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Planear un viaje a Espaa (200 pt. quiz grade)

Trip research
100 pts.
Lab days: 4/17, 4/20, 4/21
Travel journal entry in Spanish 100 pts.
Due date: Friday, April 24
(beginning of class)
Task: As you prepare to complete your third year of high school Spanish, graduation (for
most of you) is right around the corner. As a graduation gift, you are taking a trip to
Spain. You are allowed to bring one friend with you on the trip. In this project, your job is
to plan a 10-day trip to Spain.
Purpose: Not only will you learn more about Spain, but you will also learn how to plan a
vacation within a budget! (No matter what some of your future travel destinations may
be!) Also, the more you plan and research about a place before you visit, the more you
will enjoy it and get the most out of your experience!
Directions: For this mini-project, you will fill out a detailed planning guide to record all
of your research as you plan your trip.
Spain trip plans: *You must fill this out completely to receive the full amount of credit!
1) Budget Budget = $7,000 (Conversion to Euros = ________________)
*Pay attention as you search and look at costs. Some prices may be given in dollars and
some in Euros.
*Airline and hotel costs will mostly be given in US dollars, but some transportation
options within Spain may show up in Euros and you will need to convert them to dollars.
2) Travel dates (10-day trip) _______________________________ to
3) City research Choose either Madrid or Barcelona as a starting point. (Non-stop
flights from Atlanta are available to both cities.) Then decide on 2 additional cities you
will visit. Do some initial research and look at a few websites to decide on your 2
additional cities. You may want to look at a map of Spain and/or a couple of travel
websites about Spain to help you decide on the other 2 cities you want to visit.
List the cities you will visit: ______________________
City #1 (Madrid or Barcelona)
Draw an outline
3 cities; and draw
of travel.

City #2


map of Spain below; label the

a arrow to indicate your path

4) Transportation to & from Spain

Find airline prices for your flight from Atlanta to Barcelona or Madrid for the specific
dates you have chosen. Look for non-stop flights that go directly to Spain without stops
in any other cities. Compare prices from at least two different airlines. (Possible websites
to search:,,, ) Search at least 2 different websites to compare prices!
*Round trip flight from Atlanta to _______________________ (Madrid or Barcelona)
Airline company
Price (in dollars) Price x2 (for friend)
*Choose the flight with the best price. Then list specific information about the flight




Flight leaves

Arrives in
Arrives in
Transportation in Spain Once you have arrived in Spain, you will need to decide how
you will get to the other two cities you are planning to visit. Your options are bus, train,
or plane. Based on the distance you will be traveling to get from one city to another,
decide which mode of transportation would be most appropriate. Record transportation
information below. (Buses and trains are GREAT and affordable modes of transportation
in Europe.) Websites to help with your search:
Bus:,, or
Transportation from City #1 ___________________________ to City #2
Mode of transportation Name of company
Price (per person)
Price x2
Transportation from City #2 ___________________________ to City #3
Mode of transportation Name of company
Price (per person)
Price x2

Transportation from City #3 ___________________________ back to City #1

Mode of transportation Name of company
Price (per person)
Price x2

6) Hotel information - Now you will do some research on hotels in each city. Some
good sites for finding hotels are and Do some
price comparisons for each city and check customer reviews. What do people say about
the hotel? Does it have good reviews? Find 1 hotel for each city. Look at the pictures
and detailed information about each hotel. Provide a brief description of each hotel.
Some things you may include in your description: What are some of the amenities
(wireless Internet access? Swimming pool? Restaurant?) Is the hotel in a central location?
Dont spend too much on your hotel! You want a nice, clean place to stay, but you dont
want to overspend so that you will have plenty of money left for activities, food, and
City #1 ________________________
Hotel name:_______________________________ Price per night:____________ x number of
nights staying _____________
Dates you are staying here: From_____________________________ to
City #2 ________________________
Hotel name:_______________________________ Price per night:____________ x number of
nights staying _____________
Dates you are staying here: From_____________________________ to
City #3 ________________________
Hotel name:_______________________________ Price per night:____________ x number of
nights staying _____________
Dates you are staying here: From_____________________________ to

