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Define the term totalitarianism

Describes a government that takes total centralized state control over every aspect of public and
private life.
2. While reading the excerpt, create a list of methods of control used by Soviet leaders
and examples

Police Terror


Propaganda and censorship

They use terror and violence to force obedience
and to crush opposition. They spy on citizens or
intimidate them. They can use brutal force or
sometimes murder.

Instruction in the government beliefs- to mold.

Control of education.

Incomplete information used to sway people to

accept certain beliefs or actions. Mass media
allows this to happen.
Create Enemies of the state to blame for things
that went wrong. The enemies are usually
members of religious or ethnic groups. They may
be forced to live in certain areas or subjected to
rules that only apply to them.

Religious or ethnic Persecution

3. Of all the methods of control, which allows the MOST long-term control?
I think indoctrination allows the most long term affect because they start it at a young age. If kids
are growing up learning just essential things to glorify the leader and his policies, they will have
unconditional loyalty and support.
4. Stalins methods of control.
a. What was the Great Purge? How would Stalins use of this action increase his
A campaign of terror directed at eliminating anyone who threatened his power. This helped Stalin
gain power because they were executed or sent to labor camps for crimes against the Soviet
b. What was Pravda? How did Stalin explain the purpose of art in the USSR?
The Pravda was the communist party newspaper and it explained the purpose of art. Stalin
explained it as, Literature,
The cinema, the arts are levers in the hands of the proletariat which must be used to show
the masses positive models of initiative and heroic labor.
c. What is atheism? How did Stalin use atheism to influence his control over his citizens?
Atheism is to believe in no God. He wanted them only to believe in him and he used Museums of
atheism to display exhibits that showed that religious beliefs were only superstition. He attacked
the Russian Orthodox Church mainly and the police destroyed churches and synagogues. Many
religious leaders were killed or sent to labor camps.
5. Stalins control over the economy.
a. What is a command economy?
It is a system in which the government made all economic decisions.

b. Stalins Five-Year Plans

1. Purpose?
They were to develop the Soviet Unions economy and also, to increase the output of steel,
coal, oil, and electricity. To reach these targets, the government had to limit production of
consumer goods.

2. Results?
They produced impressive economic results and the Soviets made substantial gains, but
people were faced with severe shortages of housing, food, clothing, and other necessary
c. What methods did Stalin use to bring agriculture under state control?
Stalin used collective farms to bring agriculture under state control. They took land away from
peasants and combined all the farms together to create one huge piece of land. It boosted the food
production and reduced the number of workers.
d. Kulaks - Who were they?
Peasants that refused to give up their land for collectivism.
1. How did they create a problem for Stalin?
They murdered officials, torched the property of the collectives, and burned their own crops and
grain in protest.
2. How did he solve the problem?
The State took control of the Kulaks land and equipment, and confiscated stores of food and
grain. More than 3 million Ukrainians were shot, exiled, or imprisoned. Over 6 million people
died in the government-engineered famine that result from the destruction of crops and
animals. By 1935, all the Kulaks had been eliminated.

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