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Jensen Hochstetler

Stats lesson 3
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Cereal Crave

Stats Lesson Plan

TuvaLabs- internet access
Forms of Assessment:
1. Word document uploaded onto Edmodo page
2. Word document sent via email
Students will analyze a given data set using TuvaLabs.
Students will analyze a data set finding the mean, median, and mode also with a focus
on the outliers if any using TuvaLabs.
Students should be able to answer questions about measures of center and make
comparisons between the data in the three categories (if there is time for all three
Im really craving cereal! Can anyone give me some ideas of which kind I should eat?
What are some of your favorite kinds of cereal?
Cocoa Puffs
Frosted Flakes
(other cereals they may enjoy)
My favorite is Trix!
I am also trying to be healthy so I want to know what kind of cereal is going to be the
best for me. We are going to take a look at a few different kinds of cereals and compare
their calories, sugars, and the amount of sodium in each of them. Hopefully after we
look at each of these, we will be able to pick the best cereal to eat for a snack.

The students will retrieve and open the TuvaLabs website from either Edmodo or the
class journal.
The code for this data set is 582my
When the file is pulled up on their computer, the students are to give the teacher a
thumbs up to signal that they are ready.
1. Click on one of the dots. Look at the color keys on the left hand side of the website.
How do these keys differ between attributes with categorical data and attributes with
numerical data?
a. The ones with categorical data are three different distinct colors and the one with
numerical data is in a rainbow coloring (goes from dark to light)

2. Now go up to the toolbar of the TuvaLabs website and click on dot, so that this will
categorize our data into a dot plot. Since we are still on attribute, they are all bunched

3. Lets look at calories first. Click on the Calories attribute and drag it to the x-axis.
a. What change do you notice about the circular icons?
i. They changed colors to match the calories icon, they moved

b. What do you notice about the graph?

i. There are a lot that are 110 calories.
c. Lets find what the median of these cereals calories is just to see what
we are working with. What do you guys think the median of this set of
data is going to be why?

i. 110, because thats where the most are and it is in the middle and
median is the middle point in the data.
d. Go up to the top and click on functions. Click on median. If you roll
over the line that pops up, what does it say that the median is?
i. 110

e. Now that we have found the median, lets find the mode. What do you
think that the mode of this data is going to be? Why?
i. 110, because it is the one that has the highest row and mode is
the most frequent within the data.
f. Go up to the top and unclick median, and now lets click mode. What
does it say that the mode is if we roll over the mode line?
i. 110

g. Now lets find the mean. Who knows that the mean is?
i. The average of the data.
h. What do you think the mean will be and why?
i. 110 because that is where a lot of the data points are.
i. What do we get when we click on mean from the functions menu?
i. 107.14

j. Now we are going to focus a little bit on outliers. An outlier is any value
or values in a set of data that are much greater or much smaller than most
of the other values. Do any of these pieces of data look like they could be
considered an outlier? Why?
i. 180 because it is much further away from the rest of the data
k. Could you think of a reason why an outlier could be a negative addition
to the rest of the data set if you are trying to find, say the mean?
i. It makes the mean much bigger because that point has to be
added into the total too, and since it is way different than the rest of the
data, it is affecting the overall mean.
What do you think the mean would be if we took that outlier out?
It would be smaller maybe 106 instead.
Lets see what happens when we take our outlier which is 180 out. (Pull
up edited TuvaLabs document on my computer for students to see)

We see that our mean now is 106.18.

4. Lets do this same process but we will look at the Sugars instead. Click on the sugars
tab and then drag it down to the x-axis. What did you notice happen when you did this?

a. The color changed again and the dots moved to different places. There are smaller
numbers on the bottom axis.
b. If everyone will go to the Edmodo page and click on the word file titled TuvaLabs
worksheet, I am going to have you work with a partner and you will look at the mean,
median, mode, and see if there are any possible outliers within the sugars category of
the cereals. Stop when you get to the Assessment section of the worksheet.
Worksheet Questions
What do you think the median of this set of data will be and why?
8 because it looks like it is in the middle.
What is the median?

What do you think the mode of this data set is going to be and why?
3 because it has the most
What is the mode?

What do you think the mean is and why?

8 because it looks like most of the data is around there.

What is the mean?


Are there any points in this data set that could be considered an outlier?
If so, how does this affect the overall mean?
Yes, 180 is an outlier. This would make the overall mean higher, because
it is much higher than the rest of the points.
Come together as a class and discuss answers.
Now I am going to have each of you complete the assessment part of the worksheet on
your own. Once you have finished, save the file as Tuva_abc and upload onto our
Edmodo page.
**Click on sodium**
Worksheet Questions
What do you think the median of this set of data will be and why?
170, because it looks like it is in the middle.
What is the median?

What do you think the mode of this data set is going to be and why?
0 because it has the most.
What is the mode?
0, but does not show up on program

What do you think the mean is and why?

180, because it looks like most of the data is around that point.
What is the mean?

Are there any point in this data set that could be considered an outlier?
If so, how does this affect the overall mean?
Yes, 425 is an outlier. It makes the overall mean higher, because it is
much larger than the rest of the data.
If we go back to our TuvaLabs graph and move calories onto the x-axis, it will line
them all back up again based off of that. What do we see with the lowest amount of
All Bran with extra fiber, puffed wheat, and puffed rice.
Since I am trying to find the healthiest, I want to compare the sugars and also the
sodium as well. Lets click on sugars. Are those first three all the same?

Yes they are all 0.

Now lets click sodium. Are those three all the same again?
No, all bran with extra fiber has 140 mL, but puffed wheat and puffed rice and
both 0.
So what does this tell us if I am trying to find the absolute best cereal from these
You should choose to eat the Puffed Wheat or the Puffed Rice.
What other items could we use statistics with in our daily lives?
Other types food.
Is there anything other than food we could use statistics?
Students may think of some items or they may be stumped.
Think about the last question if you cant think of something and be ready the next class

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