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TABLE ~ APRIL 17, 2015

Next Vestry Meeting after 10 am service April 19
Next ECW Monthly Meeting after 10 am service April 26
Vestry Meeting after 10 am service May 17 (Moved from May 10th)
Majorie is going to need someone with her during Sunday School for April 19 th, 26th and
May 3rd. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Interested? Speak to Dave Wells or
Mother Johanna.
PRAYER REQUESTS: As requested, Prayer Request Cards may now be found on hooks
in the pews, as well as on the table at the back of the nave.
A member of the parish recently asked me about the Doxology at the time of the offering
which we observed other churches performing during the Wednesday Lenten services.
She remembered it from her childhood and wondered if the Episcopal Church ever does
First, let me say that, yes, some Episcopal Churches do sing what is called the doxology
when the offering plates are brought forward at either Eucharist or Morning Prayer. It is
more appropriate at Morning Prayer as the BCP makes provision at the Eucharist for a
hymn to be sung when the deacon is preparing the altar, the elements bread and wine
- are being brought forward and the collection is taken, brought forward and blessed.
This is the practice quite appropriately at St. Dunstans. The history of all of this is
both interesting and complicated. The word doxology comes from two roots: doxa from
the Greek meaning glory and -ology from the Latin meaning words of or words
about. A doxology ascribes glory to the Persons of the Trinity.
There are two doxologies. The Greater Doxology is the Gloria in Excelsis. We say or sing
the Gloria on all first class feast days and throughout Easter- and Christmastide. It may
also be used as a canticle for Morning Prayer, though not usually at Evening Prayer. The
Lesser Doxology is the Gloria Patri or Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy
Spirit. As it was in the beginning it is now and will be forever. Amen. This is recited or
sung after the psalmody in any of the daily offices. It is rarely, if ever, used in the
Now. The doxology which is sung at the offering usually uses the Old 100th hymn tune.
(See hymnal 1982, # 380.) As you can see, its not a REALLY old hymn tune. It only goes
back to about 1551. Its based on the melody Pseaumes octante. The words of the first
two verses of hymn 380 are by Isaac Watts (b. 1674) and are a paraphrase of Psalm 117.
(Old Isaac did a lot of that.) The words for the third verse of hymn 380 were written by
Thomas Ken (b. 1637.)
Thomas Ken was a complicated guy who stood up to a couple of English kings. He was
appointed Bishop of Bath and Wells by Charles II. He was deposed from said bishopric by
James II. Ken was an ascetic and celibate all his life. He wrote two other hymns, one,

Awake, my soul, and with the sun is still sung at St. Dunstans as an opening hymn at
When Kens Gloria Patri and the Old 100th were married is anyones guess. Sources
suggest it was a marriage made during the English Reformation and practiced by one of
the sterner Protestant sects. Remember, the first Book of Common Prayer was published
in 1549. A LOT was going on church-wise at the time. Nailing down who did what and
when is the source of endless (and may I say, pleasurable) debate for scholars.
Have liturgical questions? Write them down and give them to Mo. J.+

Emmaus Homeless Shelter Lunch and Auction: Sunday, April 19 We have

reserved two tables for this great event. Please see Harvey or Dave for seats. Cost is
$20 per person; that includes lunch and entrance to the auction, both silent and live.
Dont forget to sign up for your opportunity to help at the Food Pantry during the
month of May. See Joe Stockbridge or Harvey Kelley for more information.
The 2015 Fair Committee had its first meeting on March 19th. At that meeting the
committee discussed how we might fund fair expenses. It was decided to have a series
of small "pop up" baked goods and seedling sales at coffee hour throughout the spring
and summer. All members of the parish are encouraged to contribute to this effort (a tray
of seedlings, a bag of cookies, a loaf of bread or even a pie!) in the next seven months.
Full minutes of the meeting will be available before the next ECW meeting.
Gentle reminder: Should you care to support the Coffee Hour ministry, there is a
basket for donations on the table in the Fellowship Hall.
Remember to wear your nametags each Sunday!
Lay Ministers:
Altar Guild
Lay Readers
Coffee Hour



Holy Eucharist Rite II

Marian Wells
8:00 am Service
Mother Johanna
10:00 am Service
Mother Johanna
Muffet Stewart, Dianne Kelley,
Andrew Chattin
Dianne Kelley
Jerry Whitney
Dave Wells
Fred and Leslie Beyer
Liz Carter, Madison

Morning Prayer
8:00 am Service
Dianne Kelley
10:00 am Service
Dianne Kelley
Marian Wells, Harvey Kelley, Karl

Harvey Kelley and Karl Haller

Leslie Beyer and Muffet Stewart

If you should have an emergency, you may contact: Reverend Johanna-Karen

Johannson, Priest 902-1013; Senior Warden Dave Wells at 667-6206 (h), 610-3709 (c);

Junior Warden Harvey Kelley at 422-3115 (h) or 266-5148 (c) For pastoral needs:
Deacon Rev. Joan Preble at 667-4068. Ann is in the office Thursdays from 9:00 AM to
3:00 PM.

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