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Chapter 15

1. How does Brian keep a track of how

many days have passed?
2. How does he measure real time?
3. List the animals Brian thinks might be a
source of meat for him in the forest.
4. Why cant Brian catch a Fool bird?
5. What is the secret to Brian catching
6. Why doesnt Brians bow and arrow work
for catching birds?
7. How does Brian catch his first bird?
8. How does Brian prepare the bird for
9. What does Brian do with the leftovers of
the bird?
10. Draw a picture of Brian cooking his First
11. What did Brian think of his first bite of
the bird?

Chapter 16
Write a at least 8 dot points that summarise the
events / description in this chapter

Chapter 17
1. What did Brian have to do to rebuild his
2. Why must he do this slowly?
3. How long does it take Brian to restart his
4. What old pieces of Brians camp does he
find to help rebuild his shelter?
5. Why would being seriously injured have
been the same as death for Brian?
6. What has Brian done by the evening
after the tornado?
7. What does he plan to do the next day?
8. What picture does Brian think about
before going to sleep that night?
9. What does Brian THINK might be in the
survival pack?
10. Why doesnt Brian swim straight out to
the plane the next morning.
11. Whats Brians plan to get into the
12. Why does Brian need logs with limbs
sticking out?
13. Draw a picture of Brian making his way
out to the plane.
14. For what reasons must Brian go back to
15. What does the author want us to notice
about the weather in this chapter?

16. How long does it take Brian to get the

raft to the plane?
17. What things concern Brian about getting
into the plane?

Chapter 18
Write a at least 8 dot points that summarise the
events / description in this chapter

Chapter 19
1. List the things Brian finds in the survival
2. Why does having a rifle now give Brian a
strange feeling?
3. What does he do with the Emergency
4. Why is Brian happy there is soap in the
5. What food was in the survival pack?
6. What does he decide to have for his
7. What happens just as he is enjoying his
orange drink?
8. For how long had the search parties for
Brian been called off?
9. Why might Brian find it difficult t speak
to his rescuer?
10. What does Brian say to his rescuer?
11. If you were in the same situation, what
would your first words be?

What do you think?

1. For how many days do you think Brian
was lost in the forest?
2. What do you believe the pilot was doing
in that part of the world?
3. What percentage of Brians body weight
could he have lost? Remember, he was
about your age.
4. What permanent changes might there be
to Brian after this?
5. What attention might Brian receive after
returning to civilisation?
6. If Brian hadnt been rescued, what do
you believe would have happened?
7. If Brian had to survive a winter in the
Canadian wilderness, how would his life
have changed?
8. How do you think Brians parents
wouldve reacted to his rescue?
9. Do you think Brian would ever tell his
father about the secret?
10. Extension activity:

Write a paper that Brian writes at the

beginning of school titled: What I did on
My Summer Vacation

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