Code of Ethics Research Assignment

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Code of Ethics Research Assignment Due 10/24 (A) 10/25 (B)

A Code of Ethics is a set of rules that govern the behavior of members of the organization which has
established the Code. Your assignment is to research and examine the code of ethics for professionals
in a field of study that you are considering for Senior Thesis. For example, if youre interested in
accountancy, you would become an expert on the Code of Ethics for the American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Thus, this research is a three step process.
1) You must find the professional organization applicable to someone active in your field of study.
Begin by searching for professional organization + [your career]. For example, as a teacher, I would
search for professional organization +teacher
2) You must find the code of ethics for that organization, which you will read and summarize.
Search for code of ethics for your field.
3) The final aspect of this research is that you must find and examine a contemporary ethical problem
in your field/discipline. Note that there is not a website devoted to ethical dilemmas in your field.
This will take some searching on your part. For example, if youre interested in teaching, you may
examine a scenario in which teachers were caught cheating on standardized tests.
For your reference: This website has a list of codes of ethics, however, there is a ton of information
here. This may be more confusing than simply searching for the professional organization first.

What you will turn in

1. The name of the organization and website address
2. An outline in your own words of the Code of Ethics for members of that organization
3. An ethical dilemma in your field
a. Write an overview of the issue, who was involved, what aspect of the Code of Ethics was
violated, and how the issue was resolved.
-5 points per day late; -5 points if not typed;
Grading is holistic and based on the overall quality and content of your work. Consider careful
attention to detail and revision; be sure to use high-level diction and syntax reflective of the nature of
this class and AMHS. Your work should be thorough and well-developed, discussing all aspects of
the assignment and answering all potential questions relating to the Code of Ethics and ethical


39-40 Superior
37-38 Excellent
36-34 Good


Grading Scale
33-31 Basic
30-28 Sub-standard

Missing key


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