7) Restaurants - You will need to include meal costs in your budget. You will find many
cafs and sandwich shops with reasonable prices, but you may want to eat in a nicer
restaurant a few times. Find a nice restaurant in each city. Then fill in the information
See for an easy way to do a restaurant search. They offer price
ranges for the restaurants.
Restaurant name
Price range
City #1
City #2
City #3
8) City research (things to see and do!) Find at least 3 activities to do/sites to visit in
each city. Give a brief description of each one, telling what is special or significant about
it. Try to find out what the major attractions are in each city You dont want to miss out
on the most important places! (Examples: famous monument or building, museum,
park, castle, outdoor market, cathedral, government building, famous plaza, bullfighting
ring, etc.) List the cost/price of entry to the attraction if applicable/given.
Hint: Use the general travel websites or just Google things to do in _________, Spain.
City #1 ______________________________ *List 3 places to visit and describe the
significance of each one. What will you see there? What is unique about each place?
1. ________________________________________________________ - Cost?
2. ________________________________________________________ - Cost?
3. ________________________________________________________ - Cost?
City #2 ______________________________ *List 3 places to visit and describe the
significance of each one. What will you see there? What is unique about each place?
1. ________________________________________________________ - Cost?

2. ________________________________________________________ - Cost?
3. ________________________________________________________ - Cost?
City #3 ______________________________ *List 3 places to visit and describe the
significance of each one. What will you see there? What is unique about each place?
1. ________________________________________________________ - Cost?
2. ________________________________________________________ - Cost?
3. ________________________________________________________ - Cost?
9) Weather
Find out the average temperature for your first city, Madrid or Barcelona. Search for the
average temperature for the dates/time of year you will be traveling. Compare the
averages to the city where you live.
Madrid or
(circle one)
My city

Avg. low temp.


Avg. low
temp. (C)

Avg. high
temp. (F)

Avg. high
temp. (C)

10) Festivals/Holidays It is always interesting when you travel to find out if there will
be any type of special holiday or festival during your visit. Find information about a
holiday or festival that will take place during the time you are visiting Spain. (If there is
not anything special happening during those particular dates, find something that is
close to those dates.)
Name of holiday/festival/special
Description of the
11) Trip cost Based on the research you have done, try to estimate the overall cost of
your trip.
For some categories, you can go back and record the actual dollar amounts from your
research, but for others, you will need to make your best guess/estimate. Remember that
your budget should include the costs for both you and your friend.

Cost estimate (in US


Round-trip airfare (2 people)

Transportation within Spain (2 people)
(2 people usually already included in price for
1 room)
(Estimate a daily budget for food (breakfast,
lunch, and dinner, including about 3 nice
dinners one in each city.)
Attractions (add any costs you found when
researching places to see/things to do)
Souvenirs (give yourself a little money to buy
a few souvenirs and gifts for family/friends)
TOTAL estimate for cost of trip (in dollars)
$7,000 - ______________________________ = ________________________________
Estimated trip cost
(amount over/under budget)
Rubric (Quiz grade 100 pts)
1. Budget / conversion to
2. Travel dates
3. City selection/outline map

Points earned/possible

4. Airline travel to & from

5. Transportation in Spain
6. Hotel information
7. Restaurants
8. City research
9. Weather
10. Festivals/holidays
11. Budget chart



*Copy/Paste this to a Word document, and delete this sentence*

Travel journal (100 points) Imagine you are on the trip now and you are trying to
record your memories in a travel journal so that you dont forget! Choose one day from
your trip and describe what you did in DETAIL from the time you got up until the time you
went to bed. Write in the past tense at least 14-16 sentences in Spanish. The
information you discuss should correspond with the places you discussed in your travel
research. (date, specific restaurants, activities, etc.) DO NOT use a translator! One point
will be deducted for each grammar mistake.
SET THE LANGUAGE ON WORD TO SPANISH! Click 'tools', 'language...', 'Spanish'
*type travel journal entry here*

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