Example 3

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—— ol NOULS In the space below, write down what you think of African music. How does it sound? What elements do you think make it up? Have you had any experience with African music? Is there a memorable time in your life when you heard African music? What was the occasion? AFRICAN MUSIC 1G VERY RINTMMIC AN CATCHY. 11S VERY COLOREUL AND YOU CAN DANCE TO \T ALL THE TMG. 11S NERY APPY, NE NEVER REA LISTENE TS TO AFRICAN MUSIC. in the spa try to write at least three things you hear that are similar to music to which you normally listen, and three things that are different from your normal music listening. Similar Different 1. SOME TEMPOS 1 LANGUAE 2TUN TO DANLE TO 2VYOWEY TECANIBUE a CAN LSPTEN LR ICSNO EDITNH ASW 4 5. 5. ‘Name: Date: Group psig PNACAD 0 RAISER mee SDAA YOUR. CERTDAY Of the following, how evident would you say each element of African music was in the song that you heard? not evident -—-------> somewhat evident ~ > very evident 1, Dense Sound 1 2 3 4 2. Interlocking Parts 1 2 3 4 3. Ground vs. Interlocking 1 2 3 4 4, Animated Rhythms 1 2 3 4 5. Cyclical (Repetitive) 1 2 3 4 6. Aspect of Coolness 1 2 3 4 7. Variety 1 2 3 4 8. Emphasis on Text 1 2 3 4 Even if the previous elements were or weren't all present, the song may or may not have sounded authentic, In your opinion, did the song sound "African"? Why or why not? YES, RE BEATS POD TEMPOS ‘What was your favorite thing about the song? THE WRACS Was the performance fluid? Why or why not? YES NACE PD CLEAN) ‘What is one thing that could be improved about the song to make it more authentic? NOTMN 61 ‘Name: Dae: APQ\L VST Group performing: (ACN S Name of song: ¢ 44() EO Of the following, how evident would you say each element of African music was in the song that you heard? not evident ——-—-; > somewhat evident > very evident 1. Dense Sound 1 2 3 CG) 2. Interlocking Parts 1 2 3 3. Ground vs. Interlocking 1 2 3 4 4. Animated Rhythms 1 2 3 4 5. Cyclical (Repetitive) 1 2 3 4 6. Aspect of Coolness 1 2 3 4 7. Variety 1 2 3 4 8. Emphasis on Text 1 i 3 4 Even if the previous elements were or weren't all present, the song may or may not have sounded authentic, In your opinion, did the song sound "African"? Why or why not? NES, \T othe fr PURPOSE) WAS fou SHOES What was your favorite thing about the song? THE VOXT Was the performance fluid? Why or why not? YES, AGLNONE WAS FUN To WOT KT What is one thing that could be improved about the song to make it more authentic? CNCDYNEG PHAN GPG. Name: Date: Grow coming SHON BREUER mest COED Of the following, how evident would you say each element of African music was in the song that you heard? > somewhat evident --> very evident 1. Dense Sound 5 2. Interlocking Parts 5 3. Ground vs. Interlocking ® 4, Animated Rhythms 5. Cyclical (Repetitive) 6, Aspect of Coolness 7. Variety 8, Emphasis on Text eeeeeeeG) aoe eQh> 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Even if the previous elements were or weren't all present, the song may or may not have sounded authentic. In your opinion, did the song sound "African"? Why or why not? What was your ar about the song? Was the performance fluid? Why or why not? YR What is one thing that could be improved about the song to make it more authentic? PACT CIPATION Name’ Date: Gow time DAE ONE WO DOT THE " NOWES Of the following, how evident would you say each element of African music was in the song that you heard? not evident > very evident 1. Dense Sound 2. Interlocking Parts 3. Ground vs. Interlocking, 4, Animated Rhythms 5. Cyclical (Repetitive) 6. Aspect of Coolness 7. Nariety 8. Emphasis on Text 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 (Cs Even if the previous elements were or weren't all present, the song may or may not have sounded authentic. In your opinion, did the song sound "African"? Why or why not? ‘What was your favorite thing about the song? Was the performance fluid? Why or why not? What is one thing that could be improved about the song to make it more authentic? Name: L pac APPL AST rats 1. What was the acronym we used to remember the 8 elements of African music? DIE CN ANTEL-LOGAN & LE eOROWVD v of: Hsingtess EMAL RTE WIC Text 3. List three ways that African music is similar to the music to which you normally listen: FRMPO AS MEANINGS: TO OR SOMEONE, SIM Fre (NST RUNENTS 4, List three ways that African music is different from the music to which you normally listen: LANOUKED, NEON C6PEATIING, MUNC WHOS ORL 5. What was your impression of African music before this project and how has it changed? What new things did you learn about your own culture or the culture of African peoples? VTAWMERT cr INAS MUTT BANDOM CAGANINES. TT KU ARS MEME pets VTS CATO THAT HSTORY \ TOD THeROUaH MUD

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