Spinner Assignment

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1. What should the results be when I spin 30 times?

10 big, 10 small, 10 no prize
2. Have the spinner spin 30 times using the "slow" speed on the slide bar at the
top. You will have to hold your mouse button down in order for the spinner to
continue to run. Record your results and observe the spinner as it completes
the 30 spins.

3. Is that what happened?

No prize: 11,
Small prize: 5
Big prize: 14

4. Change the number of spins to 100 click run to get another set for 100 spins.

5. Are the results the same?

6. Click the 100 to run for 200 and see what happens. Record your results.
Prize type
No Prize
Small Prize
Big Prize

Data for 100

7. Click run again for 1000 and see what happens. Record your results.

Prize type
No Prize
Small Prize
Big Prize
Prize type


No Prize

Small Prize

Big Prize

8. Using Excel create a bar graph depicting the results from 1000.

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