Soviet Rule

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Global Studies II

Unit II Russia

Name: Tim Grau

Totalitarianism under Stalin

1. Define the term totalitarianism
Totalitarianism is a government that has total control and has control over every aspect of public and
private life.
2. While reading the excerpt, create a list of methods of control used by Soviet leaders and examples

Police Terror (State)

Propaganda and Censorship


Religious Prosecution

The police in the Soviet Union were tracking
down on people who spoke ageist the
government with spys and by listening to phone
calls and reading mail
The Soviet government controlled the radio,
newspaper, artist, and the movies. All of these
things now glorified Russia and nothing bad
could be said.
The Soviets had made power of education from
preschool all the way to college and students
were forced to learn what the government
The Soviets start trying to make people leave
their religion and make all of the people into
atheist by destroying churches, synagogues, and
killing religious leaders.

Of all the methods of control, which allows the MOST long-term control?

The control on education is the most long term control because if you control the education
then you control the kids who in the future may go agents the government.
3. Stalins methods of control.
a. What was the Great Purge? How would Stalins use of this action increase his power?
The Great Purge was an event that allowed Stalin to remove any other Soviet that may have opposed
him. Stalin used this as a way to remove all threats to his power and put fear into all those who would think
to oppose him
b. What was Pravda? How did Stalin explain the purpose of art in the USSR?
Pravda was the Soviet newspaper that was one of the many ways that they would censer the paper.
In this newspaper Stalin explains that art is lever that must be used to show the musses positive models of
initiative and heroic labor.

c. What is an atheism? How did Stalin use atheism to influence his control over his citizens?

Atheism is the belief that there is no higher power. Stalin uses this to try to get others to convert
to atheism.

4. Stalins control over the economy.

a. What is a command economy? A command economy is an economic system in which the
government makes all economic decisions.
b. Stalins Five Year Plans
1. Purpose
Was to industrialize Russia as fast as possible. To increase the creation of Stele, coal, and oil
which are need to industrialize a nation the five year plan made impossible quotas.

2. Results?
The Soviets make great changes and Russia is becoming more industrial and fast but not as
fast as the Soviets had planned also other need were not being created fast enough for the people. So a
second plan is made and farmers try to revolt and not give up their land.

c. What methods did Stalin use to bring agriculture under state control?
Stalin wanted to create many collective farms witch cause him to need to take the land that Lenin
had given the peasants.

d. Kulaks - Who were they?

The Kulaks were the peasants who were given land by Lenin and now were having the land taken away
from them by Stalin so the tried to revolt and destroy the land and their cattle.
1. How did they create a problem for Stalin?
Its hard to use destroyed land and you cant bring the cattle back so he will need to put more
money into this than he had originally needed.

2. How did he solve the problem?

Stalin kills or imprisons the Kulaks.

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