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() MORE PEOPLE BUY AND FLY CESSNA AIRPLANES THAN ANY OTHER MAKF MODIEIL 1970 || LO WORLD'S LARGEST PRO. AVIATION AIRCRAFT CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY SX wcntta, cansas — PERFORMANCE - SPECIFICATIONS. ode 18 Exe, th bone ‘iin 1 ower aa rye, 19 mea ngage 18 20 ns Powe ot Pe Sy Foe prema BE E e Wine 1OAD0: Poman/b Pot Ete Shh Sol ‘Cessna Alrcaft Company Wichita, Kansas USA ‘ust-100-10/97), Nichols. Men Poe CE AIN CONGRATULATIONS . Welcome to te rks of Cosson owners! Your Cossaa has been designed land constructed fo givo you the st in porformanco, economy, and Com fort. iis our devire eat you wil find fviog it either for basins oF ‘plonours, peasant aod prfiable experience. ‘This One's Mayan! has been prepared 28a guide to Help yu get the ‘post pleasure and ust (vom Jour Model 190." cousins Infrzation ‘out your Gessta’s equipment, operating procedures, and performance; {id sozrestions for is ervicig and eave,” Wo urge yout read I frome over to over, and to vel Lot frequently. ‘Out interest in your Ssingpleamure has no ceased with your parehato of 3'Gonman Worldorie, the Corton Dealer Organization ted bythe ‘Gonana Service Dopartieat stand rondy to eetve yuu, "Te flloving services are ffered by most Cossoa Deslers [FACTORY TRAINED PERSONNEL to prove you with courtoous Sipert service FACTORY APPROVED SERVICE BQUIPMENT to provide you ‘Tb the moet eftlent and sceurate workaanahip possible, [A STOCK OF GENUINE CESSNA SERVICE PARTS on hand ‘Shen you need thom. ‘THE LATEST AUTHORITATIVE INFORMATION FOR SERY- ICING CESSNA AIRPLANES, since Cessnt Delors ave al the Service Manuals and Parts Catalogs, pt current by Service Letters snd Service News Letters” pulished by Ceeson Arerat Company. We urge all Cessna owners to use the Ces ‘lle Dealer Organization tothe ‘A current Cessea Dealer Directory accomganis your new ateplane The Directors to revised frequently, ands current copy can bo cbtuind f- {Your Cessaa Detler. Make your Directory one of your cross-comntry {itt planning aide; 4 warm welcome swaits you al every Cessna Dealer, ov scramiaaarsnrinanat gin PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION | - OPERATING CHECK LIST .. uw SECTION I - DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING DETAILS .. SECTION Il - EMERGENCY PROCEDURES... 3.1 SECTION IV - OPERATING LIMITATIONS. SECTION V - CARE OF THE AIRPLANE. 51 OWNER FOLLOW-UP SYSTEM SECTION VI - OPERATIONAL DATA. SECTION ViI- OPTIONAL SYSTEMS. ALPHABETICAL INDEX 7 ‘his mamnal describes the operation and performance af ‘te Standard Node 150, the raner nd tho Commer. Eqsip- tent deseribad aa “Optional” denotes thatthe subject eqipment {Goptonal on the Standard airplane. Mach of his equpmeat Io ‘Standard onthe Trainer and Commnster. EXTERIOR INSPECTION Section | oe OPERATING CHECK LIST ‘One ofthe tet stops in obtaining the utmost performance, service sna ing eine fn your Casta eo tamiariae fore h Four reviewing this oquipthent while siting ia the airplane. “Those Stems whose {anction Sof operation are ot obvious are covered in Selon Section I ste in Pots Check Lis form, the steps necessary to operate your alrplace eftiently se ste, Weis sot tsheck Kat ih te {hve form an itt conederably longer, Wali doea cover bret allo the ins at you should know for atypical gh ‘rho Might and operational characteristic of your stplane are normal in all reopects,Thare are no unconventional chavnctarieies OF one at need tobe nasered. All controle Ferpond he normal Way ‘within the entre tango of operation. All arepocds mentioned in Buelons Biitand ii arelobiated alrspeeda, Corresponding caltoratedsirepeede ‘hay bo obtsinod fom the Arepeod Correction Table in Secon Vi BEFORE ENTERING THE AIRPLANE. (0) Mae an exterior inpeetion in accordance wit Figore Io BEFORE STARTING THE ENGINE. (a) Seate and Seat Belts -- Adjust and Tock. {2} uct shat-Oit Valve Handle == "ON." {2} rakes = ‘Test and sa (@) Raaton ana Electrical quipment -- “OFF.” STARTING THE ENGINE. (0) Carburetor Heat - Cold (2) stare == Rk (9) Primer -- As requires, ( ‘Throlle ~ Open i/4 nc. (8) Master sites "ON (©) Propeter Area = Clea, {Bellin Sch START tease wen eine start) (a) Cabin Doors <- Latebed (2) Fight Controla“" Check (or Sree and correct movement in tab =~ "TAKE-OFF" eating {6 Farle Sing Tron {@) Suction Gage ov Check (6 to rd tachea of mercury {ages "= Chck 0 RPM rs erential Ieiween ag we (8) Flight Instruments and Radios — Set. (40) Optional Wing Levelor -- "OFF. TAKE-OFF, NORMAL TAKE-OFF, ‘Q) Wing Flaps -- Up. (2) Carburetor fast’ ~ Cols () Theote = Ful "OPE (@) Elevator Contre ~ Lift ogo whoo! 88 MPH. 6) Ciimb Speed 70 fo 80 MPH (@) Wing Flaps -- Up. (2) Ganturotor Heat“ Cola (3) Brakes" Hola (3) Tarette Pui “OPEN.” (8) Brakes ~~ Release (©) valor Conte Sighty tail tov. (7) Climb Speed =~ 68 IPH (wih obstaces aden} cums, (0) Atrspeed =» 15 to 25 PH Nore 1a maximum performance clin is necessary, use speeds Shown inthe Maint Rate-Of Climb Data Char in Section vt (2) Torotte -- Full “OPEN.* (@) Mature — Rich nto engine 1 rough CRUISING. (a) Power -- 2000 to 2750 npn. {2} Elevator Trim “- Aajst. {8} Mbstre -- Lenn ta maimem RPI, BEFORE LANDING. (2) atature — Rien, (B Carburetor Heat -- Apply fll heat before closing throttle (3) Airopecd 70 to 0 MHC laps up. (@) Wing Flaps As desired tetow 100 PH, (8) Atropecd 60 to 10 1H (aps extended BALKED LANDING (GO-AROUND). (0) roto =» Pal “OPEN (2) Garmuretor Meat cod (5) Wing Pape “= Retract to 20°, {8 Mom fechng an stoned of aprocaately 6 MM, NORMAL LANDING. (a) Touch Down =~ Main wheels frst {a} Tanang Rot —- Lower toae whos! gently. (3) Braking ~Btnuom required. AFTER LANDING. () Wing Flaps -- (@) Carburetor teat” cota, SECURING AIRCRAFT. (Reig rte 2) Raloe and Wecirieal Pulpment -- "OFF. (@) Gente Lock = Inealled, Me INSTRUMENT PANEL IME Section I a DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING DETAILS ‘the following paragraphs describe te systems and equipment whose ‘uoetion and operation isto obvious when siting fn the alrplane.- ‘This Section also cqvers i somewhat greater deal aon ofthe iteme listed EN Gc Liat foram in Section 1 Wat squire farther explanation. FUEL SYSTEM. Felis supplied tothe engine from to tasks, one in each wins. re he a ells era Song 8 oh vale and Retor to figure 2-2 for tuet quantity data, For fuel Information, sles to Labreation and Servicing Proved FUEL STRAINER DRAIN KNOB. Refor to fel strats servic USABLE FUEL ‘vans ‘ALL FLIGHT Gonrrions ‘TWO, STANDARD WING scat, BACH) "BO, LONG RANGE WING ‘ad GAL. RACH) Figure 22. 22 3 FUEL SYSTEM SCHEMATIC aaa Figure 2-8. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM, [Electrical enerey ia oupplied by a U4rolt, direct-curret system powered by an engine-driven alternator (we figure 2-4), Al2=ralt Baer ts located oe the right forward sds of to firewall ot nat te owl access door, "Power is supplied through sage busbar; a master Site controls this power to all crest, except the engine gion ay8~ SS, lok pea igh ol record ert ony wane MASTER SWITeH, ‘The master coche a split-roekar type suiteh labeled "ASTER, ‘te down positon. The eight Halt ot the avitchy labeled "HAT, ial loreal power to tte Mrplane. The it Ta, labeled "ALT," contro the alternator. Normally, bth sides ofthe maator suite shoul be used sent cous, however, the "BAT" side of the witch could be turned "ON oparately fo shck eguptent whe oe govtnd. The "ALT" eho ot ‘rom the eicetrical system.” With this awit in thw "OF¥" poston, the ‘nize electrical lead in placed on the balers, and al non-essential elee- ‘cal equipsent shoud be turned af forthe Fermin ofS Sih AMMETER ‘the amsmter indetes the flow of current, tn amperes, from the alternator tothe battry or from the tatiory tothe aera lectrieal Stem. When the rive ia operating and the mater switch is "OM," ‘he ameter indicates the charging rate applied tothe tatters. Ine fren he iterator toot fame oning or fe cletrca! load econ he Shiput ofthe ltereatae, the ammeter indlentes the alscharge rate othe ‘raters Fuses onthe lft or portion of the intrest panel protect the aajeityafsletreal streite othe airplane. Labeling bow ach fase eather Indeates tb cleus protected by the fase. "Fane capacity Shown a each fone reininer cap. Fases are removed ty preaae the {ge retainers tnvard and olating them comnterockrie etl they dis= Sguze. ‘Tho faulty so nny thes be ied ou and replaced, Spare fase fe eld ins clip cote fale’ ofthe map congartinest door. