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+Diary of Jane+

----------------------CharactersJane Niccals:
Nina Astrauckas: Zacoya
Saxon Kawaguchi: Percy Slaughter
Djinn Borgnino: Chris Kalafatis
Judith Niccals:
Gideon Niccals:
Mr. Stan Dardman:
Ailuri (pandabat): LeDacia Renfro-Jones

Scene One: Im Sure Mr.Dardman Wouldnt Mind.

-Close up of JANES eyes. She blinks slowly.(She's sitting in what appears to be a high school class with an
incredibly dull teacher.)
Jane: This is stupid.
-shot of MR.DARDMAN blathering(The people in the background are doing everything but paying
Jane: Not even my book is interesting enough...
Jane: I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I just took a little nap...
-world grows blurryNina: HEY JANE !
Jane: (startled) AHH !
-JANE looks at NINAJane: (not pleased)Oh. It's you.

-NINA smiles. She is introduced via name box.Jane: What are you doing here ?
Nina: Mr. Dardman said we could talk until he gets back ! :3 (you can
practically HEAR the emoticon). We're doing a group project ! Ooh~
what's that ? (She looks over) Thao ?
Jane: (quickly) Its nothing.
Nina: Weird...
-NINA slides closer to JANENina: Wanna be partners ?
Jane: Do I have a choice ?
-NINA just smiles-from across the classroom, you hear:((Saxon:(to DJINN) LISTEN MAN, YOU CAN'T DENY THAT CHICK IS KINDA
Jane: (sigh) It's better than getting grouped up with them...
--Time Change--close up on JANES unamused eyes.-We now see that they did, in fact, get paired up with DJINN and
SAXON.Jane: (mutters)The world hates me.
Saxon: (eating a bread roll) Dardman says we gotta work on this thing
outside of school or we'll never finish.
Jane: (disgusted/exasperated/uncomfortable) Can you please not speak
with your mouth full .
-She says this as more of a statement than a requestSaxon: (stuffs a good chunk of bread into his mouth) Why ? Does it
make you uncomfortable ? (But super muffled because his mouth is full)
Djinn: (jumping on the disgusted train) Dude, you're just
inconveniencing yourself by being a jerk.

Saxon: Whatever man. So, house ?

Nina: (sensing an opportunity) We could go to Jane's house !
Jane: We could also not go to Jane's house.
Nina: Why not ? ;^;
Jane: (defensively) What's wrong with YOUR houses ?
-NINA pouts and crosses her armsNina: Daddy and Mother are out of town ! >3<
Saxon: Cant have visitors.
Djinn: I don't want Saxon in my house. ((Saxon: HEY !)) I WAS CLEANING
-SAXON sticks out his tongue-JANES eye twitchesJane: Yeah... Sure, whatever.
Nina: Yay ! :D

Scene Two: A Congregation at Janes.

-JANE runs through the house and up the stairs while sayingJane: Hi mom I brought people over bye !
Judith: What ? Oh-!
-JUDITH is left standing there with a butter knife and a slice of
toast as she watches her daughter run up the stairs flanked by 3 other
-Nina: Hi Mrs. Niccals !
-Saxon: Sup, Jane's mom !

-Djinn: Sorry to intrude.

Judith: (excited) Did Jane just bring home friends ?
Gideon: (appalled) Did Jane just take two BOYS UP TO HER ROOM ?
-Jane: Alright home intruders, lets get this over with.
Djinn: Well, its a creative writing project, so I was thinking thatNina: OOH ! What about a pop tart with a face that goes like this:
-NINA makes a :3 face-A story bubble appears above her head and Nyan Cat runs through it.
JANE waves it away.Jane: That sounds familiar.
Nina: In space ? :3c
Jane: Absolutely not. If we have to write a story together, its going
to make sense.
Saxon: What about a feisty blue pony who-DJINN immediately bats the story bubble away before anything can even
happen. All we get a glimpse of is the oddly familiar head and rainbow
mane of a certain popular ponyDjinn: (in the most definite tone) NO.
-SAXON looks unhappily at DJINN.Djinn: Thats too familiar, dude. We have to do something original.
-DJINN absent mindedly snaps a picture of the other three.(Djinn looks at the picture he just took, and then makes a face at the
weird thing he finds.)
Djinn: What is that glowing thing ?
Jane: What glowing thing ? Somethings glowing in here ?
-Djinn hesitates before handing his camera over to her.Jane: On my table-

