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Jaspreet Kaur

Area That Requires Development


Organization skills
Improve in taking vital signs
Practice my nursing skills regularly so that I
am ready for clinical

Strategies and Resources to be Utilized:


I will go to the nursing lab for at least 8 hours

a week where I will be able to practice my
nursing skills.
I can also ask my clinical teacher for
assistance where needed to ensure that my
goals are met.
I will practice taking vital signs at home to
ensure that I become faster at this nursing

DATE: November 22, 2013

Learning Goal
Over the semester, I have progressed in many different
ways, improving my skills in school. Although I try my best
in class there are several things I can do to improve that I
have listed below. To begin with, I would like to improve on
my time management skills. If I were to manage my time
effectively, then this would allow me to do my readings
before class so I could be well prepared for any discussions.
Another goal that I have set for myself is, I would like to go
through the checklist faster. After practicing for a longer
period of time, I will be more familiar with the systems in
the body and when a problem occurs within my patients, I
will know automatically which checklist to do. My last goal
that would help me improve on my pervious goal is to put in
more hours in the practice lab. If I were to go to lab more
often, then this would help me improve on the flow of my

Evaluation Criteria:

I will time myself at the end to

see if I have improved in taking
vital signs.
I will also ask for feedback from
my peers to help me achieve
this goal

Time Line:

2013- January

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