Health Assessment

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Samantha LaClair

Nursing Health Assessment Documentation Record

System Being Assessed: Respiratory

CC (Chief Complaint): I am short of breath

O: Started about one week ago-not really sudden

L: SOB- no location
D: All the time- Worse today 3/14/15
C: Really tight in the chest area. C/O not being able to get enough air in
A: Worse during activity- nothing alleviates it
R: Nonproductive cough- peak flow level is 50% at personal best
T: Tried puffer no respiratory meds helped
S: 9 out of 10 when moving. Sleeping in lounge chair because of this problem. 5 out
of 10 with no exertion.

HPI (history of present illness) includes How have you been lately?-overall last six
month : Pt states they have asthma and that it was under control for past couple
of months. Generally does not have issues with breathing except during very humid

Medications (prescribed, OTC, Herbals): Denies O2 at home, uses a puffer. No

respiratory meds have helped. Denies herbal meds. At 0900 used 2 puffs of
Beclovent , Serevent 1 puff BID, Proventil rescue inhaler at 1000 q 4hrs, motrin at
1000 2 pills 400mg.

Allergies: NKA to food or drugs. Denies environmental allergies.

PMH: Asthma as a child. Denies injury or surgery to chest. Denies TB, cancer, cystic
fibrosis, bronchitis, emphysema. Denies hx of cardiac history. Denies hx of
pneumonia. Has not received flu shot. Last time hospitalized as a child with asthma.

PSH: Denies surgery to neck and lungs. Denies chest and heart surgery.

FH: Mother had TB, father had asthma. Parents did not have allergies. No siblings.
Grandparents alive and well.

Social History: Denies smoking. Denies drinking. Reports that husband smokes
outside. Admits to using a can of snuff every couple of days.

General Survey: T 98.6F, R 22 labored, O2 sat 89% room air, AP 98 reg rate/rhythm,
BP 140/90, cap refill < 3 sec. No edema noted, post tibia and pedal pulses 2+, LS
wheezes heard in all lobes and diminished. PERRLA 2+. Skin turgor non-tenting, skin
warm and dry. Pt appears anxious and slightly disoriented. Often losing thought

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