-She quickly looks over her shoulder at the seemingly harmless book
sitting on her nightstand. She reaches up and grabs it, staring down
at it forcefully as if willing it to drop its sham and talk.Jane: I knew there was something weird about this thing.
Nina: Your book ?
Jane: Well, I found it on my windowsill about a week ago. It has words
in it, at least, I THINK they are words. But I cant seem to be able
to read it.
Saxon: (Grabs the book) Its like in some weirdo alien language !
(Gets a weird smile on his face) Cool !
Djinn: (Snatches it from the dorky boy) Give me that. Its easily
readable. You guys just have it sideways.
-DJINN turns the book, and he begins to read. A picture thought bubble
appears over the other threes heads, and they look up.Djinn: Ok, so. It says that the universe is made up of eight main
dimensions. Each one of these dimensions has a connection to one
central place called True Star. True Star apparently is ruled over
by some King and Queen. They have magician mage things, too. Each mage
was responsible for protecting True Star and the connection to the
eight main dimensions, but one day, a weird force called the Ethir
came and took over with swords of magic. ((Saxon: LIGHT SWORDS ??))
Their leader, apparently only known to this dude as Miss, took
control of True Star and sealed the eight mages, the King, and the
Queen up in books they then call Diaries,and now theyre waiting for
the ones from a prophecy that will wield the Portal of Thao... -DJINN holds the book in his hands away from him as if to view it
better.Djinn: At least, that's what I got from it, anyway.
-The room is silent.Saxon: Thats total crud, man ! You made that up !
Djinn: (snarkily) Oh, Im sorry. Can you read alien runes ?
Saxon: Well-

Djinn:(cutting him off) -Yeah, thats right, shut up.

Saxon: Woah, put your sass back in the box, Jack.
Jane: ANYWAY. This book says Thao on the cover. Are you saying that
this book is magical ?
Djinn: Well, its something.
Nina: COOOOOL ~!! >A<
Djinn: Oh, here. (reading) The only ones that can wield my portals and
my magic are those of No Evil
Nina: Like the monkeys ?
Jane: Yeah Like the monkeys But there were only three of them.
-She points to DJINN.Jane: You could be See no Evil. Youre the only one who can read the
-JANE points to SAXON and NINA.Jane: -So what are you ?
Djinn: Saxon is Speak, Nina is Hear.
Jane: How do you know that ?
-DJINN points to the book.Djinn: Hes too loud, and she has selective hearing.

@the same time::

Saxon: Hey !
Nina: Kaleidoscope !
-NINA holds up the toy she found.Djinn: ...It says a 4th here. Consume all Evil.
-DJINN smirks.Djinn: Ah, just like your personality.
Jane: Shut up before I throw you out of my window.
Nina: Wait ! I hear it ! Its saying
-Everyone turns to pay attention to NINA.Nina:
Nina: No.It says that the evil that binds its powers must be
consumed !
Jane: Oh. Uh. I guess thats me then.

-JANE grabs the diary, and holds it in her hands. She stares at it for
a bit before shrugging helplessly at it, and turning around to the
others.Jane: Yeah, I dont know how(The diary begins to glow a deep purple before that power seems to
bite into JANEs hands and arms as it sinks into her, and gives way
to a magic glow of brilliant green.)

(JANE looks down at her arms to see the once irritated red marks give
way to nothingness.)
Nina: Lets get the diaries back !!
Djinn: Uhm
Nina: *delighted giggle*
Djinn: Wait a secondJane: Come on Djinn. What could it hurt ?
Djinn: Uh, my bones, my sanity, my life-!
Jane: (turns to the others) So everyones in ? Because Im pretty sure
theyll only take us as a unit.
Saxon: Two words, J-J. ((Jane:Dont call me J-J)) SUPER. LIGHTSWORD.
Djinn: (pops up) I believe that was three words.
Saxon: (flustered at his mistake)NO ONE ASKED YOU.
Nina: Lets go save True Star ! Adventure !
Djinn: (giving in) If were going, then open the portal over there.
(points to Janes closet mirror)
Nina: Why there ?
Djinn: (refusing to explain, directs his attention directly to Jane)
Djinn: It says it here.
-DJINN hands JANE the book.Jane: Whatever you say, almighty Seer.
-JANE walks over to her mirror-JANE looks at the part in the book DJINN specified.
She closes the book.. She hikes it up over her shoulder, and then
bashes her mirror with it. SAXON and NINA look shocked at the display

while DJINN totally expected it because he can actually read the

book.-There is a delay before a
of its opening blowing Jane
to suck them up. Jane grabs
and propelling

huge hole rips from the mirror, the force

back into the three before the hole begins
everyone before pushing off of the ground
them all through the portal.-


Scene 2.2: I Think She Knows

-JUDITH NICCALS sits at a table at night with what appears to be a cup
of tea. AILURI sits on the table beside her. She is shown from behind
as she looks out of the window and up at the stars, one of which
twinkles brightly before shooting up into the shy to disappear.
Certainly, an unnatural thing. She is shown from around the nose down.
She smiles.Judith: ...Good Luck.
-JUDITH rubs between AILURIs ears.Ailuri: Bye-bye.


