Child Development (Kishantini)

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Child development is defined as the process of growth of a child from infancy to

adulthood. Generally though, it is a term used to describe the study or observation of
this process. A holistic approach to child development seeks to simultaneously address
the physical, emotional, relational, intellectual, and spiritual aspects of a child life. Child
development also defined as a multifaceted, integral, and continual process of change
in which children become able to handle ever more complex levels of moving, thinking,
feeling, and relating to others.
According to Woolfolk and Margeretts (2007), they define growth as the change
in size and maturity. In the physical aspect this means that there is an increase in size,
height, body parts as well as the nerves in the brain. The characteristics of growth are it
is quantitative in nature and can be seen and measured. Moreover, growth is influenced
by genetic and hereditary, parents health and the childs environment.
Santrock (2008) defines development as changes in the biological pattern, the
cognitive and social emotion of and individual from birth to the end of life. Development
is qualitative and changes happen in the physical, cognitive, social, emotional and moral
aspects. These changes are stable; it takes place gradually and systematically.
Growth is quantitative.

Development is quantitative as well as

Growth comprises of height, weight, size

In this with the physical changes cognitive

and shape of body organs like brain, etc.

social and emotional change are also

It is due to cell division.

It happens due to motor and adjust

Growth is for limited period.

Growth can be measured.
Growth tells about one aspect of

mental processes and their interplay.

Development takes place till death.
It can be observed by matured behaviour.
Development deals with all the aspect of

personality but in limited scope.

personality and has a vast scope.


Anita d/o Rajah

Eight years old student
Can develop vocabulary

Saha s/o Ravi

Eleven years old student
This student able to

and create simple

gather facts, discuss

sentences by using simple

problems, and make

This student begins to
develop her reading skills.

This student can argues

She can describe her own

He was so good in

value and make sure

constructing sentences by

which is correct and

using good vocabulary


and also good in writing


Language development is thought to proceed by ordinary processes of learning in which
children acquire the forms, meanings and uses of words and utterances from the
linguistic input. The method in which we develop language skills is universal however;
the major debate is how the rules of syntax are acquired. There are two major
approaches to syntactic development, an empiricist account by which children learn all
syntactic rules from the linguistic input, and a nativist approach by which some
principles of syntax are innate and are transmitted through the human genome.


Vygotsky's theories stress the fundamental role of social interaction in the
development of cognition Vygotsky, (1978), as he believed strongly that community
plays a central role in the process of "making meaning." He also suggested that
language is the most important tool for gaining this social knowledge; the child can be
taught this from other people via language.
Lev Vygotsky also defined intelligence as the capacity to learn from instruction,
which emphasises the fact there is a requirement for a more knowledgeable other
person or teacher. He referred to them as just that: the More Knowledgeable
Other (MKO). MKOs can be parents, adults, teachers, coaches, experts/professionals
but also things you might not first expect, such as children, friends and computers.

Imaginative play is a crucial component of a child's normal development. What

may seem to be a simple and uncomplicated way for children to entertain themselves is
actually a complex process that affects all aspects of a child's life. Play shapes how
children make sense of their worlds, how they learn thinking skills, and how they acquire
Based on my observation, Anita who is 8 years old, use simple sentences and
simple vocabulary when communicate with other person. This shows that, she still in
learning process and trying to develop in her language. Therefore, her writing skills also
not as much good because she still learn. Anita also tries to read one by one because
she cant read fluently. This shows that her reading skill was developing when she read
a lot. When her teacher gives her task, she tries to understand and do well. She really
tries to improve her language which also shows her confident.
Based on my observation, Saha who is 11 years old student, he improved a lot in
his language. He can construct complex sentences without any problem. He also can
fluently read a text without grammar mistakes. It shows that, his language development
increase very fast in this age. He also can give good idea and he organizes his work
very well. If given any task, he will complete on the time. It shows that he is very active.
This is my two observation based on the students according to Lev Vygotskys


Piaget's theory of cognitive development is a comprehensive theory about the
nature and development of human intelligence. His theory focuses not only on
understanding how children acquire knowledge, but also on understanding the nature of
intelligence. Moreover, Piaget claimed the idea that cognitive development is at the
centre of human organism, and language is contingent on cognitive development.

Piaget concluded that there were four different stages in the cognitive
development of children.

