Turner Ada Letter-1

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Dear Parents,

It has recently been brought to my attention, as well as all of the other teachers at this school, that
there have been some problems regarding the specific needs of students in the classroom that
unfortunately have not been met. As your child's teacher would like to improve in this aspect. Not only
would I like to improve, but the school district would also like to change anything that we are doing
wrong to satisfy your needs and the needs of your child. It is very important to me as well as the other
teachers and the school district that we accomplish our main goal at this school, and that is to satisfy the
parents and the children in our ways of teaching. We want you and your child to be happy.
ADA: The Office for Civil Rights mission is to ensure equal access to education and to promote
educational excellence throughout the nation through enforcement of civil rights. One of their main jobs
is resolving discrimination complaints and developing approaches to prevent discrimination. There are 12
enforcement agencies throughout the country and they are organized into four divisions to enforce their
core work- preventing, identifying, ending, and remedying discrimination against America's students.
IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is an act initiated by the US Department of
Education. Within the act, it ensures services to children with disabilities across the nation. It governs the
way that state and public agencies provide early intervention, special education, and other related topics
to children with disabilities. The act addresses educational needs of children with disabilities from ages
birth all the way up to twenty one in the cases of thirteen eligible disabilities. Students with disabilities
will be prepared for higher education, employment, and independent living.
Assistive Technology Act,
Disability is a natural part of the human experience and in no way diminishes the right of individuals to-(A) Live independently;
(B) Enjoy self-determination and make choices;
(C) Benefit from an education;
(D) Pursue meaningful careers; and
(E) Enjoy full inclusion and integration in the economic, political, social, cultural, and educational
mainstream of society in the United States.
Technology has become one of the primary engines for economic activity, education, and innovation in
the Nation, and throughout the world. The commitment of the United States to the development and
utilization of technology is one of the main factors underlying the strength and vibrancy of the economy
of the United States.
If you have any concerns, feel free to contact me.

Mr. Turner

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