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Objectives of the Research

The researchers are interested bringing the disparate

nanotechnology that exists to create intelligent
nanobot that can:
- Move within the body cells
- Detect and annihilate cancerous cells using
specialized sensors
- Administer drugs directly to the cancerous tissue in
controlled dosage
The nanobot will be injected into the bloodstream, and
through its intelligent programming, will be able to
detect and zoom in on cancerous tissue and deliver
the treatment on the exact site (Hakrishman).

Discoveries Made

By emulating pathogens that exist at the

cellular level, it is possible to design an
automated nanobot locomotion system
It is possible to achieve positional
accuracy on cancerous organs using
thermal imaging technology
Lab tests confirm that the material used
in the development of the nanobot is
biodegradable and non-toxic.
The immunoreactivity of the Nanobot is
essential in measuring the applicability of
the nanotech.

Future Plans

Create more intelligent nano-sensors

that will be able to differentiate between
combinations of cancer markers
Create an ideal drug carrier that is
biochemically inert and non-toxic
Maximize algorithmic efficiency and
minimize power dissipation on the
onboard computer that is installed in the
nano chip.
Integrate all the mentioned components
to develop an intelligent nanobot that will
be able to act autonomously when

Biomedical Concept

Biomimetrics is the emulation of models
and systems of naturally occurring
elements in order to solve complex
biological problems (Corner and Bailey).
In the research, the scientists developing
the nanobot are emulated bacterial
organisms that have thrived in the
human body to understand how they
move, and design a similar nanobot
locomotion system.


Corner, Jessica, and Christopher Bailey.

Cancer Nursing. Oxford: Blackwell Pub.,
2008. Print.

J, Hakrishman. In-Vivo Nanobot Aided

Cancerous Tissue Targeting And Therapy.
1st ed. Utah: N.p., 2014. Web. 31 Mar.

E-portfolio link

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