Capstone Portfolio Standard Reflection Standard 7

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Professional School Counselor Portfolio (PSCP)

Brief Reflection Form

Standard 7: Professional Orientation Functioning
Competencies Addressed:
1. Apply knowledge of history, roles, organizational structures, ethics, standards, and
2. Maintain a high level of professional knowledge and skills.
3. Apply knowledge of professional and ethical standards to the practice of school
4. Articulate the counselor role to school personnel, parents, community, and students.
Date Created: March 10th, 2015
Student Name: Kelli Mitchell

Reviewers Initials: _____________

Reflection Papers must be typed and 2-3 pages in length following the four domain headings
1. Describe the context in which these artifacts were collected and identify the standard
and competency(s) the artifact represents.
The Nurtured Heart Approach training was part of professional development that I
attended for my practicum experience, GEDU 551/550. I had previously attended the Nurtured
Heart Approach training through 4 Oaks, but it was interesting to compare how the approach
would be used in an educational setting versus a PMIC residential facility. The Nurtured Heart
Approach represents competencies 2 and 4.
Positive Behavioral Support Interventions is a program and intervention that is used in
the elementary schools in the Mason City School District. I attended the presentation that was
given to the faculty of the Roosevelt elementary schools as part of my practicum experience,
GEDU 551/559. The power point high lights the three tiers that PBIS looks at, what student
needs need to be met, and how the positive intervention can help reduce referrals. The PBIS
presentation meets competencies #1, #2, and #4.
The Accountability Paper No. 4 was completed for GEDU 543 as part of the auditing of a
guidance counseling program within a school. My program audit took place at two of the
elementary schools in the Mason City School District. This paper defines which areas of the
administration paper touches on competencies #1, and #2. Because of my inexperience as a
functioning school counselor, or lack of experience win the educational setting, I do not feel that
I have reached mastery at this standard.

2. What do they demonstrate to you about your learning and mastery of the competencies
which fall under this standard?

The Nurtured Heart training is a great representation of continuing to maintain and gain
professional knowledge and skills that I can utilize and implement in the school setting. The
training is another intervention or tool that can be used in the school system and fits into the
PBIS organizational structure. It teaches to focus on the positive a student is doing, no matter
how many negatives they are doing. This training is also available to parents in the community.
This is important because then it provides a consistency for the students. The intervention and
interactions are the same in the school as they are at home. When doing this it is the best way for
students to be successful.
The PBIS presentation that I attended for my practicum, GEDU 551/550 has been
implemented in the elementary schools as an organizational structure that is followed by all
faculty. This program along with Nurtured Heart, focuses on pointing out the positive things that
are going on, and instead of telling a student no or stop doing, as an adult you tell them what they
should be doing, or point out what they are doing right. Continuous trainings, implementing, and
training other staff help maintain the high level of professional knowledge and skill in being a
counselor and an advocate for the students.
In the Accountability Paper No. 4 that was completed for GEDU 543, I demonstrated
applied knowledge of the history, roles, and organizational structure of the school counselor in
the Mason City Elementary schools, as well as the ethics, standards, and credentialing through
the cross-walked of the Roosevelt elementary counseling program with the ASCA national
model. This comparison to the national model also assisted in demonstrated my knowledge and
skills of a comprehensive school counselor.
3. What do these items of evidence tell you about your overall progress toward your
personal goals and your growth as a professional school counselor?
I understand the components of the comprehensive model, but as I have not had a lot of
experience in the educational setting, I still have a lot to learn about the administration. Through
my experience while doing my practicum I was able to learn how to make an effective
curriculum that can meet the ASCA standards and the educational standards that you are scored
on by your administrator. Also I felt growth in being able to help put together an organizational
structure for the school, teaching it to the faculty and the community. I learned that it is
important for the community to understand and by into the program and interventions that a
school is using on their students. The trainings and presentations I was able to attend helped me
grow and attain more skills to help me become a better professional school counselor.
4. What are your plans for additional growth or improvement in this area?
As I search for jobs, do interviews, and enter into a position of a
professional school counselor, I hope to become more familiar with the
ASCAs Comprehensive Model of Guidance Counseling. That model is the
foundation of becoming a great counselor. I also plan to continue to gain a
high level of knowledge and skill through trainings and experience. And as I
enter into the role of a professional school counselor, I plan to make it my
mission to advocate for myself, and articulate the counselor role to faculty,
parents, community and the students. Advocating for myself and the role of
the school counselor is important for a successful school counseling program.
It is important to educate what the school counselor role looks like, so it can
be utilized and successful.

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