Dalia El-Athamna Cover Letter

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Dalia El-Athamna

3309 McDowell Drive, Mississauga, ON L5M 6R9

647 922-1020, dalool@hotmail.com
April 15, 2015
Brampton Medical Clinic:
I am very excited to learn about the current opening for a registered practical nurse position
in your clinic, and I feel my qualifications and your requirements are a good match. Being in
school to become a practical nurse and having a laboratory assistant diploma, I look forward
to getting a job where I can utilize all the education and skills I have gained. I am currently
looking for a part time position, so this job opening is perfect for me. I am confident I have
the skills and experience necessary to make a meaningful contribution to your team.
I completed a medical laboratory assistant diploma at Everest College, where I graduated as
an honors student and was recommended by my college to work at Village Medical
Associates. I worked with four family doctors to provide optimum health care to patients and
independently ran the laboratory. I confidently performed phlebotomy and ECGs. When the
nurse was away, I took over her job and prepared patients for physical examinations which
included; taking patients height and weight, preparing females for pap smears, performing
ECGs and preparation of rooms between each patient. I also prepared babies for their
immunizations and checkups.
Because of my unconditional love and passion to help people and my desire to gain more
knowledge in the medical field, I am currently at Humber College to become a practical
nurse. I have successfully completed two placements, one at Brampton Civic in the
Continuing Complex Care unit, and another at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, in the
Respiratory Unit. Both were great experiences that added to my knowledge, skills and
practical experience. I can confidently take care of a tracheostomy patient, as well as patients
with G-tube feedings. I can safely and competently give insulin and heparin injections, check
glucose levels, insert a catheter and perform many other skills. I am very eager to work with
people, its what I want to do and its what I love to do.
Thank you for taking the time to review my credentials. If you have further questions or
would like to schedule an interview, please feel free to contact me.
Dalia El-Athamna

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