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Due on April 24
A. Draw the following in your Home Reading Log: Colour the drawing after.
1. The face of the earthworm as James was explaining to the group that he will use the
earthworm as a bait
2. How they looked like when the seagulls have lifted them up to the sky
3. The face of the captain as he saw the giant peach flying in the sky
B. Think that you were one of the characters. Other than what James had thought of,
think of another plan on how to escape from the sharks. You may explain the plan in
words or in drawing or in a diagram.
C. Answer the following questions:
1. When you read about James plan, did you immediately believe that it would
work? Why or why not?
2. If you were the Earthworm, would you also agree to be the bait and take the risk?
Why or why not?
3. How did every character help in the escape? What did each one of them do?
4. Where do you think they will land? What do you think will happen to them next?
(Pretending that you havent read the next chapters)
5. Why did the crew of the ship did not believe the captain when he told them what
he saw in his telescope?

Due on April 24
D. Draw the following in your Home Reading Log: Colour the drawing after.
4. The face of the earthworm as James was explaining to the group that he will use the
earthworm as a bait
5. How they looked like when the seagulls have lifted them up to the sky
6. The face of the captain as he saw the giant peach flying in the sky
E. Think that you were one of the characters. Other than what James had thought of,
think of another plan on how to escape from the sharks. You may explain the plan in
words or in drawing or in a diagram.
F. Answer the following questions:
6. When you read about James plan, did you immediately believe that it would
work? Why or why not?

7. If you were the Earthworm, would you also agree to be the bait and take the risk?
Why or why not?
8. How did every character help in the escape? What did each one of them do?
9. Where do you think they will land? What do you think will happen to them next?
(Pretending that you havent read the next chapters)
10. Why did the crew of the ship did not believe the captain when he told them
what he saw in his telescope?

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