Scene Three: Thinking With Portals

Saxon: Well, Djinn ? Where do we go ?
Djinn: I dont know. The moment we entered this rift, I couldnt see
Saxon: (looks mildly offended,as if Djinn is insulting his
intelligence) Youve got your glasses.
Djinn: (rolls his eyes) Thats not what I mean.
Jane: Are you saying that you suddenly went blind ?
Djinn: Yeah.
Jane: And this is no cause for alarm ??

Djinn: (shrugs) I assumed it was temporary.

Jane: What ?
Saxon: That is the dumbest thing Ive ever heard you say.
Djinn: Wow. Ok.
-Random debris flies by and knocks the glasses off of DJINNs face.Djinn: Ow !
-His glasses fly back and up to NINA. She catches them.Jane: Hey, are you oka-JANE pauses as she makes an acute observation.Jane: Your eyes are really purple ??
Djinn: ..Yeah ?
Jane: Oh, I always assumedDjinn: (cheekily) NOW whos doing the assuming ?
Jane: Shut up ! I just always thought that they were just blue but
they reflected the inside of your glasses.
Nina: What ?
Saxon: The inside of his glasses ?
Nina: (amused)Jane!
Saxon: (catching on) Why do you know what the inside of his glasses
looks like ?
Jane: (defensively)Dont look at me like that, EVERYONE knows that the
inside of his glasses are purple.
Nina: Noooooope. (pops the p)
-NINAS attention is immediately diverted by a sound.Djinn: (smirks) What ? Youre paying attention to me, Jane Niccals ?

Jane: Dont make this weird ! You guys are just unobservant !
Saxon: Whatever you say, dude.
Nina: Guys, shhh ! I hear something.
-They see a colorful dot in the distance. However, they have passed
many before, so this causes no alarm.Nina: We should go there ! :D
Jane: Specifically ?
Nina: (smiling and listening to the pleasant sound) I dont know, it
just sounds pretty !

Scene Four: True Star

-They all land in an undignified heapSaxon: Woah !
Djinn: What ? What ??
-JANE taps DJINNS shoulder and turns him around after removing his
glasses from her hairDjinn: (in awe) ...Wow...
-The camera is now behind them as it reveals the 'True Star'. They
have entered the royal realm, and can see all the other worlds.Jane: ...Darn it ! I forgot about the project !!

Scene Five: Enter The End

-Establishing shot that shows a dark room, minimally decorated with a
table and chair sitting in the middle of the room. At the table sits a
lady; young enough. Her hands are resting daintily on the table, and
there is a cup of tea next to her hand, along with a candle, which
seems to be producing the majority of the light from this room. Deep

purple wisps float about, each giving off light emissions of their
own. She is playing with one as quick footsteps are heard. A maroonhaired male in a vest enters the room and bows sharply.Maroon: Miss. The Diary of Thao has been activated.
-A generous pause length.Miss: (a short, yet meaningful intake of air although it is not
-Miss looks up from her tea and straight into the camera.-One of the wisps crosses the candle and puts it out. Sharp cut to
black, only her glowing eyes can very faintly be seen....It wasnt who I expected
But Ill take it.
-Full black-


:Character Voice:
Jane Niccals: Medium-> high range voice. Can have a weird quirk, or mild word
slurring. Definate.
Nina Astrauckas: Cute sounding voice. Able to somehow voice emoticons.
Saxon Kawaguchi: Loud and brash. Kinda scratchy if possible.
Djinn Borgnino: On the lower side, but probably not defined as deep. Able to
vocally deadpan, but can get a little whiney.
Judith Niccals: A nice motherly sweet, yet spirited voice.
Gideon Niccals: Silly guy. He gets very whiney.
Mr. Stan Dardman: The most boring, dull, and deadpan voice.
Miss: Authoritative, smooth, known. Very mysterious sounding.

MaroonHair: Kinda nasally. One of those bored, drawing, minion voices.

Ailuri (pandabat): A high pitched, robotic voice. Stunted. Light emotion.

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