According to Piagets theory and also based on my observation, the best stage
for the students is concrete operational stage which the age is between (7 to 11 years).
At this stage, the child is capable of using logic and of solving problems in the form of
stories as long as the story deals only with facts rather than abstract ideas. Language at
this stage is used to refer to specific and concrete facts, not mental concepts. In this
stage normally children will able to identify objects or symbol which is concrete.
Moreover in this stage, students thinking becomes more logical and organized,
but still very concrete. For example, if Anitas teacher asks her to arrange the words into
correct sentences, she will think logically and arranged the words correctly. This also
helps her to increase her language as well. In this stage, students also able to perform
well in solving mathematical problems in both addition and subtraction. For example,
Saha is really good in mathematics. He always solves the mathematical problem given
by his teacher. He always thinks logically before he does.

Moreover the important processes during these stages are:








During this stage, normally students can classify and able to name animals and
other objects. Students able to sort objects into classes based on similarities and
differences. Other than that, a student can understand that, even appearance of an
object change but the mass or volume of the object doesnt change. For example, Anita
knows that even water from a cup of glass was poured into a jug; the volume of water
wont change.
Moreover, the process decentring defines as the child now takes into account
multiple aspects of a problem to solve it. For example, Saha will perceive that short cup
contain less water that a normal wide taller cup. He can made a conclusion and think
wisely. The next process is reversibility where a student can understand that an object
can be returned to its original shape. For example, Anita understand that, the ball which
bought by her father that deflates, can be returned into the original shape if it filled with
air. She really happy after she did that.

The process continues with seriation. It is the ability of student to sort objects
according to size, shape or any other characteristics. For example, Saha was given task
by his teacher to sort the balloons according to its size and he done it very well. He gets
praises from his teachers and also friends. The last process is transitivity. It refers to the
ability to mentally sort objects and recognize relationship among various things in a
serial order. For example, when doing group activity, Anita arranged the pencils
according to which is tallest from the shortest. It means Anita able to think well.
The influence of Piagets ideas in developmental psychology has been enormous.
He changed how people viewed the childs world and their methods of studying
children. He was an inspiration to many who came after and took up his ideas. Piaget's
ideas have generated a huge amount of research which has increased our
understanding of cognitive development. His ideas have been of practical use in
understanding and communicating with children, particularly in the field of education. So
as a future teacher, we should apply Jean Piagets theory in our learning process to
increase the language development of the students.



Babies are born with some basic capabilities and distinct temperaments. But they
go through dramatic changes on the way to adulthood, and while growing old.
According to psychologist Erik H. Erikson, each individual passes through eight
developmental stages (Erikson calls them "psychosocial stages"). Each stage is
characterized by a different psychological "crisis", which must be resolved by the
individual before the individual can move on to the next stage.
The eight psychosocial stages of Erik H. Erikson are infancy (age 0 to 1), toddler
(age 1 to 2), early childhood (age 2 to 6), industry versus inferiority (age 6 to 11),
adolescence (age 12 to 18), young adulthood (age 19 to 40), middle adulthood (age 40
to 65) and the last stage was late adulthood (age 65 to death). According to these
stages, I choose Erik Erikson fourth stage that is elementary and middle school years
(age 6 to 12).
Erikson's eight psychosocial stages
Psychosocial Crisis Stage

Life Stage

age range, other


1. Trust v Mistrust


0-1 yrs, baby, birth to


2. Autonomy v Shame and


Early Childhood

1-3 yrs, toddler, toilet


3. Initiative v Guilt

Play Age

3-6 yrs, pre-school, nursery

4. Industry v Inferiority

School Age

5-12 yrs, early school

5. Identity v Role Confusion


9-18 yrs, puberty, teens*

6. Intimacy v Isolation

Young Adult

18-40, courting, early


7. Generativity v Stagnation


30-65, middle age,


8. Integrity v Despair

Mature Age

50+, old age, grandparents

The stage I chosen normally will call as latency stage. During this stage, student
will focus on learning, skills and also school work. The primary task in this stage is
to develop a sense of competence or industrious. The term industry brings
about the success and recognition they have when the student try new
things or skills. At this stage, the skills student have to produce are the
academic work related to reading, writing and mathematics skills.
Based on the observation, the student I chosen are Anita d/o Rajah
Standard 2 and also Saha s/o Ravi Standard 5. The industry versus inferiority
stage occurs approximately in primary schools. Childrens new hope and
initiative bring them to gain new experiences in school life.

