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For Immediate Release

APRIL 6, 2015
Media Contact:
Cassie Holloway
(909) 731-3219


Director of Admissions Sets the Tone for Prospective Law Students

La Verne, CA Kelly Greer spoke about South Western Law School, and the
challenges of admissions on Monday April 13, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. in the Presidential
Dining Room. She also communicated the important aspects of the application process,
the dynamics of South Western Law School, and the experience of law school in
general terms.
Greer is the Senior Associate Director of Admissions at Southwestern Law
School, and a graduate of Loyal Law School at Loyola Marymount University. She
started her college career in 1999 at the University of California, Los Angeles, and
received her Bachelor of Arts degree in International Developmental Studies and
Japanese in 2003. She then went on to get her Doctor of Law in 2006 to start her career
in law.
Currently at South Western, Greer is responsible for student recruitment, the
processing of student applications, and the counsel of prospective students regarding
the admissions process and conduct receptions both on and off campus for accepted
applicants. Members of her department attend recruiting events at undergraduate
institutions and Law School Admission Council sponsored forums throughout the
country. She provided students at the event with crucial information to understand the
facets of law school, and everything a prospective student would need to know.

ULV Pre Law Society

The University of La Verne Pre Law Society provides students interested in law school with forums for networking, information
pertaining to the application process, workshops, guest speakers, and many other entities that will further the education process.

I really enjoyed the information Kelly Greer provided our club, said Pre Law
Society President Cassie Holloway, She really gave me a new perspective on law
school, and gave me the confidence to pursue this challenging career.
I feel like I easily learned something new coming to this speaker, said senior
member Sean Ketner, South Western is a school I would definitely consider now that I
know more about it.
The event lasted about 45 minutes, which included a Power Point presentation
and a segment where students could ask any questions.

The Pre Law Society will be having booth at the Earth Day Club Fair on
Wednesday, April 22, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for any students interested in signing
up for information on future events.
For more information about the ULV Pre Law Society, please email, or follow us @ulvprelaw (Instagram), @ULV_Pre_Law (Twitter),
and Facebook.

ULV Pre Law Society

The University of La Verne Pre Law Society provides students interested in law school with forums for networking, information
pertaining to the application process, workshops, guest speakers, and many other entities that will further the education process.

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