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ee 4g oe Wire| Figure 24 sa use protects the wing flaps circ are shoal be kan to are {hat the replacement fe in of he proper type and eapa- ‘iy. A "SLO-BLO" fag la ented by an integral ‘ponated sping enceeling the fase clement, ‘Two adiional fuses are Ioested adjacent tothe nttery: ona fuse pro~ Aecte the battery contactor closing etreat, aad the othe fase profcts the ‘pena clock shd optional fight Hour recorder struts. ‘ho airplane stlizes three eirelt breakers for circuit protection, A spas-to-rent™ iret breaker labeled "ALT se loetod on tho let Recs the Incteamont panel aes th fuses an protects he alternator clr xt, tho alternator eld so wiring te protected by an storatcaly r= [nels The cigar lghter tas a macuall reset type elrcult breaker mount- Ettroctiy on ek othe lighter belnd te ftrument pane CONTROL WHEEL MAP LIGHT (OPT, ‘A map Light may be mounted on the Bll ofthe lls contrat wheel ‘pe lig lleminates the lower partion ofthe cain fat forward of the ‘let and is Helpful when check maps nad other ‘ght data dari might UGperations, "Te operate the igh, fist tum on the "NAV LIGHTS” ech, ‘te oi tea th te hurled host ac need FLASHING BEACON (OPT) ‘The ashing beacon shoe nt be wsed when Lying through clouds oF covercaat he flashing light refloctea from water droplets or partcies in Ge atepiere, articulate cam rode Vertigo and ts of WING FLAP SYSTEM. ‘he wing flags are electrically operated bya flap mutor Locale ts EATS on te lower coer fiw utsugst yal” Pap pont Techasicaly faleated Wy pater housed in he lee front oarpost, os To extend the wing flaps, the wing fap sch mast be depressed and ‘eld inthe "DOWN" potion ntl Ye desired degree af extenien te Feached by plo reference (othe fap position ineator. After the desir~ aap extension ig citalned, Teloasing the swith allows It to return (0 fhe center of positon, When fap elracion ia sceeaoary, pace the Switch te "OP" postion, ‘Tae eviteh wll remain in "UP" postion ‘without aman! sasetance se fo an over Coter sesin within the swe ‘wath the aps extended i igh, placing the ap switch i the "UP position will retract the flape In spprovinatsty 6 seconde. Gradsal fap m can te accomglished iy inter ilentopersien of tha flap witch {the "UP" positon. Norma ful lap extension tn gt wil regtre faoproximnately 9 seconde. Mer te flaps reach axiom extension oF etraction, mit switche wil nutomalleally stl af the flap motor, bow rer shen the Mape have reached to filly retraced position, the wing {kp ewiten should be manually returned to he center ot pao, CABIN HEATING AND VENTILATING SYSTEM. ‘The tenipersure un volume of leflow at the cabin canbe regulated (o any degree desired by manipulation of he psh-poll "CABIN HEAT" and “CABIN AIR" obs. Heated trosh air and outdo air are blended in cabin manifold just tot the irewal by adjstment othe heat ad air contra tha att ia tion vented ito the cabin rom oulets tm the cabin manifold pear he Pilot's and pascenger's feet. Windshield defrost aria also upped by et iene from the manifold A separate adjustable voniator near each upper corner of the wind= shtld Supplies aditional ouside sr tothe plot and passenger. PARKING BRAKE SYSTEM. 4 eet parking brake, pul out onthe parking brake Ino apply and release toe pressure lo the pedals, tnd then release the parking brake Snob. "To releane the parking brake, apply and feleace be presmure ox the pedis while cheehing Wo sce thatthe parting brake hob full in STARTING ENGINE. Ordinarily the engae starts easily with one or two atres of primer in wan tempveatures to six strokes i eld wealber, with tho fara han sppecnintcly 174 inch In eateenely col tomperatares, ty be necessary to continue priming while cranking. ‘oak tnermltent fring flor by pls of back smoke from the cexiaust stack inesten ovespriming or flooding» Excons fel can be clear= ‘irom te combustion chambers by te folowing procesue: Bette ‘lature cour in dull loan postion, tarate ll pen and erank he ea {ine through eaveral Fevatlons with he starter. Repeat the slarting Srocede without any adltonal pling 1 the engine is anderprimod (most likely in cold weather witha cold engin) I will not fire tally and sdaitoealpetoing wil be soeeseasy. ‘Ar soon asthe cylinders begin to fre, pen he threfile lightly fo Kea ieuming, After starting, if the oll gage dove nt boain to show pressure vith- 4n 30a ia the summertime apt sboat bce tatlong in very cold weather, stop engine and investigate, Lace of ofl prosaure can ease ‘erlous engine armage. After staring, avoid te uae of carburetor Heat Sales Ling conditions eval TAXING. When taxiing, it 1s important that speod and use of brakes be bela to munity and a all eomrola be ulivee (ace tag dagrams figure 4-5) to maintain directional control and balance speed fo avold abrasion and stone damage fo the propllet tips. “The nose whee is dostned to stomatal conor straight ahead ‘whon the ne strut Ls fly extended inthe event the nage str ie ree [nelated and tho airplane is loaded toa Fearward center of gravity post tion, it may be ocossary to partially compress th strat to permit eer Ig.’ The can be accomplished prior to tnting by degreasing the aplane ose (by tana or dariag ast by sharply sping bras, TAXIING DIAGRAM ~, z 7 y || Gey a; oan Eats, | Soe Figure 2-5. 2. BEFORE TAKE-OFF. WARM-UP, ost ofthe warm-up wil have hoon coniuctd during tax, aul a= tonal warm-ap belore take-ott shouldbe restricted tothe chocks out~ Iinad in Section Since the engine a closely cowled lor elticent inflight ‘cooling, precautions shoul be taken to avoid ovethenting on he MAGNETO CHECK. ‘The magaeto check should ho made at 1700 RPM a5 follows: Move the Agnition ite fre to "R" portion aod note RPM. "Taea move switch ‘ck to "OTE" poston lo Clea the ser st ot plugs. Thon more ‘snitch to" pootion ahd vate RPM, Tho diflorence between the tro ‘agnetoe opeted individually should aot be more than 78 RPO. there Suit concerning the operon ofthe inition syste, RDM checks st Higher eopinespooda wit usually confirm Whether a dfileney existe ‘A absence of RPM drop may be an indication of faulty grounding of ‘one ide ofthe inition system oF shoul be eause for suspicion tat the ‘magnets Henng a actin ndrance of the seng speed ALTERNATOR CHECK, ‘Por to fighs where verification of proper alterator and voltage rogalaor operation ts escent (eves as night or instrarao!fghes, 8 postive verfeaton ean be mae by long te elecveat system momen- Ehmiy ato 3 seconts) with te ottona! landisg igh, [uso equipped, or 1 operating the wing caps during the engine ran (1700 RPA. Ths ez ‘eter wil remain wihin a meee wilh of era fe alternator Soa vo (ge regulator are operating property. TAKE-OFF. Power cHEcKs. 1 lnportant to check fll-thrtto engine operation early Inthe tako- ‘att run. Any signs of rough engine oper aon or lve engin accelera- {Son is good caur for digeotiauing te takeoff. if this scctra, you are ecified i making 2 thorough fllsthrettie, static Funup before anaber 2 take-off o attmpted. “The engine should run smoothty and turn appraxt~ tmately 2500 to 2600 RPM with carburetor hat‘ Full threte runups over Ioowo gravel are espeeally harmful topo ‘ery important hat the thrall be advanced slowly. This allows the atr- lao to start rolling before igh RPM ts developed, and the gravel will Se low tack ofthe propeler rather thn pulled tno st When unavald- ate small als appear in be propeller Hades, thoy shold be immediate Ip correctee am esertned sn Section V. riot to takaot fom lds bore S000 fet elevation, the mixture shouldbe eaned to give masinir RPAL na fllthrotle, ste runsp. ‘orn spd cbaticle clearance take-off are performed with ape up. ‘The tse of 10" ape wil sotten the groand run approximately 10% ut {Bia advantage te loe (nthe cmb to S0-oat obstacle, ‘Therefore the tue cf 0" lap ia reserved for rlaimam ground na or for tll ‘rom satt or rough Holds with no obstacles ahead 110° of saps ar used in ground rane, i a preferable to leave these ctended rather tin retract them inte elim tthe abatacle, The et" pion tots sue would be thigh alftade tke of n bot walter ‘there clin wou to margual with lap 10". Flap dolactions of 30° {nd #0" are nt recommended et anytime or tako-o Cconeut the Take-Off Distance chart in Seton VI for take-ot dla- taeea af gross weight under varios stfue ted hadvindconations. CROSSWIND TAKEOFFS. Taken srng croton mrmlyata prior with he Sei angle leediaely aftr ako-ll. Tho aleplao ta secelerated to ‘ specd slighty niger than normal, then pulled af abrepty te prevent 210 cuMB. or detailed dat, ace Mastin Rate-Of-Clissb Data chart in Cuma sPéeos. Normal eins axe conducted st 76 to 85.MPM with ape up and fut arate for boat engine cooling‘ mintare should bs ful Fick unless ‘he engin ts rough fe to too Nich atures The bos rate-of-dlmb, Speoda range from 14 MPH at nom level to 9Y MPH at 10,090 fev. ian learance mpeed of 68 MPH with flaps retracted. * Stop climbs t low speeds shoud be of shart dura- ton allow inproved engine cooling CRUISE. ‘Norsal cruising is done between 65 and 13% power. ‘The power settings required to obtain hase powers al various allitudes tod Outside ir tomperstres eta be determined by using your Cessoa Power Cot= Inte cf the ODENATIONAL DATA, Section Vl Cruising canbe done most effetetly 2 high altitude because