Dental Hygiene Lesson

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Teacher Candidate: Tiffany Cressman and Dayanna Willis Date: 9/22/2015

Cooperating Teacher:

Coop. Initials

Group Size: Whole Group Allotted Time 45 Minutes Grade Level 1st Grade
Subject or Topic: Dental Hygiene


Monitor personal health practices and habits.
Generate possible outcomes and consequences to health related decisions.
I. Performance Objectives:
The first grade students will be able to understand the importance of maintaining healthy
habits when practicing dental hygiene by completing an experiment showing what is
good for their teeth and what is bad for their teeth.
The first grade students will be able to state the important aspects of dental hygiene and
brushing their teeth by completing the true or false quiz at the end of the lesson.
II. Instructional Materials
Hard boiled eggs
Cups for each drink
Tooth Paste
6 toothbrushes
III. Subject Matter/Content
A. Prerequisite skills

1. Gross Motor
2. Reasoning Skills
B. Key Vocabulary
1. Enamel protects our teeth from harmful agents.
2. Cavity a whole in our teeth caused from poor dental hygiene.
3. Decay what builds on our teeth when we dont brush them.
4. Gums where our teeth grow from.
5. Dentist where we should go every 6 months for a checkup.
6. Manual Toothbrush - A small brush used to remove dental plaque from
7. Electric Toothbrush - A brush useful for removing dental plaque from
teeth whose bristle movements are created by an electric motor.
8. Dental Floss - Thin ribbon or string used to remove food debris and
dental plaque from in between teeth.
9. Toothpaste - A gel or creamy paste that is used with a toothbrush to
clean teeth.
10. Fluoride Rinse - Medicated mouthwash that can help to prevent tooth
C. Big Idea
1. Why it is important to brush your teeth .
D. Additional content
2. N/A
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
1. Introduce todays lesson by tell the students that you are going to read
them a story about something very important.
2. Read the students the book, Brush, Floss, and Rinse by Amanda
3. After the story talk with the children about their dental habits, and
what they think is good for their teeth, and what is bad for their teeth.
B. Development
1. Write on the chalkboard, good, and, bad.
2. Explain to the students why some foods, drinks, tools, and habits are
bad for their teeth, and why some foods, drinks, tools, and habits are
bad for their teeth.
3. Give the students some examples of foods, drinks, tools, and habits
that are good, and some that are bad for their teeth.
4. After explaining ask the students to come up with some of their own
on their worksheet (see attached.)
5. After the students finish their worksheets ask them what they should
do right after eating or drinking these bad foods and drinks.

6. Pass out the teeth brushing visual (see attached) and go over the steps
with the students.
7. After going over the visual, introduce the students to a lesson.
8. Tell the students that today we are going to see what happens to our
teeth if we dont brush them.
9. Pass out the cups filled with the drinks, and the hardboiled eggs.
10. Explain to the students that the egg is going to represent their teeth, so
we are going to see what liquid affect their teeth the most.
11. Have a cup labeled water, juice, coffee, and soda. Then have a cup
labeled vinegar. Explain to the students that the vinegar cup represents
not brushing your teeth, and the water represents brushing your teeth
12. Place the eggs in the cups for about 10 minutes.
13. While the eggs are soaking have students make predictions about what
they think is going to happen to their eggs on their inquiry sheet (see
14. After ten minutes have the students pull the eggs out of the cups, and
record what has happened to their eggs.
15. Have the students predict what would happen if they left the eggs in
these liquids for an even longer amount of time.
C. Closure
1. To end the lesson the teacher will show the video of the song Brush
Brush Your Teeth Rhyme on YouTube.
D. Accommodations/Differentiation
1. To accommodate for Josh, a child with autism, we will supply him
with a pre made inquiry sheet. This sheet will be previously filled out
by the teacher so that Josh is just able to fill in when necessary. We
will also make sure that Josh is in a group he feels comfortable in. If
Josh doesnt want to touch the eggs his group members can complete it
for him.
E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative The formative assessment will be the list that the students fill
out on their own about good and bad foods and drinks for their teeth. The
inquiry sheet will also be used as a form of assessment.
2. Summative The summative assessment will be a short quiz asking
students to answer true or false questions based on what they have learned in
todays lesson.

