Stress Lesson

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Teacher Candidate: Dayanna Willis and Tiffany Cressman Date: 9/23/2015

Cooperating Teacher:
Group Size: Whole Class

Coop. Initials
Allotted Time 45 mins Grade Level 1st

Subject or Topic: Dealing with Stress__________ Section __________

Effectively communicate wants, needs, and feelings.
Choose appropriate ways to handle basic emotions.
I. Performance Objectives:
The first grade students will be able to define stress by engaging in class discussion
about stress.
The first grade students will be able to demonstrate positive stress management
strategies by composing a paragraph about a time or situation that has caused stress.
The first grade students will be able to brainstorm positive stress management strategies
after hearing The Math Curse read aloud.
II. Instructional Materials
Large trash bag
The Math Curse by Jon Scieszka
III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea, outline of
additional content)
A. Prerequisite skills
1. General understanding of stress
2. Ability to blow up balloon

B. Key Vocabulary
1. Stress- astateofmentaltensionandworrycausedbyproblemsinyour
2. Stressorsomethingthatmakesyouworriedoranxious
3. Eustressstressthatcanbegood
4. Distressstressthatcanbebad
C. Big Idea
1. What is stress?
2. What are positive stress management strategies?
D. Additional content
1. None beyond vocabulary.
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
1. The teacher will begin a discussion about stress and explain stress and what
a stressor is
2. The teacher will ask students to brainstorm a list of things that cause stress
for them
3. The students will write down their list in their notebooks
4. The teacher will ask students to write one of those stressors on small slip of
paper and fold it several times
5. The students will blow up a balloon and place their stressor inside of the
6. The teacher will collect all balloons and a student volunteer from the class
will come to the front of the class
7. The teacher will use tape to attach the bag to the wrist of the student
volunteer and ask the student to lean forward and try to tie their shoe
8. The teacher will then explain that it is difficult to function if our stressors
are weighing us down
B. Development
1. The teacher will give input on stress by letting students know the first step
to managing stress which is recognizing ones own signs and symptoms
2. The teacher will share a personal anecdote about a stressful situation
3. The teacher will ask students to thinkpair-share signs and symptoms they
think the teacher experienced
4. In pairs, the students will discuss signs and symptoms that may have been
present during the teachers stressful situation
5. The think and pair will last about 3 minutes
6. The teacher will ask student volunteers to share their thoughts
7. The teacher will then explain to students that everyone experiences stress
and it is normal
8. The students will then brainstorm signs and symptoms that they experience
when they are in a stressful situation

9. The signs and symptoms will be written on a provided board

10. After the list is made, the teacher and the students will discuss some of the
signs and symptoms
11. The teacher will explain that there is good and bad stress and advise students
on the terms used for those types of stress (eustress and distress)
12. The teacher will read The Math Curse
13. After reading the book, the teacher will ask students to discuss how stress
affects our everyday life
14. The students will brainstorm positive stress management strategies that the
main character could have used to help her manage her math anxiety
15. The students will orally share their strategies to the class
16. The teacher will ask students to write a paragraph about a time or situation
that has caused for them.
17. The students will write their paragraphs in class in their notebooks.
18. After the paragraphs are finished, the students will be placed in pairs.
19. In pairs, the students will read one anothers story and together the students
will decide on positive stress management strategies that each other could
20. After the pair discussion, the teacher will ask students to return to their
21. The teacher will ask students to finish their story using at least one or two
positive stress management techniques.
C. Closure
1. Teacher will announce when students have 5 more minutes of writing.
2, After 5 minutes, students will hand in their paragraphs in the graded
work bin.
3. Teacher will ask students to share with a partner two facts they
learned in today's lesson.
4. Students will report out to the whole class
5. Teacher will introduce tomorrow's lesson by giving students a scenario
that they will have to think about solutions to
6. Students will brainstorm solutions and prepare for discussion the
following day
D. Accommodations/Differentiation
For Josh, a student with autism, the teacher will talk about this lesson the day
before. Josh may need to be previewed the lesson so that he is able to
understand this content. You can give Josh the assignment that relates to
writing paragraphs about a time he has been stressed out the day before. He
can have his parents or family help him come up with ideas so he is prepared
to share in class the next day.
E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan

1. Formative- The students paragraphs will be collected, analyzed, and graded.

2. Summative- There is no summative assessment for this lesson.

V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Student Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives
Remediation Plan

B. Personal Reflection
1. Did children develop realistic stress management strategies?

2. Are the students engaged in discussion and read aloud?

3. Are the students able to use and apply discussed stress management

VI. Resources (in APA format)

Scieszka, Joe. (1995). The Math Curse. New York, NY: Viking Books.
Lesson Plan Idea:

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