of loser atv deraiy and therefore hr true alrspeed fr the same powers “Ts 1S'lustrate in the following tale which shows performance t 785 power st varios atte po ‘OPTIMUM CRUISE PERFORMANCE aLnTUDE, on TRUE AIRSPEED Sea Level =e nie ooo fect, sso us ove — AIL figures inthe Optimum Cruise Performance table are base on lean mistaro, 22.9 gallons of fel fae reserve), zero Win, standard at ‘aspheric editions, snd 1000 pounds gross Weight. ‘To achieve the lean mistre fel consumption figures sown in See tion Vi. the mikture should be leaned a fllgwa pl the musture etntcol ‘at unit ongino RPM poaks and begins to tall wi, then enrich sighly ack to peak MPM, Carurotor ie, a5 evidenced by an unexplained drop ts RPM, ean be removed by applleatio o full earburotor hea. Upon regaining ho orgh= ‘i RPh (ot beat af}, ute We minimem arcu of heat (oy til and {iror) to prevent ee from forming. Since to heated ale causes a vleher Iosure, Feadunt te mitre seting wes carburetor heat i 0 be toed oetinously i crue “The uso of fll earburctor heat is recommended during fight in vory ray} tan to old the pooslblly of engine stoppage duc to excessive aerlngestion. ‘The mistre seltng sould be readjusted for smocthost operation. STALLS. ‘Tho stall eharactristies are convestionl forthe flaps up and flaps down coaton. ght elevator buffeting may oocat Just before te stall ‘sth ape dows. Stall speeds are shown in Section VIfor af .g., fl gross weight ovations. They are presented as callivatedatrapeads eause ndeatod sirepeeds are eareliale: mar the ral. ‘The sal warning horn proces eng signal to 10 MDH tare the acteal eal Ya reached and emai fm ut th aeplane Nght atta i change LANDING. ‘Normal landog approaches ca be made with power-on or power-off ‘at spoof 10 to 80 MPH wth flaps up, and 60 to TO MPH with aps ‘Gown, Burtace winds nd ar tastlonee are umually Ue peeeary fore tn dotormining the most comortabie approach speeds. az ‘Actual touchiown should be power-off anda tne matin wheels frst. ‘Te ome eel shoul be Tower soc fo he rua a eee SHORT FIELD LANDINGS. For a maxinum performance sort tel andl in emocth air cond= Lions, make an apprteh a 60 MEM with 30° haps ting enough power ont the eps Afr ll appa obaates are cleared, rox pressure will sliding tho ire {thy Mater aproneh sped shad be wd dor trl! ae CROSSWIND LANDINGS. When landing i a strong eroeswing, ue the misimum fap eting ‘oqlred forthe feld lengths Use a ving low, era or 4 combtention Inethod of drift correction a land ina pearly love aide, [Bxconsivenoso strat inflation can binder goto wheel alignment with (he azplane ground tack ina drifting crosowind landing a touchdown ‘and during ground rll.” "Thue canbe coumernsted ty fgily lowering the Io wheal tothe grou after Initial contact, This selon pasty Co rent he hoe St, permling noe whos evielig snd postive BALKED LANDING (GO-AROUND), ‘In barked lanai (go-arcand) climb, the wing fap setting should be reduced to 20° Immediately after fal power iz applied, Upon react Inc sue airepee, the fig shold be sowy retracted tothe hl In critical stations where snide attention tothe airplane is re— quire, the 20° lap setting cant approrimated by lang th owiich {or apiroxinatoly two seconds, Tae cehnigue ‘nil alow te pil: to cb {Bin he 20° tn witha having fo ever he tenon fo the Map pst” aaa COLD WEATHER OPERATION. riot to stating on cold moraings, fs aévisable to pull te pro- peller toga several dies by band to "tral Toose" of “mbes te ‘iy, thus conserving battery eoeray. In extremely cold (O°P ad Lower) ‘weather, ine use fan exeraal prebeator ts recommended whonever poe ible to Fedace wear and abr f the engine and electrical sytem. ‘cold weather starting procedures are as follows: | With Prenonts (2). With ignltion switen “OFF” and throtle closed, prime the ‘Soins four fo em srs a the proplle® is being raed oer | Syne Nore ‘usp heavy strokes of primer for best atomization of fo | ‘Aer prising, path prizor all tho Way in ad tora to locked | fost to av posetbity of engine drawing fel Urough the prime (2) Propttor Area - Clear. (3) Magter Switch ~~ "ON, {8} ‘rosie "= Open 1/3" (8) lmition Senet -- “START,” (6) Retease lution ewiten # “DOTHC when onpine start (9) OU Preseure == Check Without Preheat (Prime the engine elt tote stokes while the propeller {2 blag turned by hand with throttle closed. Leave primer charged and ready for stroke {2h ropalier Area cl | (8) aster Switch — "ON. (3). Damp throtie rapidly to ul epen twice, Return to 1/4 | (Gy waition Switen — "gran, {@) Releago Ignition wwiten to “DOTIC wen engin start. (2). Contin fo pete eogine wal ts runing smoothly, or ereately pur thotleropily over fire 1/0 otal (evel (@) Ou Pressure -- Check. a (0) Pull earburetor beat kab fall on after engine bas started. Leave on ut engine is running S000 (doy "back primers nore 1 th engine dove not stat uri the test fow atom, ‘rf serene firing inishes in strongth Us probable Gat toe opac plags hare ben trotted ower.” Prenat rast be ured Before another statis atlemgte IMPORTANT amin he hte may cute ry uel to accepts ‘nthe nt alr duct, creating afro bazar in to erent fl Stackfive, Ibis oes, maintain svanking acon {5 sunk fiagses ito tho ceging. "A catee allonaent wih ice elingisher ie avined for cold arte wich! pres During cold weather operation, no tnicaion wll be appareaton the ‘il tomporsnre gage prior to take-ot outside air tampersturen are Very (id. "Atler a sltabe warms period (2to 9 mines a 1000 RPM, c= SialeGe Sging vrai get ene NPM i in ce ‘ecelerates smoothly aod tho oll presoare remins normal aod sien, ‘he atplane bread for take-os When operating in sub-zero temperature, avold using partal carba rotor heat. "Partial boat may increase the carturelor a tomperatare ihe Soo ro" range, where cng ciel under cain attoeper efer to Section Vi for cold weather equipment Section I ————>_ EMERGENCY PROCEDURES mergoncios caused by alreraft o ensine malfunction are extreme ly raze if proper pre-tiht inspections dof maintenance ave prclieed, Enroute weather emergeorion fan be minimized or elininatod Wy careful Fight planalue and goed Judgement when ‘nexpocied neater i tocoastr= fle However, should an emergency aioe the tate pudelines described In tls section should be considored and spied as necesary ty correct the problem. ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONS. Mattunctions inthe electrical power supply system canbe detected by perioie monitoring 2 the ammeter; however, the exuse of heat a= iets ts stall dieu to determine.” Beans or loowe akeratoe airing ia moot ily the ese of slteraioe failures, attough eer fc {ore could cause the prabiem.. A damaged oF improperly adjusted v0 tage royslator cat siso cause maifinctons, AU electrical problems of his lure costtate ao electreal amergency and shouldbe deit with Imodatey.leetseal power msalluctons us fal ito two cae= (orles, excessive vale of charge and imtiten rate of change,” ‘The Iitagraphs telow describe te recommended Femedy fr ene sitetion, EXCESSIVE RATE OF CHARGE After periods of engine starting sel Ieanyslectrica usage st low engine speeds (euch aa extend taxing) the bttory contion wll be Loy enough to accept above sorenal charging during the sil part of 2 ft However, ater tainty minutes of erst High, the ammeter should te {tdicating lees than tro nedle wie of charging easrent, the charging ale remains above thie valve on loog gts it ia posse that te ae {any wil overheat and evaporate the slectolyte at a excess rate, in ‘dain, loctrone components i the electriel ystem cold be s0reroe~ 'yalfected by th higher than normar valnge = faulty voltage replator etng Is causing the overcharciog ot ‘To prectuse meso pogetlitien, eo altorator side ofthe elit master aritch shouldbe formed "OFF." Tho fg shouldbe terminated a/or the fsrrent drain on th battery mina ar soon as practical because the ‘attry can supp the electrical sytem fr only ited poriod of Une. Li bacomes apparent that tbo battery oltage la getting too Low to oper Severat minus ata tuo an tho buttery 1s partially recharged, the ‘Simergency occurs at night te alternator seiah shoul be returned ta the "ON" poston jast before landing Hgnts and aps wil be required for Tangs INSUFFICIENT RATE OF CHARGE. fhe amniotr ndcates a continuous discharge rate in ght, ho alternator is not supplying power tote system and should be shut dawn Since he alternator field eireut may be placing an unnecessary Toad on fhe syste, All non-essential equipment stould be turned "OFF" andthe ‘ight terminated ae soon as pret. ROUGH ENGINE OPERATION OR LOSS OF POWER. SPARK PLUG FOULING. ‘A slight engine roughness inflight may be caused by one oF more soars pags Becoming fouled ty carbon or ead depoet ‘Ths may be ‘erie by toring the Sion eviteh momentary from "BOTH to her "EPI" or “RIGHT” poston. obvious power les n eagle ‘alton operation ia evidence ot sparkplug or mageeto trouble, Asda 1 tat oper logs are the mare oly cause, Tess the mixture fo he elie eg fey conn ih probe dove ola {scveral winsen, dlarmine ia ichor mixture seg Wl produce Smoother operation. lf not proceed fo the warestsirport for repairs ‘ing the "BOTH positon othe igen atch unless extreme rough ‘soos dictates te wae ofa slag gation petton, MAGNETO MALFUNCTION. ‘A usdon engine roughness or misfiring eto protlems. Switch from "BOTH" to elf "LET" or sully evidence of mag~ mar gultion swt postion wi dentty which magneto is malfentioning. Select diferent power eettings and envichen the mistare Io determines esting operation on "BOTH" mngneton In ractcable. 