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Fact Sheet

Working Thesis: We should have speed bumps on every side street because it promotes public
General Overview: What I want to do is persuade the City of San Diego to put speed bumps on
my street. My issue is cars going too fast on my street and disturbing the peace, there has been
accidents and complaints from my street. Speed bumps help traffic maintained and controlled, it
also helps the speed of vehicles calm. In addition speed bumps help avoid drivers from using
side streets to escape traffic. Many streets that are publically dangerous due to the speed drivers
exceed, and meet the requirements for speed bumps.
Specific Facts:
1. In order to get speed bumps you must meet requirements. (1)
2. Without speed bumps, 5000 pedestrians have been killed in the US (1)
3. Speed Bumps decrease average speed by 5/10 mph (2)
4. Effective 24/7 (2)
5. The streets that have speed bumps have decreased car crashes by 39%(1)
6. Reinforce stop signs(3)
7. Gentle enough to not damage emergency vehicles(3)
8. Calms Traffic(3)
Possible Solution: Putting speed bumps on my street will be the #1 solution to my issue. Putting
speed bumps on my street will decrease the speed the cars go, and reduce the amount of
accidents that happen.
Work Cited:
1. "A Study on Speed Humps." Study on Speed Humps. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Feb.
2. Vicente, M. Asuncion, Patrik O. Hoyer, and Aapo Hyvarinen. "Equivalence of
Some Common Linear Feature Extraction Techniques for Appearance-Based Object
Recognition Tasks." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
29.5 (2007): 896-900. Web.
3. "Literture Review on Vehicle Travel Speeds and Pedestrian Injuries."Literture
Review on Vehicle Travel Speeds and Pedestrian Injuries. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Feb. 2015.

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