie analog RANGE COMMANDS ‘DESCRIPTION aaa ‘SENSSFLURANGE:AUTO rogram suo range 'SENS@-FLUXRANG® <> Program xed range ‘SENSe-FLUXRANG@? Guery range eating HOLD COMMANDS ‘DESCRIPTION. 'SENS®HOLO-STATS <> Program hold mose ‘SENSeHOLD'STATS? ‘Query hold mode stn ‘SENS@HOLD RES Reset preseniy Pal value Table 42 ‘SPI Commands ERROR MESSAGES AND COMMANDS Ian error occurs a message is placed in the error buffer. The message will contain a number, a comma (,) and a brief description ofthe errr, Negative () numbers are used for SCPI defined messages while positive (+) numbers relate specifically to the meter. Each time the buffer is read the next error message is returned and then remaved from the buffer. Ifno error exists the message °0, No error will be returned ‘There are certain error status bits that wil set in the STANDARD EVENT register. These bits provide general error indications. The error message will provide more detailed information about the errs. ‘The error buffer can be read and cleared with the folowing commands: :SYSTem:ERRor? Returns the next eror message and removes it from the errr bute ‘SYSTem:CLEar Removes all messages from the error buffer. IW the meter detects an error in the command string (a speling error, a command that is not supported or @ numerical value that is incorrect) the meter wil not execute the ‘command. If the errors detected in the middle ‘of a multiple command sting the command that contains the error and all commands that follow wil not be executed. The user's ‘program should always check the STATUS BYTE to determine i an error has occurred, ERROR CODE LIST NO ERROR. NOTIN MEASURE MODE NUMERIC DATA ERROR, ILLEGAL PARAMETER ERROR INPUT BUFFER OVERRUN VALID SEPARATOR. SYNTAX ERROR COMMAND ERROR INVALID METER CAL DATA UNABLE TO READ PROBE CAL DATA INVALID PROBE CAL DATA, INVALID PROBE CAL DATA INVALID PROBE CAL DATA INVALID PROBE CAL DATA METER CALIBRATION ERROR METER CALIBRATION ERROR METER CALIBRATION ERROR METER CALIBRATION ERROR METER CALIBRATION ERROR METER CALIBRATION ERROR METER CALIBRATION ERROR METER CALIBRATION ERROR 415 METER CALIBRATION ERROR STATUS COMMANDS ‘The STATUS commands control and query the MEASUREMENT EVENT, OPERATION EVENT and QUESTIONABLE EVENT registers, ‘STATus:MEASurement:EVENt? Retuins the contents ofthe specified EVENT register, then clears the register contents {STATus:MEASurement:ENABle :!STATus:OPERation:ENABle !STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle Programs the specified EVENT ENABLE register with the value . is an ASCII string representing an integer mask For instance a value of 45 decimal isthe same as binary 00101101, thus setting bits 5, 3, 2 and Oin the enable register ‘STATus:MEASurement:ENABle? Returns the contents ofthe specified EVENT ENABLE register. ‘STATus:MEASurement:CONDition? )PERation:CONDition? :QUEStionable:CONDItion? Returns the contents of the specified EVENT CONDITION register. The EVENT CONDITION register is a realtime register Fefleting the state ofthe meter atthe time ofthe read, Some conditions could happen very quickly and could be missed by this query. It is often better to rely on the contents of the EVENT register since it latches the event untl cleared by @ specific ‘command, Clears al EVENT ENABLE registers. MODE COMMANDS “These commands select readings in either GAUSS, TESLA or AMPMETERS, ‘and flux densty readings for ether state flds (de) ‘or alternating fields (ac). See Section’ focmore information LUNIT:FLUX:AC:GAUSs Specifies ac flux density readings in gauss, “UNIT:FLUX:AC-TESLa Specifies ac fux density readings in tesla, :UNIT:FLUX:AG:AM. Specifies ac fux density readings in ampmeters :UNIT:FLUX:0C:GAUSS Specifies de ux density readings in gauss. :UNIT:FLUX:DC:TESLa Species de fux density readings in tala, “UNIT-FLUX:DC:AM. Species de fux density readings in ampmeters, :UNIT:FLUX? Retuns an ASCII string representing the present mode setting forthe meter. ‘The ASCII string can be DC GAUSS, AC GAUSS, DC TESLA, AC TESLA, AC AM or DC AM, RANGE COMMANDS ‘These commands select either a fixed range or AUTO range. See Section 3 for more information :SENSe:FLUX:RANGO:AUTO Selects the AUTO RANGE function :SENSe:FLUK:RANGe Selects a fixed range , where n = (for 300.6 30 mi 128.88 kA “for 3K 1 300 mT 238.8 KAM 2400 30 KG 37/2988 KAIm :SENSe:FLUK:RANGO? Return an ASCII cgi representing the present range setting forthe meter, as follows (for 300.6 130 mi 123.88 kA “for 3 KG 1 300 mT 238.8 KAM 2 for 90 KG / 3/2388 kAlmn HOLD COMMANDS: ‘These commands select one of the HOLD modes or resets the presently held reading, See Section for more information :SENSe:HOLD:STATe Selects the HOLD function, where isa single ASCII cgi, as follows: (0= Al HOLD modes turned of. 11= MIN HOLD on, 2= MAX HOLD on 3 = PEAK HOLD on, ‘SENSe:HOLD:STATe? Returns an ASCII cigit representing the present HOLD mode setting, as follows: (= All HOLD modes turned of. +1 =MIN HOLD on. 2= MAX HOLD on 3= PEAK HOLD on, ‘SENSe:HOLD:RESet ‘This command resets the presently held reading ZERO COMMAND ‘This command initiates an automatic ZERO operation. See Section’ {or more information. ‘SYSTem:AZERO ‘Automatic zeroing is intiated upon receipt of this command, RELATIVE COMMANDS. “These commands control the RELATIVE function. See Section 3 for more information, :SYSTem:ARELative:STATe ‘The relative function is tured off when is 0, When ig 1 the relative function is turned on, using the previously generated Felatve value i any. When Enables or disables the ANALOG OUTPUT, where

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