1 no switch to {th good magneto abd proceed tothe nearest ryan fr repaid. tow on pressure. ow oll pressure a accompanied Wy nurtal ofl temperature, there sa pool te ll pressure gage or reli valve ie maifnctioning. “A JA ic is fee eo eae os net concer tenet ‘rice ints ine Wil prevent susden toa a ll fom the engine However, infin atthe nearen altport would be advisable to inspect {he aowee of tau, 1 total lose of ol pressure ia accompanied bya sudden rise ino temperate, there ls good reaaon to suapeet an engine falar te tain fat, Reaies ongino power immediately unt solet a eulale forced lard Ing neld,” eave the engine running at low poror ting the approach, $Sige en the iin power eed a Fach be ered tncown FORCED LANDINGS. PRECAUTIONARY LANDING WITH ENGINE POWER ‘Before atempling an “oll atzport” landing, one abosld drag tbe land tng area at low alttuae to Snape the tevata fr abatrastone a sare onaitony,prosoeaing aa follows (0), Drag over selected fel with Naps 20° and 10 MPH atrspe, ‘otng the preferred area for touchdown forthe next landing appr zc ‘Thon retract tape upon reacting a ete altide snd arenes (2)"On downwind log, turn of all siteses excep! the talon srt ‘master reitehe (3) Approach with aps 40" at 98 MPH. 1) Unletoh cain doors prior to lta! approach. {5} Betore touchdown, tora iputon and master switches "OFF." (6) Land n'a senty ow atte, EMERGENCY LANOING WITHOUT ENGINE FOWER, Man ensne lappage occurs establish a faps wp glide at 70 MPH. ume permite, alempt to vest’ the engine Uy eecking for fae go Ly, proper ful selector valve positon, aid mature contra stag ‘Also Chet that enve esor ia fl rand locked and ignition ste Droperiy positioned 1 al attompts to restart the engine fi and a foreed Laing ts m= sminent felct2 slab field and prepare Tor the lang 2 follows: (2) Pul mictre contr to ste eut-ot position. {a} ‘Tarn fcl stall valve t "OF {2} Turnall spitenee "OFF" oncopk master aviteh. (a) Appreach st 70 NH. 13) lenin lap pecs win ine tne tin (2) Gnlatehsabindoore price fo tna approach (6) Land ins alghtiy tll low setae, (0) pty bea trata. pircHINe, ropa for ditching by securing or jettison heanybjoct located ‘inne tagenge ara, td collect flaed cals or cushions for protection of ‘Soeapants fee at touchdown. Transmit Mapéay tesnge on 121.8 Mis. ivng Ineation and ntentons (4) Plan approach into wind st winds are hgh and eas aro Bary. ‘Wun neany sees and tr, Jan parallel fo svell {2} Approwch wth tage 40" ant euliclent power for a 90 f/x, {ate of darcent a 89 MPH, (3) Unateh te cabin doors, (@) Maintain a cartinvous descent wn touchdown ia vel atte ‘old a landing are been of telly In juging erplane REL tren a water surface. {G) Place faded cout or cushion tn tonto face at time of tuchtow (G)_ Expects second impact forthe airplane may sip ster touche down. {)Bvacuateaplane through exis doors. If noeaseary, open Win~ ‘hw fo food ean compartment for equalising preecure that door fan be epened. {et vine fe vert and rat (Uf ailale) after evacuation of cabin. os ‘The aireratt can not be depended on for Moatation for more than 8 DISORIENTATION IN CLOUDS. When dying in areal weather, the plot shosld make sure that the ‘Wing Leveler intl) contrat tob fa ON." However, If he ale~ Blane fe mot eqlpped with this dovie or gyro horian and dioctonal gyro {Ratrumenta, the pls wil have tose onthe tara coordaalor (or tre bd bank indicator) If be tadvereenl ies feo clouds. ‘The following tn ‘structions saneme tat ony one ofthe Inter fo iatromene faible EXECUTING A 180° TURN IN CLOUDS. ‘bponextering the clouds, an tmmedtate plan should be made to turn tack follows (2) Note the time of the minate hand Seep second hand on the clock {2} When tho sweep second band indeatos tho nenrost balf-minuto, {suiate a standard fate left lure haling the turn coordina s~ Balle autpiane wing opposite the lower et index mak or 60 seconds ‘Then roll back to level ight by leveling the minature expla. (9) "check accuracy ofthe turn by observing the compass henng ‘Which chou be the voetproa! of the origin Neadtng (3) owcessary, adjust heading primarily with skiing motion ‘ag an rag motos 2 tr conus wa et more se~ {Gy Malian attitude and alrsped wy cautious aplication of clevetor contol, Avoid overconraling by keeping the hands a the cons. ‘het ad steering ony wit rudder. Serve the position of the EMERGENCY LET-DOWNS THROUGH CLOUDS. poset, obtain rad clearanes for an eniergeacy descent thrash onde" gute again a epeal dive, choave an easterly or Wesley fending to minimize compane card avises du to changing bck ange In adton, oop bande oft tho control eel aod ster tStaight ‘ith rudder contcal by monitoring the turn coordater. Occasionally ‘heck the compusy bending and make musorcorPeetons to bald an aprost- Inate course. "Boforo dcseending ito the clouds, setup a stailiod lot dwn condition a fllown ws (2) Apply fut eich misture (@ Use ttt cartarotor heat. (3) Reaice power to et 9p S00 to 900. nin, rate of decent, (@)‘Asjst the slevator tz ab for a sabiliand dosceck a 90 0 (8) Keep tande of tho control whee, (0). Momtor rn coordinator and make corrections by rudder alone. (Chock trend of compass eard movement abd make cautious cor= ectons with rudder to lop the torn ("Upon eaking oot of shoud Feaume normal cruising Might. \ RECOVERY FROM A SPIRAL DIVE, 1 spiral ts encountored, proceed a8 follows: (2) Cove the wrote 12) Stop we tre by saing coordinated altoron sad rae contol to ‘ga the symbolic airplane In se turn coordinator wilh theorizes fefetence ne. {3}. Cautiously apply elevator tack pressure to slowly redace the in- dated atrspocd to 80 MPH. {G)" Adjust the sleator tres control fo maintatn an 80 MPH ede, {G)_ Reap hans ofthe contrl whee), using Fodder control to hold a strignt beading. {Gy Appl sartretor beat. (7), Clear engine occasionally, but avid using enough poe to ds~ {ae te trimmed piso (5s nig! ns, apy mma ering pores ant FIRES. ENGINE FIRE DURING START ON GROUND, Improper staring procedros such a pamping the erat ‘ugscit cold weather sant tan cause a bcktire witch could tate oe that fs accuntslated inthe intake Sut. in thi event, proceed ae follows! (2) Continue cranking in an tiompt to gota start which would sce the dames and acourlated fel taragh the carburetor and in the ergine GIT start ts succesetl, run tho engin at 1700 RPM for 2 few Inlaues before sulting i dovn to inspect the damage, (G)"Iengioe start te uasuecosctu, coniave cranking for to or thee sine with thle Tall open wile ground atendans obtain Hs fre extinguishers, (a) When enay to extinguish fire, release the starter sich and firm of master sviteh,igition sich, tod fuel shot vale. (Gy Stotner flames with lire extincwisher, seat cushion, Wool Blas ‘et, or loowe dirt. i practealiey to Memve carburetor ir ilor seitiwabiaze. (6) Bake a thorough inspection offre damage, and repair or re- place damaged components bafore conducting other igi. ENGINE FIRE IN FLIGHT, Authoughsagine fires are extromety rare in gh, tho following steps soul tston I one ts encountered (2) Pat miatre control to sate ext-ott (2) ‘Tarn foe ehuet valve "OFF. (3) ‘Bien marter ewiten "OFF." (@) Eatin «100 MPH gid, (5) Glore cabin hone conta (6), Stee shed auitable fora forcot landing. (9). ize is tot extngained, inorease glide oped i an atom to {ina aa irepeod that wil provide an incombusabio mixture (0), Execute» forced landog as decribed in paragraph Ervergency Landing Witout Engine Power. Do not atempt to restart te ene, ELECTRICAL FIRE IN FLIGHT, ‘Tho initia ndeation of an electrical fire i he odo of buraing n= sation, "The tmmedtate response shuld be to ttn the master switch SOPH." Thon clove off vrtlang air a5 much as practieatle to Fedaee the ehancae of a sustained fre electrical power is ndigpanstio for the light an sttempt may be ‘made to Sent ad cat of the defortive circu a follows: (ae OTE ute 0 (a) Allotner svitehes (exes ignltion awiten) "OFF. (8). Chock cotton of fuses tad iret braukor to Lenk faulty ‘iret possible, Leave fnaty sire deactvaled. (a) Marte Sites = "0." (G) Select evitente "ON" suececevoly, permitting a short ime dex {sy to elapae after each srtsh in farned om antl the abort iret Lo localizes (6) Mac oure tire i completely extinguished btore opening vents, FLIGHT IN ICING CONDITIONS. Aithoughfyig