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1 Social Media & News

Works Cited

Bader, S. (2012). The impact of new media on the public. The Protests in Romania, January
2012. Romanian Journal Of Journalism & Communication / Revista Romana De
Journalism Si Comunicare- RRJC, 7(3/4), 35-44.
Cormack, R. (2015). Social Media's Impact on Journalism. Retrieved
Dimitrov, R. (2014). Do social media spell the end of journalism as a profession?. Global Media
Journal: Australian Edition, 8(1), 1-16.
Johnson, M., Goidel, K., & Climek, M. (2014). The Decline of Daily Newspapers and the ThirdPerson Effect. Social Science Quarterly (Wiley-Blackwell), 95(5), 1245-1258.
Reddick, Randy (2001). The Online Journ@list: Using the Internet and Other Electronic
Resources. Orlando, FL: Harcourt College Publishers.

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