Technology Policy Fill in The Blank

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may use the Internet only in conjunction with a _____________school-related project______________

assigned by a teacher and under the supervision of a teacher or other staff member. Recreational surfing
of the Internet is ________prohibited_________, including Google images. Students enrolled in MSCR
programs may access pre-selected game sites only.


are expected to be responsible for their own behavior by following the same standards of conduct that are
expected in the classroom. Besides making good choices about how to behave, responsible behavior
means not visiting sites that contain _______obscene________, ______profane_______,
_____hateful______, gang-related, or offensive material.


may ___not____ use graphics that are offensive or _____violent_______.


should never enter _______________personal information________________ (phone number, address,

etc.) for themselves or anyone else.


may not participate in online __chat____ rooms, blogs, instant messaging, _______social networks_______,
_____YouTube______, and other prohibited activities unless assigned to do so by a teacher and under the
supervision of a teacher.


should log off the system as soon as finished to provide others the opportunity to access the system;


are expected to know and follow ______copyright________ laws.

Students shall:

Students should not:


ask for __________permission____________ to print;

use print ________preview__________ to print only important pages;
only print materials related to __________school work____________.

* print _______multiple_________copies;
* print materials that are not consistent with the MMSD Code of Conduct.

Students should not:

* use their school email address for signing up for various sites (_______Facebook___
example) or promotions;
* lend their school email _____logins______ and _____passwords________ to anyone
* read mail or files without the owner's permission;
* use any other email account than the MMSD gmail program and may not check
_________personal__________ email accounts while at school.

Students may


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that are inconsistent with the MMSD Behavior Education Plan, written or implied
that are _____inappropriate_______, obscene, sexist, contain obscenities, or conta

send messages:

inflammatory or abusive language;

to engage in ______bullying________ or harassing;
using another persons name or ____ID________ Click here to enter text.;
with attachments.

Students may not:

* change any computer settings (including exiting out of Synchroneyes and chang
backgrounds) or interfere with other peoples ability to use school district comput
network resources;
* _____download______ or install files without permission of the teacher;
* change any hardware, software, or system settings (this includes closing out pro
that should be ________running_________);
* use _______USB_________ drives or _______headphones_________ without permissio

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