in known cing conations ia probated, an unexpected feing encounter shoal be handled a follows! (0) ‘Turn pint neat ites "ON (i stalled. {a} ‘Tura buck or change alittle to obtain an osteide air temperature {hatin Les condacivof Sein (G) Pull cain bet contcl flout to obtatnwindehiolddotrotarair- $l! hat cabin si ontologies sn (Opin the tite to inrease sogine speed and determine if oe (@) Watch for signe af carburetor sir ter See and apply carbaretor feat na required. An uoexpained lors im ensine sped could be ‘hued by earburetor {ce or air intake iter te. (@) Plans landings the nearet aunport. With an extremely rep {ce wald-up, selec «stale "ot arport™ landing sts. G) "ith Se acu pe ch or are on he ing eto ‘igea, be prepared for agniiesnty higher sal sped. {@)"Loarotwing fie retracted. With a sovero lee bullé-up onthe Iorizonial tally the change a wing wake auflow direction exused by Wing lap exesion could result ins Ines of Slevatoretectivenass {e) “Open itt window and serape ie from 4 poron ofthe wiafehld {or vishy inthe Inning sproach, Th metal control Lock shield ‘nay bo ood as a neraper- ily” poctorm sitting sppronch using a forward slip, if necessary, {or improved Halll di} “Appronch 0 to 90 MPH, depending upon the aroun of co ‘accomblaton, (da) Porform = landing in ove atte ve Section V —— OPERATING LIMITATIONS OPERATIONS AUTHORIZED. ‘our Cessna exceeds the requirements of airworthiness as set forth vy the Uno’ Slaten Government and ts ertscaled under FRA Type Cer- Neale toe 2A1D ar Cessna og No. 150K. ‘With standard equipment, the airplane i approved for dap and nt operation ander VFR ‘Adaiona optlonal equipment 1s available to = ‘Peaoe its iy and to ake fe ethane for uso under TM day and stat ‘Your airplane mt be opurted in accordance with all FAA-approved aching, pneu and chock at nthe airplane, there Se a infor ‘atom fee action which contract the FAA approved mnarkngs, Be {Iris and check hate tt tobe eloreparded MANEUVERS-UTILITY CATEGORY. ‘rhs aeplane i ceritnted in the wy eatogory and is designed for tmifed sorotate fight. ine acquisition of various certificates ‘Schau commerelal lo, instrument plana ig Instructor, ceria fanewere are roqiced Gy the PAA. All ofthese maneuvers ate per~ ‘ited n hi arplane In cnaecttn with he foregoing, toe (oloving rose weit and ght lad factors apply, wach maxim entry speeds rons Welght fees 1200 tos Fight Maneuvering Lond Factor, *F!ap6 Up Tt Fright Maneuvering Letd Factor, “Flaps Down. . 13.5, ‘te design lon factors are 150% ofthe above, and in “il cason the structure moetx or exseeds devign loads 4 No serie matuyrs ar approved excep host ted below Maton ENP RY SPRED® MANEUVER Chadetiee ewe =} MPH 3 ety Bate 22D E {op Mba (65 ea) Sp ere 2222 : {co BH 3 knot) 1 se Slow Deceloration 1 Une Slow Deesteration Splat eee Stalls (eseapé Walp ea) * Higher speeds con be used abrupt use ofthe controls is avoided. or epin recovery, close the thrlte and apply apposite rudder fot~ lowed by forarépresiure onthe control hae, When sirane rotation ‘na stoped, use moderate back pressure onthe control Whee! to avoid ‘SceesteIcade nite recovering from the resulting dive. Inetoral {pine eth wing aps extended are probed, Durigg prolonged apis, {he stverafl engine may slop; however, spin focovery ts pt aa alfected by engine stoprege. Acrobatics that may impose high lads should not bo altempted. The smpontat thing to bone tn od a ght maneuver to thatthe atrpfane loch In acrotyamie design aod will bud p speed guicky with he nose ‘doen, Proper sued costo! ia an easental requirement for execution of ‘ay tourer, aud eare should alvay be exereised to avo excessive Spoed whieh In turn ean tse exconsive Lada. Inthe exteaion ofa ‘hineuere, svotd abrupt aoe af sentole. AIRSPEED LIMITATIONS (CAS). ‘The following is a ls ofthe certifca‘ed calibrated airspeed (CAS) Limitations for the arpa. Never Beco sped ite oe ue, smonthal) =. 162 Mat Maximo structoral Croeing S068 = Lt mo mea erimam Sree, Papa xtened = 2222222 2100 MDA sNabeuverine Spe DDD D D1 too at "The speed at which abrupt control travel can be ‘ued witout cxoceding the spelled lead lator 42 AIRSPEED INDICATOR MARKINGS. ‘The folowing is «lst of ho cortitieated calibrated arsed marik- singe (CAS) or the airplane, ever Hxzeod (door dive, smooth air) eation Range Normal Operstag Range ‘lap Opereting Rane 41682 MPH (red tine) ini-iea mH (gltow ae) ENGINE OPERATION LIMITATIONS. 100 BHP at 2750 RDA ENGINE INSTRUMENT MARKINGS. OL TEMPERATURE GAGE. Normal Operaung Range Maximum Alowabie = DED DDD nae Geehhe) ou entssuRe oAct. Saal Operating Ringe Maximum. = + gy 19 Pat (red ine) EDD 1 1 tsb-eopar (green are) DELL LL neo par eed te) FUEL QUANTITY INDICATORS. Empty (1.79 gallons wusaite each standard tank)... (ene) (0°50 fallons aoseable each long rang tok) TACHOMETER ‘Neral Operating Range: ‘Atsenlevel ees ee es 2000-2550 (nar groon are) ‘Ae S000 fest {2000-2880 (mate green are) ‘Ae 10,000 fs 1000-2150 (outer grees are) Maximam Allowsble 22222222) DPT 180 eed no) on WEIGHT AND BALANCE. "The following information wil enable you to operate your Coss ‘within te peosered weigh and center of gravity inition. To figure The weight and balance for your particular alrgane, use the Sample Prob Tem Loading Graph abd Center ofGeavty Momene Bavelope as follows "Take the Leeboed Eraty Weight ad Moment/1000 from te Weight and Balance Data shee, Hs 287 changes nolo on forms FAA, ‘listed in yoor ainplan, and write them down tn the proper columbs. ‘ae the Londing Graze, determine the momert/ 100 of each tem to be Carried. Total the weights snd momerte/1000 and use the Center of ‘Gravity Moment Envelope to determin whother the pout falls within the Svelove, ai if the loading a acceptable. ‘The Weight snd Balaoce Data shet noted above ts n= ‘Tod tthe aera ile The Leading Graph and Senter ef Gravity Moment Envelope shown this Secon ace lao onthe shat ila Loading Center or Gravity Charts and Woighug Procedure which frorided inthe aera fil. “ sampte toaowne Prostem |. ace | wm | cease oldmemap Set ee if mapas trans - BAGGAGE LOADING AND TIE-DOWN nea @ = 120 rounos ‘arta @ = 40 FOUNDs antas + @ = 120 POUNDS Espen aa — SSS (anoxr-cxnoa) oo01/usanKoN saveomy agavor oe % oe ‘ se menses caavor (aM LaveOuy “3dOT3ANS_LN3WOW ALIAVYDS 30 S3LN3D (GSHDNT-CNOA) COOT/ENANON GVOT woe mm mo 6 8 to 2 HdVad ONIGVOT (anno) unoraH avor co Section I —————_— er CARE OF THE AIRPLANE 2 yous sian van at nowt prtormane, sain and ependibiiy, eres tnpecton and maintenance requemente must be fbilowed. It le always wise to fallow a planed schedle of Ibrieaion St ‘nsintenince based the enaie nod ging conde eacounored In your ova, Keepin touch with your Cessna Dealer, and take advantage of his aowledge and experience, Ne koowe your airplane abd how fo maicain tee Wil remied you when tbrictions and oll changes are necesaary fd about lier senda! snd periodic services, GROUND HANDUNG. "The sirplane ia 0st asl and safely mancatered by hand with 2 tow-bar attached tthe nore wel ‘When using the tow-bar, norer exceed the trang Heino 90: ees ade center or age 0 MOORING YOUR AIRPLANE Proper tie-down i the Best precaution against damage to your parked sicplane by gusty or strong wiads, To te down your seplane securely, proceed as folows: (2) Set pursing neake and tntal control whoo lock {2 fal’ race te er tee ah ion a ip. "Te sfclenty strong ropes or caine (100 pounds tensile ‘trent to wing and tall enaywn fittings, and secure each Fone (nual a aurince contol lock over the fin and rudder. {5} teal «pita abe cover. (6) The cope ta an expnned portion ofthe engine moant and secure {he oppuate eu io a ramp tierdown WINDSHIELD. WINDOWS. ‘rhe pati windshield and windows chou be cloned with an sireraft windshield leaner” Apply the clear speringly wih sat clots, and rab ‘rh mederstepreseune anil all eat olf seam aod bg stains are ro~ Thoved. Allow ine eleanor to dy, thn wipe otf with oft Manel cloths. a windsleld cleaner isnot aatiabte, the paste ean be leaned vith sat cloths tnolstened with Stosiard caveat fo romore al and grease, yore Never ese soline, Benzing, aleohl, acetone, carbon {atrachlorae, fire edingulsber or ance Mul, lacg {inner or gle cloanor to clean the plastic. These ma= {tna wil atc the pla and ay cause to craze, Yollow by careflly washing with 8 mild deterget and plenty of water. ‘Rinse thoceugly, en dey witha ean moet camels, ‘Do ot rub the ‘lasie witha ey cloth since this bude up an eletrastatle charge which Stiracts dunt Wastag wih a good commercial wax wil iia the clea Ing Js A thay even cont of mam, polite oat by rand with clean at flan- 5 Loi will sino scenes and belp prevent Yurter scratching. Do nol aae canvas corer on he windloldunloos freezing rain oF see anticipated since the corer may scratch th paste murfaee PAINTED SURFACES. ‘The painted exterior surfaces of your new Cessna havea durable, tong latg finish ae, sadee nora cnatons, require o pllshing or Tnuling,Approninately 15 caye are roglred forthe paint to cure com [let Ga nant aes, the curing period wil have been completed prior [anvery of th atepane, Inthe event Gat policing or tlting Ie Te= ‘ited within the carog period, If le oeormended iat the work be done by somesne expenioetd i handing sncured aint, Any Cessna Dealer fo accomplish ths work Ganerally, the yaloted mriaces can be top bright ty washing with ‘wator and mild samp followed bya raae wih wale and drying wth eTths ‘ora chamola.iarsh or abrasive Seape ot dtergente Which suse cot oaloa or sctatclns should never be esed. Temove stubborn al and Irreane with cloth mtatoned ith logan salen ‘Waning 1 umnecossar to koep the pained aurtaces right. However, 1 dosire, the airplane may be waved with «good autometivo wax. A Heavier clang of wax he ang edges of tho wings ad al ad on Sgn ni pad propeller spine il prac abrasion We anu ytd uae cl ie ed aoe sary to remove (ee bofore igh, sare shold be taken to protect to palnt- ‘eg surfaces during fe removal th chemia! liquids. 