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John Herron

Dallas, TX 75243

The University of Texas at Dallas Richardson, Texas
Expected May 2015
B.S., Information Technology and Systems; Minor in Business Intelligence and Analytics MAJOR GPA 3.79
Northeast Texas Community College Mount Pleasant, Texas
Associate of Computer Science

May 2012
GPA 3.56

Languages: R, STATA, SAS, SQL, JAVA
Applications: ArcGIS, SAP BW, SAP BOBJ, Excel, Access
MS SQL Server 2012
MIS 4350: Performed analysis of fatalities in the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration data using
classification and clustering techniques in R
MIS 4351: Architected a full cycle ETL process from source systems through Infocube query building
MKT 3300: Constructed marketing plan for simulated company and new software product.
CE 2310: Designed a 4-bit mini-CPU that performed 4 instructions: ADD, AND, OR, and NOT

University of Texas at Dallas
Geospatial Research/Programming Assistant

Analyzed and managed high volume research data sets from UT Southwestern Medical Center to improve non-profit
food distribution centers policies and programs related to supplemental health and nutrition benefits
Prepared data using Excel, SAS, and STATA to resolve uncertainty by 95%
Programmed address data and managed spatial data using ArcGIS software to study changes in nutrition and health
habits of clients

University of Texas at Dallas

Marketing Administrator for Intrinsic Foundation

Aug. 2010 July 2012

Collaborated with faculty to implement new lab procedures to accommodate 25 students

Mentored and tutored peers in physics and chemistry to improve understanding of fundamental concepts
Evaluated assignments and provided feedback on areas of improvement

Lowes Distribution Center

Team Leader

Sept. 2012 Jan. 2013

Consolidated customer and service data using Salesforce to increase internal collaboration for project efficiency
Contributed to relevant blogs, conferences, and events both off-line and online to increase brand awareness by 35%
Managed all social media programs, including Internet forums, blogs, social networking applications and message

Northeast Texas Community College

Student Worker in Technology Lab for Math/Science Building

Feb. 2013 Present

Mar. 2007 Feb. 2009

Facilitated policy and procedures staff development and training for three shifts
Supervised three departments of 25 employees responsible for throughput of merchandise
Administrated new hire orientation to provide 30 staff members basic information about the organization, position
methods, target goals, and the community involvement

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