V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Student Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives

Remediation Plan

B. Personal Reflection
Did I do a good job at thoroughly explaining the inquiry activity?

Does the summative assessment accurately test the knowledge of the students?

Where the students engaged by my introduction?

VI. Resources (in APA format)

Tourville, Amanda. (2008). Brush, Floss, Rinse. Edina, MN: Picture Windows Books.
Song Video:
Experiment Idea:

Good For My Teeth

Not Good for My Teeth

Dental Hygiene Inquiry Sheet
Vinegar (Not Brushing)

Water (Brushing)




Vinegar (Not Brushing)

Water (Brushing)




What would happen in the future?

Teeth Brushing Steps


Brushing Your Teeth Quiz

1. You must brush and floss your teeth after every meal to
prevent gum disease and cavities.
A. True
B. False
2. Brushing your teeth with an up-and-down or side-to-side
motion is the best way to clean your teeth.
A. True
B. False
3. You can floss your teeth by simply putting the floss
between your teeth and pulling it through.
A. True
B. False
4. Motorized toothbrushes clean your teeth better than
manual brushes.
A. True
B. False
5. Brushing too much can harm your gums.
A. True
B. False
6. You should use a dental rinse along with brushing and
flossing to remove plaque.
A. True
B. False
7. Toothpastes that contain baking soda and hydrogen
peroxide can help reduce plaque acids made by plaque
A. True
B. False
8. You should see your dentist twice a year for checkups and

A. True

B. False

Brushing Your Teeth Quiz Answer Key

1. The correct answer is B. False .
Although brushing after every meal cant hurt, it is not always needed. Once a day would be
enough if you took 5 to 10 minutes to thoroughly brush and floss your teeth. But most
people don't have the time or desire to spend that much time. So a good rule of thumb, say
the experts, is to brush twice a day with toothpaste that has fluoride. Floss thoroughly
once a day. Brushing and flossing before bed is especially important. This is because it
removes leftover food and debris that help bacteria grow in your mouth at night, when your
flow of saliva is at its lowest.

2. The correct answer is B. False .

The better way is to move your brush in a circle. This is called the Bass Technique. This
circular motion picks up the plaque on your teeth and sweeps it out. The other ways of
brushing only move the plaque and push it against other surfaces. You should hold your brush
at a 45-degree angle to the gum line to clean your teeth. Let the bristles reach just
beneath the gum line.

3. The correct answer is B. False .

To floss properly put the floss tightly against the side of each tooth and slide it up to the
top edge and back down under the gum line. You will miss a lot of plaque if you just slide the
floss in and pull it through. You can choose from different kinds of floss to make it easier

to floss between dental work and tight spaces. You can buy floss as a tape, regular or fine,
and waxed or unwaxed, as well as in a variety of flavors.

4. The correct answer is B. False .

Both manual and motored or powered toothbrushes can clean your teeth well.

5. The correct answer is B. False .

Researchers have found that this is not true. Some experts say brushing your teeth the
incorrect way can harm your gums. It can make your gums recede and wear away the tooth

6. The correct answer is B. False .

Dental rinses that say they remove extra plaque have not been scientifically proved to do
so. But rinses that have fluoride can help prevent cavities and freshen your breath. Fluoride
is the only substance that prevents tooth decay. It also makes your tooth enamel stronger.
Prescription mouth rinses help reduce the amount of certain bacteria in plaque.

7. The correct answer is A. True .

This is actually true. Baking soda neutralizes acids in the plaque. Baking soda and hydrogen
peroxide combine with saliva to produce oxygen. Oxygen kills the plaque bacteria. Other
toothpastes can help reduce or get rid of stains. These toothpastes generally work only on
stains caused by cigarette smoke, coffee, and tea. These stains appear only on the outer
surface of teeth. Deeper stains caused by some medicines or health conditions must be
treated by your dentist.
8. The correct answer is A. True .
It depends. If you're healthy, 2 times a year is a good starting point. But if you have has
gum disease, if you smoke, or if you have a disease that affects your whole body such as
diabetes, you should probably see your dentist more often because these can make gum
disease worse. Some medicines also make it more likely for you to get gum disease and
cavities because they reduce the flow of saliva. If you take good care of your teeth, eat a

healthy diet, and have little or no history of dental disease, you may not need to be seen so

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