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Tues 55 mins

Wed 55 mins

Thurs 55 mins

Fri 45 mins

Week 1 - Ritual and Structure

Hook - Tour of Greek Theater
Vocabulary: orchestra, skene,
theatron, parodos, periaktoi,

Intro to Scenes - Ritual

Name one ritual in modern
American culture. (national
anthem before sports, fireworks
on 4th of july, shopping/family
dinner for Christmas, etc)

Warm-up Psychiatrist

Activity Rehearse Reversal


Everyone sits in a circle.

Someone is in the middle. They Activity See Reversal Scenes
ask yes/no questions of circle
Put students in 2 groups one
trying to figure out what their
gets detailed pictures/maps of
problem is. Problem is usually
backstage area, one gets maps of Get into groups of 3, create a
a pattern they believe they are
stage and audience area.
ritual for worshiping one person's the person two people to the
created Greek God/ess.
right. Everyone has something
Take one blindfolded person from
wrong with them according to
other group on tour of your area. Perform scenes. (graded)
Greek theater, yet they're still
Switch. Get as sensory as
heroes. Also, using theatre to
Festival as ritual, performances
identify and solve issues in the
got so lush they started
Activity Greek Gods
Name a Greek God tell us about
Warm-up This Is A Pen
Body In pairs, create a five
Pass a pen or other one-syllable minute reversal scene of a Greek
Artemis as an example. Goddess object between people as each
style tragedy about a flawed hero.
of, Characteristics, Myth
person repeats the correct phrase Decide what their flaw is, what
in rhythm. 1: This is a ___ 2: A
their error is, where you are, who
Worksheet: If you were a Greek what? 1: A __ 2: A what? 1: A __ the other characters are, and how
god, what would you be the God 2: Oh, a __!
their fates go from good to bad.
of, and how would you be
Remember that according to
worshiped? Fill it out!
Body Structure of a play
Aristotle this must be a generally
prologue, parode, scene,
good character who through some
Closing Sculpt your God
stasimon, exode, strophe,
flaw and error on their part their
Sculpt your body into a tableau of antistrophe
situation reverses. (graded)
your God
hubris fatal pride

Share your God you created on

your worksheet.

Poetics and looking at the

proscription of structure.
How does the amount of rules
effect the creativity? Is there such
thing as too many rules? Not
enough rules? A sweet spot?
What do you think about the rules
of Ancient Greek Theatre?
Week 2 Choral Odes

Intro to Choral Work

Warm-up Back-up dancer

Agamemnon Chorus

Libation Bearers Chorus

Eumenides Chorus

Rehearse Agamemnon



Eumenides Whoosh

Warm-up Build A Machine

First, build a machine that
represents the emotion: Fury
Then, build a mechanical Fury


represents the audience name
some plays or movies where there
is a character of the audience

Watch video clip of the same Read Eumenides Chorus

production with masks.
Rehearse your goal is to create chorus
something incredibly creepy to
What do you like better? Why? scare me and Miss D. Use sound,
How did the masks help/hurt your use physicality, use light, do all in
your power.

The entire group must jump and
land simultaneously without Libation Bearers Whoosh
speaking through making only What happened?
eye contact.
Come up with a picture and/or
Scene-Agamemnon Chorus
sculpture of what a Fury or
Read the script and start working Erinyes looks like in your mind.
on physicality
Why did you assume it was a
What are the different roles of

women in the Oresteia? The

chorus, Clytemnestra, the Furies,
Elektra, etc?
Week 3 - Generate
Warm-Up - Flocking
Re-Rehearse Eumenides
You captured the creepiness
incredibly well, so now, do it as if
you are on stage. Keep the creepy
factor, but in a more traditional
theatre sense than purely for
creepy effect.
focus on intentional movement character

2 groups of 3. create 1 tableau for
each play in the Oresteia that is
the essential moment.

Warm-up what you're saying Warm-up Stretch/shake out.

makes me feel.
Two person scenes but before you Perform
respond in character, say the
words, what you're saying
makes me feel __ and then
What is one purpose of the respond.
chorus? Name a movie or play or
tv show that uses something like Rehearse
a greek chorus. What kind of
characters are they? What are the
possible types of chorus? Why
would you use one over another?
What about heroes? What are
some modern heroes? What are
their flaws/errors?
Assign-15 minute play
You're going to create a 15
minute piece following the Greek
Play format.
Prologue - Chorus entrance
episode chorus recognition
and reversal and a final speech by
the chorus. Three episodes.
The hero must have a fatal flaw
and commit an error that causes
the reversal.

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