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The Cuban Missile Crisis Webquest

Type in the following web address
Feel free to look at the pictures and read the information
1. Who was the President of the United States in 1962?

2. What did the CIA discover that the Soviet Union was building in Cuba in 1962?

3. How close is Florida to Cuba?

Click on Begin the Thirteen Days

Day 1 Oct 16th
4. What are two main ideas offered to President Kennedy to deal with the Soviet build up of
weapons in Cuba?

5. How did the President avoid arousing public concern on day 1 of the crisis?

6. Click on the map of the western hemisphere showing the range of Soviet missiles. Is your
hometown/city in range of the Soviet Union missiles launched from Cuba?

Click on Day 2 Oct 17th

7. What region of the United States did the American military start moving some of its

8. About how many nuclear missiles did the United States believe the Soviet Union had in
Cuba on Day 2 of the crisis?

Click on Day 3 Oct 18th

9. What did Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko assert about Soviet aid to Cuba
during his meeting with John F. Kennedy?

10. What did John F. Kennedy warn Andrei Gromyko about?

Click on Day 4 Oct 19th

11. Why did John F. Kennedy go to Ohio and Illinois? What do Kennedys advisors
continue to do while Kennedy was gone?

Click on Day 5 Oct 20th

12. What military option did Kennedy decide to use against Soviet forces in Cuba?

13. What excuse does Kennedy use to leave the Midwest and return early to Washington,

Click on Day 6 Oct 21st

14. What important information does General Walter Sweeney of the Tactical Air
Command tell John F. Kennedy on October 21, 1962?

Click on Day 7 Oct 22nd

15. What three former presidents did John F. Kennedy call on Oct 22, 1962? Why do you
think President Kennedy wanted to talk to these three former presidents?

16. What committee did John F. Kennedy formally establish on Oct 22, 1962?

17. What American ally does John F. Kennedy inform by phone about the Soviet missiles in
Cuba on Oct 22, 1962?

Click on and read Kennedys Letter to Khrushchev

18. What grade would you give Kennedys letter to Khrushchev about the American
discovery of nuclear missiles in Cuba?

Please explain your grade and reasoning.

19. What two major announcements did Kennedy make during his television speech to the
nation on October 22, 1962?

Click on and read Day 8 Oct 23rd

20. From what organization did the United States seek a resolution of support in efforts for
the quarantine of Cuba?

21. What did the Soviet Union move into the Caribbean Sea to observe/threaten the
American quarantine of Cuba?

22. What were Soviet armed freighters ordered to do by the Soviet Union?

23. What did President Kennedy ask Khrushchev to halt?

Click on and read Day 9 Oct 24th

Click on and read Read text of Premier Khrushchev's letter.

24. What grade would you give Khrushchevs letter to Kennedy about the American
demands regarding Cuba and the quarantine?

Please explain your grade and reasoning.

Click on Day 10 Oct 25th

25. What new development happened with some of the Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba on
October 25, 1962?

26. What did some Soviet freighters start doing on October 25, 1962?

27. What did U.N. Secretary General U Thant call for? Did the United States agree to his

28. What happened during the debate between U.S. Ambassador Adlai Stevenson and his
Soviet U.N. counterpart Valerian Zorin at the United Nations on October 25, 1962?

Click on Day 11 Oct 26th

29. Why is a Soviet freighter allowed to go through the American quarantine line?

30. What does American photographic evidence on Cuba show on October 26, 1962?

31. What does the leader of Cuba, Fidel Castro urge the Soviet Union to do if Cuba is
invaded by the United States?

32. What does Khrushchev propose in a letter to Kennedy on October 26, 1962?

Click on and read Fidel Castro's letter

33. What grade would you give Castros letter to Khrushchev about what the Soviet Union
should do in case of an American invasion of Cuba?

Please explain your grade and reasoning.

Click on Day 12 Oct 27th

34. What new demands did the Soviet Union make in regards to the possible removal of
nuclear missiles from Cuba?

35. What happened to an American spy plane while flying over Cuba on October 27, 1962?

36. What possible action was President Kennedy being pressured into on October 27, 1962?

37. What terms does America agree to after late night secret negotiations to have the Soviet
Union remove nuclear missiles from Cuba?

38. What does the United States agree to secretly remove from Turkey?

Click on Day 13 Oct 28th

39. How does the Soviet Union announce that they accept the proposed solution to the
Cuban Missile Crisis?

40. What grade would you give Kennedy and Khrushchev combined efforts to solve the
Cuban Missile Crisis and prevent a nuclear war?

Please explain your grade and reasoning.

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