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Annotated Bibliography

Antshel, Kevin M. "Is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder A Valid Diagnosis In The
Presence Of High IQ? Results From The MGH Longitudinal Family Studies Of ADHD."
Journal Of Child Psychology And Psychiatry 48.7 (n.d.): 687-694. Social Sciences
Citation Index. Web. 19 Feb. 2015.
In this reading the symptoms of ADHD are explained along with possible causes of the
disorder. It is stated that family studies suggest the risk of ADHD among parents
increases the childs risk of having ADHD (688). According to the article it might be
possible for the disorder to be hereditary which puts more alert on the issue. If there is a
way to help prevent or eliminate this disorder from occurring then those measures need to
be taken. Early signs in the child can help reduce the potential for their behavior to get
out of control. Parents and teachers need to be aware of the signs and find a way to help
the child. Looking into family history prior to a childs birth can allow the parents to
know what could possibly happen with their child in the years to come.
Erdman, Phyllis. "Conceptualizing Adhd As A Contextual Response To Parental
Attachment." American Journal Of Family Therapy 26.2 (1998): 177-185.Academic
Search Complete. Web. 5 Feb. 2015.
Phyllis Erdman discusses the major role parents have in influencing ADHD to occur in
their child. The way a parent or guardian acts around their child leaves a lasting
impression on their youthful minds. Children often act poorly when they are around bad
situations. If a child grows up in a home environment that is very chaotic they are likely
to not know what structure is when it comes to the classroom. Their home lives can

greatly impact their learning abilities, leaving them behind academically. According to
this article, children alert their caregivers to fearful situations by using anger, which
gives the child a false sense of power (181). Neglect plays a major role in children that
are diagnosed with ADHD. It is possible that they are just acting out in order to get
attention. Familys play a major role in child development according to this reading.
"Home |" Home | Web. 3 Mar. 2015.
This source gives general information on what ADHD is along with statistics. The
website has a link where you can learn more about children who have ADHD. According
to the statistics ADHD is diagnosed in large amounts among children. All of their
statistics reflect the diagnosis in America. For people who arent aware of what ADHD is
this site can provide a lot of informative information. Having attention problems related
to focusing is very common and there are signs to look out for which is depicted by the
American Psychiatric Association. Knowing these symptoms can help people especially
children, receive the treatment they need. There are many options out there for people
who are seeking medical treatment or specialists opinions.
Koplewicz, Harold, and Thomas Power. "Is ADHD Overdiagnosed In American Children?." U.S.
News Digital Weekly 5.16 (2013): 16. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 5 Feb. 2015.
Within this article both perspectives are discussed on whether ADHD is over diagnosed.
Some believe that among children ADHD isnt over diagnosed because diagnoses are
made by primary care doctors and not by psychiatrists. ADHD is a psychological problem
therefore is should be analyzed by more than just the family doctor. Also the child may be

able to change their behavior through improving the environment in which they are
typically in. This is called behavioral parent training and it changes environmental
conditions that trigger and sustain inappropriate behavior (2). This indicated that there
are other possibilities of treatment besides putting the child strictly medication. Basically
this article depicts why or why not ADHD is perceived as being over diagnosed.
Mika, Elizabeth. "Research Commentary Point-Counterpoint: Diagnosis of Giftedness and
ADHD." Roeper Review 28.4 (2006): 237-242. Web. 2 Feb. 2015.
Elizabeth Mika discusses how children are classified as either having ADHD or being
gifted. Both of these state of beings share common traits when it comes to looking at the
signs in which they are diagnosed upon. At the same time there are small differences that
can completely change a diagnosis. Another focus with this article is how a child may
develop ADHD tendencies. Some experts believe that development delay arises from a
dysfunctional attachment with a primary caregiver in infancy. A childs metal
functioning can be influenced from a very young age. Developmental challenges should
continue to be looked upon for a specific source of cause. This article provides the reader
with knowledge on how diagnosis takes place and what the criteria for the diagnosis is.
As well as informing the reader on possible reasonings behind a childs behavior and
inability to complete a task.
Rinn, Anne N., and Marilyn J. Reynolds. "Overexcitabilities And ADHD In The Gifted: An
Examination." Roeper Review 34.1 (2012): 38. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 19 Feb. 2015.
According to research done by Anne Rinn, ADHD is the most common childhood
behavioral disorder. She believes that there are many different factors that can lead to a

child developing this disorder. Those contributors include heredity, biological or

neurodevelopment factors, and factors related to parenting or families (39). There are
more than one explanation to describe the childs behavior. All of which need to be taken
into consideration upon diagnosis. Also a child shouldnt be confused with having ADHD
when they are actually just gifted. Another possibility could be that they are experiencing
over excitabilities. They may be acting out but not because of ADHD at all. All factors
and other diagnoses should be examined.
"Younger Children In The Classroom Likely Overdiagnosed With Adhd." Science &
Children 49.8 (2012): 16-17. Education Research Complete. Web. 9 Feb. 2015.
This source is very helpful when wanting information on how ADHD is treated. There are
different ways in which a patient can be treated. Medication used as the form of treatment
can have negative health effects on the patient. There are many different factors that
come into play when diagnosing a child with ADHD and there are many different views
on treatment. Teachers and parents differ a lot when diagnosing a child. Its seen that the
youngest children in the classroom are significantly more likely to be diagnosed with
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The child needs to be observed in more
environments besides just in the classroom.

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