80-00 soutien ‘tsgoproyt lente! and water Wil satisfactorily remove ie accumula Hons withou damaging the past solution with ore than 60% aleobat {s narmiol anf sbratdbe avoided. White apoiying the de-Llog solution, rep away from the windabeld and cabin windows Sinee the aleoRo! wil slack the plastic apd may cause ito craze” ALUMINUM SURFACES. ‘The clad aluminum aurlaces of your Cesora require only minimum care ‘to eep them bright snd clean. "Te strplane maybe Waahed with water (0 emove ait ofl and grease may be retoted with gaollne map, c= on tctsehloride or other son-Alzline solvent. Died slmnur ‘r= ‘aces may be cleaned effectively witn an airerat aluminum polls. Alter cleaning, and periodically threaftor, waxing witha god nato- ‘motive was wil praaorve fhe bright apjeatance and retard corrosion. ‘Regular waxing 1s eopeclally recommeded for siplanes perated In salt ‘ealer arena au a proteclionaganat corrosion: PROPELLER CARE. Preflight inspection of propeller blades for ncks, and wiping them ccasosty wth an oly lth to leno ras an hag la Senta taht snc sal ht emacs oe ae, Saray ip ate ean ae, are dressed Pace ot ance ne ike proce renn Concentration a arate an at Nope sea an cieane one aes sete preleeno a i tarontrthlorie or Snr stra INTERIOR CARE. ‘To remove dust and lowe dirt from the upolstery, heaven, and carpet clea the foterior ogulary wilh a vacua leader ‘Blot up any plod auld prompt, wit cleansing seus or rans, ‘ont pat the opty pres the blthng svatoral firmly an old I or ev ral sbeonds, "continue biting un ao wore higld is taken wp, SOrape ‘i lic material wih all eae, then opot-lean the area. spots may be cleaned wih onal apt removers, ase mae nah betoe unin ay olen Tad the astuctions on th conte Esser onan coture pace one abi be enaned. Neve et SSE fee wih vou blves It may dmage the baing a ack- ‘y ateriain Suited upblatry ad carpet may be cleaned wit foam type deters, ‘used nocordng the manstecarer' ntrutions.‘T minis wet There, keep the fou ae dey an poate and remove with Yacay ‘Seamer ‘Tho plastic tm, instrument yanel and control knobs need only Be ipod if with «damp cloth. Oil an grease on the contra wheel and con THuiaabe can be removed yah a cath molstenod wits Kerorene, “Volae ‘hives, such ao mentoned in paragraph on care ofthe windstld, must fever be unt lace hey woltn and crave the plate. Radio faceplates are finshed with a suede conting which prodsces a soft ich apeavance sn warm fel comparable to suede. Unie auede {enter duo and dirt marks can be removed exsiy with « Seip epoae. Femove ponegveaay stains wih a gud cleaner wich a8 aér. Clean, ‘andy Andy ato, sila Aes," oF "Cinch." Greaay stains can be romoved ith anaplta-cumpencd sponge, sera Brush oF Inl-ree oth os FLYABLE STORAGE, [Areraft which are nots daily fight should have th omeine started ‘and warmed up at tast once each week in tamp climates sini sorage [teas whore the cally temperntare aviation can cause concretion, GS ‘warm-up operation should be accomplished mare request. Wareng he engine replaces all whieh tas desined trom ausiace of Internal (acts while standing tale, Warm-up shosld be accomplished ats threttle Setting necessary to prosuce a mintnam ll tmmperatare of 100"F- Nore, [Excessive ground ranup shuld bo avo Rump sbould sot exceed 10 mimtes duration. ‘ugine warm-up also belps to eliminate excessive accumulations of water inthe fet system and wtber air spaces inthe engine, Keep ie! {ae ufo mintsze Condention in the anes Keep the battery fully ‘harged to proven te eleeirolyo from freezing scold weather. he fireraft is (0 be sored tomporanty, or tndetiiely, refor to the Service ‘Mamal for proper storage procedstea INSPECTION SERVICE AND INSPECTION PERIODS. ‘wite your alzpane you wil reelve an Owner's Setvice Polly. Coa ‘one attach to to pelle ene You to Sm Stal inspection andthe est {detour inspection at no charge, I you take delivery from your Dealer, tho will periorz the inital inppection Before delivery of the surpane 0 Yow, Wyou pick up te elziiane atthe factory, ran o take i fo your Dealer reasonabiy soon after yo take delivery on it. Tia wil permit Ii to cic it over and to mals ary minor adjatmente tatty Sea necessary. Also, plan an iapection by your Dealer at 100 ours of 180 days, whichever Comes first. This inspection aleo la performed oy Your Dealer for you at no charge. Whilo thse lnportan igpecions will be ‘erformed for you by any Cosina Dealer, in moat cago you wil Prefer {bare tho Dealer com whom you purshaord the alzpane acomplia fs oder Avon Regulations require tht all lzplanes hare a priate {eos naocton as prescribed by the admintator, and performed by, person dsigaid by the admattaton, Toaaiton, 00-hour peroale lnspestons made y a "sppropiatelerated mechan” are equa i 5s the alplane is flows for bine. ‘The Cessna Atcraft Company recom mens the 100-bour period iapecton for our arplaue, Th procedure {br this 100-our inspection tas beet carefally worked out bythe factory ‘Sus follwed by the Cesena Dealer Orgasisation. ‘Toe compete fami- {ey ofthe Ceaaoa Dealer Organeaton with Cessna equipment ao wits {actory-sppeored procedures provides the highest Iype of service possible stlower oct AIRCRAFT FILE, ‘There are miscllansos dit, nformation and licenses tat are 2 ast ofthe leerah fly "The following ia'aehack ist for tat le. ‘ata, a period cheek ehoeid be mado oft atest Federal Aviation Fegulsfon to inaure tht all dla Feqrements are met, |, Tobe aaplayed in the airerat at al tes: (2) Alrcraft Airworthiness Certificate (Form FAA-19628), (@) Aisceat Registration Ceritento (Porm FAA-S0O/ (@). Aiserat Radlo Station ticonse (Form FCC-=104, i tranemitier fotaled 1B, Tobe carriod inthe aircraft tall es: (2) Weight wed nananee, and aesoctatod papers (atest copy of the Repair ae iteration Porm, Form PAA-S@T, If appicabe). (@) Aiseraft Hqetpmeat isk (C.To-be made aratlable upon request: (2) Atreraft Lo Book. (B) Engine Loe Book. nore, Cesena recommend that these toms, plus the Owner's ‘smut, "Cesena Fiuht Gade” (Pit Computer, aad Service Policies, be carrie i he lrcrat tal tines Most of the items ited are required by the United States Federal ‘Avtalion Reguations. Since the regulations of oher nation® may Fequire ‘Sher ocutentsand data; owaera of exported streraft should check with {hor own aviation aficais to determine thelr individual requirements os LUBRICATION AND SERVICING PROCEDURES Specie servicing Information is proved here for items requiring daly Sttention, A Serving Intervals Check List ts iclided to laform the plot ‘then to ave etter itera checked an serviced. DAILY FURL TANK FILLERS: Service aller each ght wit 90/87 mintmom grade fel. The capac- ity ot exch rin nk 13 yallon far standard fue! aks, 19 yalons| {0 optional ons rang take. FUEL sTRAIVER: “ole fitt fight ofthe day and after each refueling, pul xt fl ‘Strainer drsin ino (located fst inside cowl access door) for aot {out seconde, to clear fae sosiner of pogsblo water and Sediment. Release drain noo, then check thal strainer deain is closed ater ‘raining. water i cbserved, thre is poseblty that te wing {nk assy conta wate, Ths, the wing tank sump dain plage and ‘at fie din pug ehosld be removed to heck for presence af Water on FILLER: ‘When peeight check shows Jow oll level, service with aviation grade ‘chgine oi; SAEO shove 40°F and SAB IOWGO or SAB 30 below 40">. {GRI-visonty olf with a range of SAR 10W30 tn recommonsed for {inproved starting ia end weather.) Detergent or sispersat oll coD~ forming # Continental Motare Speciation MES-24A, mst be Used. "Your Cesssa Dealer ean suply approved brands of of Nore “ro promote faster rng teling and improved oll contra {our Ceeasa was delivered fom tho factory wih straight Sbtnoral tl (aon-dtergen), ‘This "oreax-in" of should te ened only fr te fist 20 to 50 nears of operation, a ‘hich se W