During Science class in their school, Anita and Saha will be so actively
involved in class activity which conducted by their Science Teacher. They like
to explore new things in the class which enable them to use their thinking
skills more often. The both student learn to make things, use tools, and acquire the
skills to be a worker and a potential provider. And they do all these while making the
transition from the world of home into the world of peers. Whatever the work given by

their teacher, they will try to finish the work as soon as possible. Because of the both
students are very active and good at their class, they also scored high marks in their
exam which shows their talent in their studies. The eagerness to learn new things
makes them to be a very good in their studies.
According to Erikson he stated that, through social interactions, students begin to
develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments and abilities. So based on the
student that I choose, Anita and Saha are very close to everyone include their teachers
and friends. Their social interaction with everyone makes them to feel proud of their self
towards study and they improve more their abilities in studies. This shows that, students
who are involved more in social interaction can help them to grow and build positive
Moreover, Erikson also stated that children who are encouraged and
commended by parents and teachers develop a feeling of competence and belief in
their skills. During this time, teachers and parents play an increased role in the childs
development. If children are encouraged and reinforced for their initiative, they begin to
feel industrious and feel confident in their ability to achieve goals For example Anita and
Saha always get a good comments and they will praised by teachers and their parents
because of their hardworking and abilities. The praised that the students get will make
them to believe in their skills and talent and will not give up on that in whatever situation.
They will try and try to increase their skills until they reached the success.
If this initiative is not encouraged, if it is restricted by parents or teacher, then the
student begins to feel inferior, doubting his own abilities and therefore may not reach his
potential. This is always happens in a group activity when the students distract one
another and the parents or teachers did not give any encouragement or supports. This
may lead to negative self concept where the student will lose his trust on themselves.


The theory of Lawrence Kohlberg holds that moral reasoning, the basis
for ethical behaviour, has six identifiable developmental stages, each more adequate at
responding to moral dilemmas than its predecessor. Kohlberg followed the development
of moral judgment far beyond the ages studied earlier by Piaget, who also claimed that
logic and morality develop through constructive stages. Expanding on Piaget's work,
Kohlberg determined that the process of moral development was principally concerned
with justice, and that it continued throughout the individual's lifetime, a notion that
spawned dialogue on the philosophical implications of such research.
Kohlberg's scale is about how people justify behaviours and his stages are not a
method of ranking how moral someone's behaviour is. There should however be a
correlation between how someone scores on the scale and how they behave, and the
general hypothesis is that moral behaviour is more responsible, consistent and
predictable from people at higher levels.
Kohlberg theory can be grouped into 3 levels. He identified each three distinct
levels of moral reasoning with two sub stages. Here based on my students, I would like
to give important to the first level which is known as pre-conventional level. At the preconventional level (most nine-year-old and younger, some over nine), they dont have a
personal code of morality. Instead, their moral code is shaped by the standards of adults
and the consequences of following or breaking their rules.
The first stage of this level is obedience and punishment orientation. In this stage
students normally follow the rules in school just to avoid the punishment given by their
teachers. For example, a student wont eat the food at classroom, because they know
they will get punishment and instead of that they will go canteen to eat. Based on my
observation, Anita will always come early to school just to avoid the punishment of being
late. Anita also will make sure that she finished all the tasks given by her teachers
before going to school just because to avoid punishment from her teachers. This clearly

shows that, Anita is morally developing in her life. She always thinks how to avoid from
getting punishment and will be always good in her attitude.
The second stage of this level is self-interest driven. At this stage children
recognize that there is not just one right view that is handed down by the authorities.
The student will do anything just for their own desire such as if they told they will get
chocolate bar if they clean the room, they will just clean the room by their own to get the
chocolate. This shows their selfishness to their own desire. For example based on my
observation, Saha will always help his teacher to carry their bags to teacher room to get
praised and sweets from the teacher. He also wont let any of his friends to do because
he wanted to get the praises. He only had done all this to satisfy his self.


Interaction is essential for language development, the teachers plays a vital role
to a students. Students learn language by interacting with people around them. By
exposing the student to fluent use of the language, the teacher facilitates the students
ability to learn the language. An experienced teacher is aware of his or her influence on
the development of a students language.
The implication of language development is teacher should give a direct
guidance to the students. For example, the teacher should give an example on how to
write the sentences instead of just asking the students to write a sentence using a word.
A teacher also should give tips and demonstrate by stages. This is the correct way to
increase the students self-confident. Once the children have a self confident then the
teacher can decrease their effort to help their students and leave them by their alone.

The second implication is, teacher should begin language development with
concrete experiences. If the students asked to do an activity, teacher should briefly
explain what they should do. Teacher should always help them in their language
development. Other than that, teacher also can give them a reading text which contain
of difficult and bombastic word and then later explains the meaning of words in a

simplest way to make the students understand more about it. This is the correct way to
help the student to increase their language development.
The third implication is, teacher should use instructional strategies that
accommodate diversity. A teacher must make sure that children are good in their
language development. For example, in teaching language, the teacher can pair the
less proficient student with their bilingual peer so that the students can talk and learn
more and its easy to the teacher to teach those more efficiently. A teacher also can use
variety of teaching strategies such as story telling for the subject history, simulation,
brainstorming for the subject science, and cooperative learning to encourage the
learning skills among students. These types of learning skills will encourage the
students and makes them to love their language.

