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Nicholas II: He became czar in 1894, and he was also an absolute ruler just like

many before him.

Industrialization and growth of Revolutionary movements
Bolsheviks they supported a small number of committed
revolutionaries willing to sacrifice everything for change.
Mensheviks they wanted a broad base of popular support for the
Lenin the Major leader of the Bolsheviks was Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov but that is
hard to say so he adopted the name of Lenin. He had an engaging personality and he
was an excellent organizer. Also he was ruthless, with all these traits he would gain
command of the Bolsheviks. To avoid getting arrested he fled to western Europe, while
in Europe he was able to maintain contact with the other Bolsheviks, and he waited till it
was safe to return to Russia.
Revolution of 1905
Russo-Japanese War Japan and Russia both wanted control of
Korea and Manchuria in the late 1800s. They both signed multiple agreements of
the territories but Russia Broke them. Japan did not like that so Japan attacked
the Russians at Port Arthur, Manchuria, in February 1904. News of the attack
spread throughout Russia and the Russians did not like how so many of their
people were dieing and this led to a revolt in the midst of the war.
Bloody Sunday happened on January 22,1905. 200,000 workers
and their familys marched toward the czars winter palace in St. Petersburg, they
had a petition asking for better working conditions and more personal freedom.
Nicholas II ordered his generals to fire on the crowd, more than 1,000 were
wounded and several hundred were killed and the Russians gave it the name
Bloody Sunday.
WWI Russia was brought in to the war by Nicholas II in 1914. Russia was not
prepared to handle all the military and economic costs that came with the war. Russia
had weak generals and not well equipped soldiers which was no match for Germanys
very well equipped and strong generals. Not even a year into the war there was over 4
million russian soldiers that were dead, wounded or prisoners.
Two revolutions
March Revolution - Provisional Government - Alexander Kerensky
The War started in march of 1917, when women textile workers in petrograd led
a citywide strike. Within the next 5 days there were riots over shortages of bread
and fuel. There were about 200,000 workers that swarmed the streets yelling
Down with the autocracy! and Down with the war! The soldiers at first obeyed
orders to shoot the protesters but then later sided with them.
November Revolution also known as The Bolshevik Revolution.
All power to the soviets
Bread, land and peace
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk -unilateral treaty with Germany had shown to many how
weak the Bolsheviks actually were
Trotsky He led the revolution and he commanded the Bolshevik Red Army.
Civil War

White Army- who made up this army? It was mostly made up of

anti-Bolshevik russian, the pro-germany and the allied power and the green
Red Army - who made up this army Men flocked to join the Red
Army - not necessarily because they believed in what the Reds stood for but
because Lenin had ordered that supplies of food went first to soldiers what was
left went to those who lived in the cities.
New name Lenin gives to Russia USSR Union Of Soviet Socialist

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