mat be replaced with detergent ol. ont prrsticx: {Check ol eve bore each fight. Do not operate ox. es than (nurs. To nisiize lee of oft hmouch breather, fl tS quart {feel for nova fights of les than 3 Soars, Hor extonded ph, Eto € qnrta,optnnal of Slter installed, one aaitonal (nr i Teqoired whe the ter element is ehanend. SERVICING INTERVALS CHECK LIST EACH 50 HOURS BATTERY — Check aid service, Cheek more often fat last ovary 30, ‘ays if operating tn ak oaths. {ENGNG Of AND OM FILTER -- Change eagine ol and repaco filter ‘lomest, i opelonal ob Hite ts ak installed, change of and clean screan ‘Syeny 28 nour ‘Change engine oT leat every four totthsevon though {se than 0 hours hare ben accumulated. Reduce perio for prolonged ‘Operation indy area, cold climaton, or when short fights sed lone {Re periods eos In alsteg cantons, NOTE, [Ate feet 20 to 30 hours of enna operation, a iii ‘il change shout be made to remove "bres ot and ‘hange efter, fatale ‘CARBURETOR AIR FILTER -- Clean or replace. undor extremely sty ‘ondiions, dally aintonance of te filter is rorommented, ‘NOSE GEAR TORQUE Livi == Lubricste. When cperating unr dusty Conaion, mare irquent lubrication i recommended. EACH 100 HOURS SSPARIC PLUGS -- Clan, test and regap. ‘BRAKE MASTER CYLINDERS -- Check nd fi. SHIMDAY DAMDENER == Caeck and fl, PUBL STRAINER =~ Disassemble tnd clean. FUEL TANK Sunt? DRAINS Drain water and aodlment. FUEL LINE DRAIN PLUG »- Dratawaler and secon! SUCTION RELIBE VALVE INLET FILTER (ODT) "= Cena. Replace at hein overt perio. EACH 500 HOURS VACUUM SYSTEM AIR FILTER (OPT) — Replace filter elemest. Re place sooner if suction gage reading rope to 4.8 i. Ti {IEEE BEARINGS “= Lobricate a rst 100 hours at at $00 hours tere- ter, Regu Ibriction interval to 100 hours whew perating tn Git Sr seacoust arena during periods of extensive xis, of when nubereas ‘eecotte and Innings ae made, AS REQUIRED NOSE. GEAR SHOCK STRUT =~ Koop filled with ld and inflated to 29 ps. Dost over-iate, ‘OWNER FOLLOW-UP SYSTEM —_ ‘our Cosma Dealer hs ae ovate ellw-ap sytem owt Yon Ute you ty gouay che orecsiveSnine tient Sa ah hin evn barien py you wv PUBLICATIONS. ee ee eee eee Tansee ee «omg ono eaemeer rece | Seana mer han ror cone par me nc ‘eet tn, cr ete Pelee eee tena Oneal ee ‘Stviss Sure, uty ote stuf upto are ln atc yout Geant Deir wl apy to eae ot ys Section VI =———O _ OPERATIONAL DATA ‘The operational date son on the following pages are compile from actual Lest withthe airplane and engine in good Soin, an ang ‘erage plloting technique and best pover msture,” You wil ind ss tata a valuabie ud wien planning your Might ‘To realize the maximum usefslnoss fom your Cessna, yu should take advantage of es hgh erlang speeds. owever, if range Ts of pei~ tary importance, It may pay you toy ata low erulang RDM, thereby Teereating your range and allowing you to maketh tip on-sfop with Ample fuel Feserve” ‘Te eruize performance tae (Bgure ©) should be {bed to elve igh planning problems of this nature. Jn the labo (gure 6), cange and endurance are given for lean mix~ {re ftom 2500 tot to 12,800 fect Ail igares are taged on toro wind, 5215 ant 35.0 gallons of ft for rales, McCauley 1A1OI/DCMBB40 pro- ‘riles, 1600 ponds gross weigh, and standard simotpherte contions ‘Wine, tae-offe and climb, and variations tr mst leaning techie Thaw te made ano allowsnors are shows en he chart, Other iaeter~ | ‘nivale variables suchas carburelor metering characterisics, engine sd Dropeller conditions, od trbulenee of the atmosphere may account for ‘rtatons of 10% or more fa maxon range ‘Remeber that te carts contained herein are tased on standard day coulis. "Fur more precise power, fuel ccosunplen, had entrance it~ formation, cau the Cessta Flight Gide (Porer Competer) supplied ‘wth your aiveraf, With the Fight Gude, yeu can easly tke info acecant iumperature varisiions from standard at any Agi alte, 3NVASIG ONIGNV1— w| [EIB | } a irs ° a) {sie s =| feiz|| (21g i S| (ele!) [ele | 2 2! fetal) te 3 | als sls . zl Z| {ela}! fete} 2 E} 2 =| (ele!| (sls| & a S| Feist] [sis] * 5 8 ala i a|_lelal |_|elz a a a 5 = ? STALL SPEEDS FLAPS DOWN. MPH TAS MPH re CAS-MPH CAS-MPH. LAPS_UP E | MAXIMUM GLIDE — -rrorucr wnomtinc rn i ‘GROUND DISTANCE (STATUTE MILES) HEIGHT ABOVE TERRAIN igure 6-5. Figure 6-4, Section Vil a OPTIONAL SYSTEMS "This section contains a description, operating procedires, an per Aornmuee ia (ehen applicable) for aor oe opltonal equipment which ‘Say be installed in your Ceauea, Onmer'e Mana! Supplements ae pro Vide fo cover operation ot other oplenal equipment systema when i= fied’ planet fur Cena Dlr Yor seo LONG RANGE FUEL TANKS Speciat wings with lng range fel tanks are avaliable to replace the stand wings and fuel take for greater endurance and range.” Each {Gn bes atl capaelty of 19 gallons. Usable fol in each Hong Fange fang, for alt Aight condtions, fe 17-8 gallon COLD WEATHER EQUIPMENT WINTERIZATION KIT. For continuous operstion In temgeratares consistetly below 20°F, te Concon witeriaation Kt shoal be intalled fo enprove engine per~ Tne te ht consis of shold to partially corer the cow note ea Saige eon of best sctng from he ight exhort manifold for Besant ain net, = carboretor alriux hes tet exp, and insulation forthe angle crankcase treater Une. Once sealed, the erankease ‘Weatner nsustion i pprored for permaneat tse n both cold and hot GROUND SERVICE PLUG RECEPTACLE. ‘A ground service pg receptacle may be Installed to pert the use faa external power source for cold weather starting and uring lvgthy ‘maintenance wor om he electrical and electron equipment Just before conecting an external pover source (generator type or tattny ear) te master switch shouldbe turned "ON." This i oapeet= fll importa nea wl ena te batory to anzors transient valagea ‘thlch eherwiae might damage the trantatore inthe eleetronie equipment. ‘Toe batlory and extoral power cireuits have been designed to com= poet elisinate the need => "ompes" acrane the ballery conactor to lore for charging 2 completely "dead battery. A epecal fed clr— cuit in he eer mer ayant upon te ted per” sere RADIO TRANSMITTER SELECTOR SWITCH ‘operation of tho radio equipmeat is norial as covered inthe respec tive radio mania” When te ssceat le eguippe with more thin 208 ‘adio having tranaater capabilities, a tranamtuer selector witeh Is insted to ewiteh the microphone to the ado ul the plat desres Sie for tranamiasin, "The awh ls located inthe appee center portion ‘Fe inatrumont patel andi labeled TRANS, 1 and 2.” Placing fhe Srltch inte upper onion, labeled "1," ewitebes th mlcrophone tothe ‘shine to the lower trnamitar WING LEVELER A wing lovelor may be installed Lo augment the lateral and directional seapiy of te stzplane, "he syetom uses the Turn Coordinator for Pll And yaw sensing. Vacuum pressure, from th enging-crives cau ‘pam, te roated from the Turn Conrabator to eindr-ploton servo ants hed tothe allan and udder coral systems, As the airplane do~ ‘ites from wing level tide or given direction, racaum pre Inve servo ante is increased or elieved'as needed io aetate the allorons find rudder to oppone the deviations. ‘The rudaer action effectively cot la adverse jaw Induced by tho ileons. ‘mounted pash-pll control kod, labeled "WING LVR, * A separa i proved at the lower center of the instrament panel to tar the syretn hit af. A "MOLL THUR" contre knob on fhe Furn Coordinator 1 ‘ted for tani sol rim control to compensate for aynmotical Lod In el nd patengers, to pine system prtarance In ti, OPERATING CHECK LIST TAKE-OFF. (2) "WING LER" Conteot Knot == Checkin of position (a cuMB. (4) Adjat elevator trim for limb. {2} ‘Hvine LVL" Control Knob == Pal contrat isd "ON". {8} "ROLE TRING" Control Knob - Aajut for wage level ste, CRUISE, (2) Adjast power and elevator trea or lev it @) “ROLL 'rhne" Controt tac = Adjust aa desired. DESCENT. (0), Adjust power and elevator tin for desired speed and rate of ROL. cme fonts Knob == Aunt a6 desire. LANDING. (lore tng, push "WING LTR cnet Ko ul tnt theo EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ta malfunction shosld ocean, the ayatem is easily orexpowered with pressure onthe control wheel. The eystem shoud en be ted of. Th [fe erent of partial or compe vacuum flue, tbe wing leveler wil auto~ tmatially botome lanperaive. However, the Tara Coordinator used w fe wing levelerepatom wil tbe affected by lst of vacuum sinee it ‘evsgne eth "Uack-upsyotom enabling to operate from eer va ‘Snr eostrical power inte evet of falta of one ofthese s0urCe OPERATING NOTES (0) The wing teveter system may be ororpowered at any tone without dumAge orwears However, for extended periods af mancwwering may be detest urn ho wystom ft ia) is rocomanene that the eystem not be engaged ding take-off aoa uaing Alfagh the eyatem ean te eal overpowered, 2e1¥0 forces ad signicantty afer the aad oe oe aloren control especially Should alfunetion