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Teacher Candidate: Tiffany Cressman and Dayanna Willis Date: 9/24/2015

Cooperating Teacher:

Coop. Initials

Group Size: Whole Class Allotted Time: 45 Minutes Grade Level 1st Grade
Subject or Topic: Hand Washing

Section: ________

Analyze how personal health practices/habits affect our health.
Practice ways to prevent illness.
I. Performance Objectives:
The first grade students will be able to understand that cleanliness is crucial to remaining
healthy by doing an experiment that shows how quickly germs spread.
II. Instructional Materials
Water Bottle
Sid The Science Kid video
6 Different Colored Glitter Packs
Inquiry Sheets
KWL Chart
Anti-Bacterial Soap
10 Buckets
Paper Towels
III. Subject Matter/Content
A. Prerequisite skills
1. Gross Motor

B. Key Vocabulary
1. Germ the reason why we get sick, there are many types of germs.
2. Bacteria tiny one celled creatures.
3. Environment where we live.
4. Disease any abnormal condition.
5. Hygiene practicing good hygiene helps you to stay healthy.
Engaging in healthy habits.
6. Lather to clean thoroughly.
7. Agents harmful bacteria that produce disease.
C. Big Idea
1. Why is hand washing crucial in staying healthy.
D. Additional content
1. None beyond vocabulary.
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
1. Begin the lesson by asking students how they think that germs are
2. After the question bring out a spray bottle filled with clean water. Tell
the children that this water represents the germs that make us sick
when you cough or sneeze.
3. Go around to all the children and spray their hands with the clean
water. After their hands are wet ask them to touch an object.
4. After they touch the object ask them if it is wet.
5. Explain to the children how easily germs spread. And ask them
questions like what would happen if their friend touched that wet area,
would they get sick?
6. Tell the students that if they simply wash their hands after coughing
sneezing they can eliminate these germs that make us sick.
B. Development
1. Begin the lesson by presenting students with the PowerPoint on germs
& hand washing (see attached).
2. Ask the students what they already know about hand washing, and
what they want to know. Ask them to fill out their responses on their
KWL Chart (see attached).
3. Show the slides of the PowerPoint while interacting with students
about their experiences with germs and asking questions presented in
4. Tell students that now they are going to try an experiment on their own
to see how fast germs spread. Begin passing out their inquiry sheets
(see attached).
5. Explain to the students that you are going to come around and place a
little bit of lotion on their hands.

6. After you put the lotion on their hands, shake glitter onto each students
hands. Explain to the children that the glitter represents germs. Every
student at one table group should have a different color glitter on their
7. Have the students shake hands with everyone at their table, if they
finish early have them shake the hands of children at other tables.
8. After that step, have the children look at their hands, and ask them
what they see. They should have all different colors of glitter on their
hands, ask them what they think that means.
9. Now tell the students that they are going to try and remove this glitter
with their knowledge of hand washing.
10. First they will try a dry paper towel, and record their responses on their
inquiry sheet. Then a wet paper towel, and record. The students should
notice that not much of the glitter is being removed.
11. Then have the students try washing their hands with cold water, no
soap. They should record their results.
12. Finally, have the students wash their hands with warm and soapy
water, and record their results. The students should have the cleanest
hands after using the warm and soapy water. Ask the students why
they thing that.
13. Have the students pull out their KWL Charts, and after todays lesson
and experiment fill out what they learned about the importance of hand
C. Closure
1. After the students are finished with their KWL Chart the students will
watch the Sid the Science Kid Clean it Up video.
D. Accommodations/Differentiation
1. To accommodate for Josh, a child with autism, you would make sure
that he is comfortable being sprayed with the water before attempting
the introduction. You could not spray him, and just have him watch
and engage with the other children. Josh also may feel uncomfortable
placing the glitter on his hands. You could have Josh help you pass out
supplies, and watch the experiment taking place.
E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative The formative assessment will be the KWL Chart and the
inquiry sheet that the students fill out throughout the lesson.
2. Summative There is no summative assessment for this lesson.

V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Student Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives

B. Personal Reflection
Do the students fully understand the importance of washing their hands?

Can they identify scenarios in which washing your hands is necessary?

Do they understand the consequences of not washing your hands?

VI. Resources (in APA format)

Lesson Idea:

Hand Washing K-W-L Chart
What I know. What I want
to know.

What I


Glitter Hand Washing Inquiry


Dry Paper Towel

Wet Paper Towel

Cold Water

Warm, Soapy Water


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