Last but not least, teacher should provide students with opportunities to actively
use language. For an example, if the teacher gives a group work to the students, the
teacher must make sure that the children able to explain with the other group members
on the selected topic. Other than that the teacher also must give opportunities to the
other children as well to talk or give feedback about the strengths and areas needing

work. From this, children can get the support and help from their friends who have
already understand about the topic.


Teachers must master in the development of socio-features based on the

development of pupils. Teachers should also play an important role in ensuring the
elective and emotions and interactions of children can be channeled in the right way. In
addition, teachers should also understand the features of socio-emotional development
with a clear view because teacher is the one who most closely and keep in touch with
A teacher should recognize a variety of talents and gifts in the children. According
to Howard Gardner, the gift or talents not only focus on academic subjects, it can be
talents on other areas such as music, spatial, kinesthetic, interpersonal and also
intrapersonal. Teacher should find out the talents into students and make the children
realize their gift given by the god. At the same time. The teacher should help the student
to improve their talent and also skills. If a talent was recognizing at the right time into a
student, for sure the student have a better life in the future. A teacher can find out
talents of students by arranging a dance party, music class, test, quiz, sports game and
so on. This is the correct way to recognize students talents.

Other than that, a teacher should congratulate and recognize students efforts
even if they are small ones. If a student do his/her test properly and gets a high mark,
the teacher should congratulate the students effort and give a small gift such as sweet.
It will make the student feel special and this is the way the student will increase more
his/her effort on studies or in the other field. This may also lead other students to get
inspired and study hard to get a chocolate and also praises from their teachers.

Therefore, the other implication of socio-development is, a teacher should help

the pupils to evaluate their problems. Teachers can discuss openly with the pupils about
their emotional problems such as feelings or jealousy towards siblings and peers,
prejudice, feelings of isolation and being mocked. Teacher plays an important role in this
because they are handling with the emotional part with the pupils. If the handling
method are carry out in a negative way, the pupils may involve in stress, depressed and
may take an action to hang oneself. A good teacher who handles these problems in a
good way, they may help the pupils to overcome with the problem and live a happy life
likes the other students. A pupils emotional problem should be conduct in a very good
way so that the pupils will increase the socio-development in a good path.

Last but not least, a teacher should make sure the students listen to each other
during the teaching and learning. For example, if a teacher conducts a group activity for
the students, she should make sure the students are listening to their friends answers
or ideas. This also shows and teaches the respect that we should have among each
other to the students. A teacher also should give reinforcement to those who listen well.
This also will lead the student to become with a good attitude and morality.

Socio-emotional development and language development are the main aspects
in childrens development. As in Erik Eriksons socio-emotional theory he stated that
psychosocial development emphasized the emergence of self the search for identity,

the individual relationship with others and the role of culture throughout ones life. So as
a future teacher I know that I have a big responsible towards childrens future in
producing good generation.

According to Jean Piagets Each time one prematurely teaches a child
something he could have discovered himself, that child is kept from inventing it and

consequently from understanding it completely. Thus in my opinion, I think that teacher

should be more responsible in educating children and should help them in the
development so that as a teacher we can produce a good generation in the future.
In developing socio-emotional development in children, I as a future teacher will
give the children plenty of opportunities to try new skills. I would encourage them to ask
questions on the things they have learnt. I as the future teacher also would be tolerant
of accidents and mistakes, especially when children are attempting to do something on
their own.
Furthermore, I as the future teacher will provide the children with the academic tasks
that are challenging within their ability. I will congratulate and recognized their efforts
even if they are small ones. I as the teacher, will give the chance to the children to share
their new skills or expertise with other children. I myself will encourage them to set
reasonable goals for themselves.
Moreover, I as the future teacher will help the students to evaluate their
problems. I will discuss openly with the pupils about the problems that they going
through with siblings, peers and family. I will guide the students to evaluate from another
persons perspective. I will ask the children to explain their feelings towards others when
dealing with certain issues or situations.
The next development that Im going to reflect is language development. I as the
future teacher will give them unfamiliar words and difficult words during reading session
and explain the meaning with simple words. I as the teacher will use instructional
strategies that accommodate diversity. I will use various teaching skill such as
storytelling, brainstorming to encourage their language skills.
I will also provide students with opportunities to actively use language, for example, I
will ask them to do a group work so that the children will explain the answer to one
another. After they have done they have to present the report to the whole class. So the
student will use their language actively in class.

As the conclusion, I as the future teacher will help the students in their
development. This will help the student to do new things and create new things in
future. This will also lead to produce a valuable generation in the future.

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