occur a FUEL TANK QUICK-DRAIN VALVE KIT “two fel tank queria valves anda fuel mampler cup aro available aga Bi tomes iy draning nd inspection of fel inthe main tanks {oe the presence of mar snd sediment. The valves replace existing fel {Sax drain plugs jocated ne the Tower board area ofthe wg. The fet Sale ch my be moved ite map compra ed Sale te rates, ‘The auuspler exp has probe inthe center o he bp ‘Wien the probe is inserted into Ue hoe a he boli of the drain valve Tod gushed upraré fuel flows tao the cap to faciate visa inspection rte fuel, Amtbe cup le removed, the drain valve seas, stoping the flow of OIL QUICK-DRAIN VALVE ‘An ol qulck-drain valve i optionally offered to ropace the drain ug ith sll stp drain por. "The valve provides a quicker and cleaner Fath of drsttne engine es Ta drain the with hs valve tetalog, Hips hog over the ond of the valve, roate e bose toa suitable eon {atoery thon fs upward on the ebd ofthe valve nal I snaps no he Shen poston, spring clipe Wil told te valve open. Alor draining, use ocrewartver ov sultabe tool to sea the vale it th extended (lose) postion and estore the drain hose us TRUE AIRSPEED INDICATOR real mig eee sdamstanet nis scala at nics Sane antral to eemRPS win pct ee [true atraoedinetor OBTAIN TRUE AMEPERD, rotate sng wo prossae lide sn ai SSPE oe ar emperor tn grees Parent Then ‘ad roe stzepoed on coatae ring opposite alrapeed needle, yore vores et nt nt Sra ame act a Seis Ee coeeatcn see eet Siete, Socainstincee ea Boies ALPHABETICAL INDEX A Before Take-Off, 1-3, magneto chek, 2 ‘tor Landing, 1-4 wermup, 20 ‘Aura eat Conirole, Cabin, 1-6 Drake Waste Cylinders, 6-8 ‘Aur Filter, Carburetor, 5-8 Drake System, Parking, 2-8 ‘Air Piter, Vacuum 8yctom, 5-8 ‘Aieratt Registration Member, 16 ‘Airplane, c before entering, 1-1 fe, 5 (Cabin Atr and Heat Controls, 1-8 (round taniing, 5-1 tn Heating and Vetting Soong St ‘system, 28 Securing, It ‘capacity Atspeed Correction Tae, 6. ‘empocd inten, 1-8, 7-8 Tasso, inside covor at, adie covers arngs, 43 2, inside covers Atropeed Limitations, 4-2 ccunturtton, 2-2 ‘lermator, 2-4 ‘ater, 5-7 heck 2-8 eat contol knots, 1-6 ‘Auermtar Circuit Breaker, 1-6 ‘Aormator Field Cea Breaker, fxterlor, 5-2, 5-8 Itterior, Sat ‘Aieter, 1-6 propeles, 5-3 ‘Atuminucy Ssvtaces, 63 Conor of Gravy Moment ‘Ammmeter, 1-6, 2-3, 24 ‘Asthorzet Opératins, 4-1 "Eovelopo, ¢-7 (Check Liat, Servicing ators, 8-8 (Guae Ligheny 16, 2-4 him, te, 9-11 B ‘lim data, 2-11 ‘limb speeds, 212 Baggage, Casacty, inside corer ‘oanltinsale-f-cimb data, Bragege Loudng/‘He Dow, 4-5 3 Bilked Landing, 1-4 eck, Tot, 24 Battery, 24, 6-8 (Cold Weather Bqapment, 7-1 Dattery Contctor, 2-4 Beacon, Fnshing, 2-5 Bearing, Todletor, 1-5 Before betering ho Airplane, 1-1 Betore Landing, 1-4 Before Sarting the Bagine, 1-1 ‘witertantion ki, 722 cota Wentbor Operation, 2-14 (Control Wheet Sap Ligh 2-4 Correction Table, Airepced, 8-2 Crosswind Laneitgs, 2-1) ‘Crosevind Take-Off, 2-10 rigs Pevormanee, Optima, Ccrsige Performance Table, 6-4 a D Diagram, Tmazge, ouding/tie-down, 4-4 Bloctreal, 2 fxteror Inspection, ‘el, 22 rtimam gids, 6-9 rincpa dimenstons, 1 Ging, 2-8 Dimensions, Princip, 1 Dipatit, 02, 5-7 Digectionst Gyro, 1-6 Digorteatation I Clos, 8-8 ‘emergency Tet-downs through loads, 8-8 ceecatng 100" tara tn Clouds 8-5 soeovery fom a spiral ave, oy Distance Tbe, ‘ting, 8-8 takeoff, 6 Ditching, 9-4 lectreal Power Supply System ‘alfenctions 3-1 foxcesive Fate of change, 3-1 ‘teeta at of care, lecteeal system, 2-9 ‘ateraaior, 18 Irdex-t ammeter, 1-6, 2-5, 24 Tattery, D4, 6-8 ery culo, 24 gar ge, flock, 1-8, 3-4 ‘Heating bencon, 2-5 Ina ad cri Breakrs 1-8, 2, 4 Enply Welght, inside corer Engine, nas corer before starting, 1-2 Serre age, 4-3 ‘fier, 8-7 Speraton lbatations, 4-3 Brier, 1 2-2 Srarting, il, 27 Ayuipment, Cold Weather, To1 Bncaasive Rate of Bleetteal ‘Charge, 3-1 ageing «e019 clos, sltior Cae, 6-2, 5-9 terior fapection Diagram, tv F File, Avera, 5-6 myo BE Steno ze Seana 2 Boe an, ne ian Sting ‘et cea Fusing ri meee! 3, oe eg Se a mn aa Sires ahs Bakes BEG, ilove oe siren aati eae eee so een ee aca coe eo em anes si nena oe G (Grose Weight, inside cover, 3-1 (Ground Handling St ‘round Service Pg Recopacie, Saree ne necenecls Gyro, Direction, 1-6 (Gyre Horizon, 1b H using Atrplane on Ground, 8-1 ea i oti Sat, Ignition Santer Switch Tention Sette 12 6 vertical speed, 1b Indicators, Fuel Quanity, 1-6, 43 ‘resin igre ERG Thopection Serco ion "Periods, 5. _ lnstramea! Markings, Engine, 4-3 Inerior Care, Ch Landog, inside cover, 2-12, ‘afer, 1 fated, 3, 2-13 Indos-8 before, 1-3 crowewind, 2-18 Sistance fab, 8-3 ermal, 13 hor etd, 2-18 iirspeed, 4-2 ngine operation, 4-3 ‘ding, Pome inside cover hacking Grape, 3-8 acing Probiem, Sample, 4-5 Tong Range Fuel Tasks, 7-1 Low Ol Pressure, 1-3 Unbrieaion and Servicing ‘Proceaures, 3-1 M Magnetos, 2-4 hacky 29 Maneuvers = Uy Category, 4-1 ‘ap Compartment, 16 Marker Beacon Lights, 1-8 Marktegs, Instrum, £3 Mater Cjuingcrs, Brake, 8 Master Seiten, 1-6, 23, 2-4 Diatiou Gtide, 6-3 Manian Pesforanes Take-Ol, T Ierophone, 1-8 Mixture Cottrot Knob, 1-8, 2-2 Moment Bavelove, Center ot ‘Gravy, 4? Mooring oar Ateplane, 8-1 Nome Gone Shock Strat, 5-8 Nose Gear Tongue Links, 8-8 ° on system, Taparly, Snel covers ‘peice, 27 eine ety 8-8, (aside aoe fer, 7 ster, 53 : emporatre gage, 1-8, 4 pressure page, 1-8, #9 Bresoure switch, 2-4 fulee-drain valve 7-5 ‘pocttation aed grace, 3-7, aide bck cover mas Coaree Inteston, Operation, Cold Weather, 2-16 (Operation Limitations, Ene, Operations Authorized, 4-1 Speinuas Crue Pervormance, 2-12 Owver Follow-Up System, 6-9 3 P Palntod Sertaces, 5-2 Parking Brake Contra! Knob, 1 ‘urkiag Brake Syatem, 2-8 Performance Charts, 2-10 Performance Spetiestons, inside cover ower, iaige corer ‘ower Londingy ‘nade corer ‘Precautionary Landing with Engng, Power, 2-3 Primer, Engine, 1-8, 2-2 rineipat Dimensions, t Proper, ge cover ‘uuiietions, 8-8 Q Quantity Data, Fool, 2 Quantity iaicatara” Poel, 1-6, 4-8 ‘Quick-Brain Vatve iy Fuel, 7-3 ‘Qoick-Dratn Valve OW, 7-8 Radio, ‘ado Dial Light Rhcostat, 1- ate-0-Clim, Inside corer Fatecof-Clin Data Table, 6-9 Rear View Mirror, 1-8 FReeovery from a Splral Dee, 3-6 Fegiatration Number, Aircraft, Ee Regulator, Voltage, 2-4 ough Bigine Operition Or Loss ‘of Dower, 9-2 ow ot pressure, 3-8 foagnetssatnetion, 3-2 ‘spar pug fouling, 3-2 s ‘Sample Leading Problem, 4-8 ‘Securing Atrertt, ot Service Ceiling, inside cover ‘Servicing al Labeiation, 5-1 Servicing Intervals Chace List, ay Servicing Regutroments Table, ‘salma Dampenee, 5-8 Short Feld adi, 2-19 Shut-of Valve, el, 2-2 Spark Ph outing, 3-2 Spectteations - Performance, ‘aeise cover Speedy sie font cover ‘ind, 2-10, Stal, "nce front cover Speeds, Climb, 2-11 Salts, 2-12 Sheed chart, 6-2 Starter, Zot Starter Contactor, 2-4 Sartor Ste, 125, 24 Starting Engine, ed, 2-8 ‘Storage, Fiatte, 65 Stratnot, Fool, 2-2, 5-7, 5-8 ‘Seti Gage, ‘Siction Rel Valve TaletSereen, Retometer, 1-6, 43 Titec aloe coer, 1-2 2-8 tote tateatt 2, 3-3 rosaving, 2-10 Ginae able, 63 ‘ap sctingsy 0 ‘etnias ptdormance, 1-2 real 2 Performance charts, 2-10 fewer acca, 29, ‘rng 21 ra, 28 sevttie, 4, 2 ‘Tire Prcaoare, onde back corer ‘Trim Conte Weel, Float, T ‘rue Airapeed tear, 15 ‘Torn Comaimton, cb u seta Lead, tna front cover Ut Category, Maneuvers, 4-1 v Vacuum System Ale Futer, 6-8 Idex-8 Ventilating and Heating Syter, . Verdlon Speed tear, 1-6 Ww weigtt, fenpty, Insite cover rove, snaige cover, 4-1 Weight and Balance, tot Senter of pruvty velop, ‘Wing Loading, inside cover ‘Wislerieation sit, 2 WARRANTY ‘Cam ea company nes wat a cra mca ‘outs naan Mesh Ein Sede ne os ea i a Ss betaaspunantnel ape and tare r= pera of we Omen sl opiate eed eres yes sm tr ng re ae Sop rere ae three eee a Heat os rt a Cones ted Cee baad aes et Speen eminiien seems ERcutye muuaenermanemtacmmaats Soo Raciaarcre maar s ‘hears mare sary be fet Cann ait cove a eee Rie Sas ‘a porns hs arty So tao a eral, lp, centres (ing Cut ates Hern erie rs re wae ld hc hoen Festa ot ete ou nc astm Sor RA Aenea fatten one Ss SERVICING REQUIREMENTS ru AVIATION GRADE -- 90/67 MINIMUM GRADE, CAPACITY BACH STANDARD TANK ~- 13 GALLONS CAPACITY EACH LONG RANGE TANK ~~ 19'GALLONS ENGINE Olt: AVIATION GRADE -- SAE 40 ABOVE 40" F. SAE 10W30 OR SAE 29 BELOW 40" F, (cuurt-viscosrry Om WIFH A RANGE OF SAB 10W 30 {B RECOMMENDED FOR IMPROVED STARTING IN COLD ‘WEATHER. DETERGENT Of DEPERSANT OlL,,CON- FORKING TO CONTINENTAL MOTORS SPECIFICATION Mas-24A, MUST BE USBI ‘TOS QUART LEVEL FOR NORMAL FLIGHTS OF LESS ‘THAN'S HOURS, FOR EXTENDED PLIGHT, SILL TO SQUARTS. IF OPTIONAL Ol, FILTER Is INSTALLED, (ONE ADDITIONAL, QUART 18 REQUIRED WHEN THE FILTER ELEMENT Is CHANGED: HYDRAULIC FLUID, ‘NIL-H-5608 HYDRAULIC FLUID TRE PRESSURE NOSE GEAR SHOCK STRUT, ‘KEEP FILLED WITH FLUID AND INFLATED TO 20 PS, Do NOT OVER-INFLATE,

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